| The Weymouth Anemone, Actinoloba Dianthus, and the contorted Tube-worm Serpula Contortuplicata | Frontispiece |
FIG. | | PAGE |
1. | A Portion of the Branching Tubular Growth formed by Rhabdopleura Normani | 5 |
2. | One of the Polyps of Rhabdopleura | 7 |
3. | A Piece of the White Branching Coral (Lophohelia prolifera) | 9 |
4. | British Marine Worms or ChÆtopods | 78 |
5. | The Shell of the Heart-urchin (Spatangus purpureus) with its Spines rubbed off | 80 |
6. | British Sea-anemones | 85 |
7. | A Common British Jelly-fish | 94 |
8. | A Common British Jelly-fish | 96 |
9. | The Larval or Young Form of Crustacea known as "the Nauplius" | 105 |
10. | The Common Ship's Barnacle, Lepas anatifera | 109 |
11. | A Large British Sea-acorn, Balanus porcatus | 110 |
12. | Two Stages in the Growth of the Common Barnacle from the Nauplius Stage | 112 |
13. | The Picture of the "Goose Tree," copied from the First Edition of Gerard's "Herbal" | 123 |
14. | Fanciful Designs by MykenÆan Artists, showing Change of the Cuttlefish (Octopus or "Poulpe") into a Bull's Head and other Shapes | 131 |
15. | The Goose and the Barnacle | 133 |
16. | Copy of a Series of Modified Geese painted on an early MykenÆan Pot, figured by M. Perrot | 134 |
17. | Two Drawings on Pottery of Modified Geese, from Perrot's "Ossuaire de CrÈte" | 135 |
18. | Leaves from the Tree, drawn on a MykenÆan Pot | 136 |
19. | Some British Marine Bivalve Molluscs | 144 |
20. | The Two Common Kinds of "Sand-hopper" | 153 |
21. | A Phosphorescent Shrimp (Euphausia pellucida) | 154 |
22. | The Crane-fly (Daddy-Long-Legs), Tipula oleracea | 217 |
23. | Comparison of the Right Half of the Lower Jaw of A, Modern European; B, Eoanthropus from Piltdown; and C, Chimpanzee | 277 |
24. | Diagrams of the Lower Surface of the Lower Jaw of A, Man; B, The Eoanthropus of Piltdown (The Left Half Re-constructed); and C, The Chimpanzee | 283 |
25. | The Piltdown Jaw and the Heidelberg Jaw | 286 |
26. | The Canine Tooth of the Right Side of the Lower Jaw of Eoanthropus Dawsoni | 287 |
27. | Canine Tooth of the Right Side of the Lower Jaw of a European Child, Milk Dentition | 287 |
28. | The Piltdown Jaw (Eoanthropus) | 288 |
29. | Complete Skull and Jaw of Eoanthropus Dawsoni | 290 |
30. | Oh! how light and lovely the air is upon the earth! How beautiful thou art, my earth, my golden, my emerald, my sapphire earth! Who, born to thy heritage would choose to die, would wish to close his eyes upon thy serene beauties and upon thy magnificent spaces?—Feodor Sologub. DIVERSIONS OF A NATURALIST