D., 123 Dillingham, ——, of Plummer’s band, 207, 219; - letter in regard to, 220;
- murder of, 211
Dimsdale, Prof. Thomas J., quoted, 146, 147 Dinan, ——, 521; Dixon, John, 483; Dodge, ——, 207, 208 Donahue, ——, slayer of Patterson, 108, 109 Dorsett, James, 424 Dorsett, Rudolph, 420–423; Dougherty, Patrick, 124–129 Douglas, Camp, 195, 196 Dowdle, William, 533, 534 Durley, Jefferson, 186 “Dutch Fred,” 82; “Dutch John,” of Plummer’s band, 215, 216, 280–284, 286, 315, 349–359; East Bannack, 66, 186 Eaton, Charles, 394 Edgerton, Judge Sidney, 257, 259, 275, 276 Elk City, 20, 36, 66 Ellis, ——, 172 Ely, John, 453 English, David, 45, 59, 60–62; Evans, ——, slayer of Mayfield, 72, 73 Evans, George, murdered by Cleveland, 131 Evanson, ——, 286 Express, pony, 29 Farrell, Tom, 332, 336 “Fat Jack,” 88; Fernandez, Charley, 525–531 Fetherstun, John, Langford, N. P., 123–129, 138, 142, 143, 173, 182, 219, 225–229, 255–265, 451–455, 485–491, 518–520, 524–536 Lannan, Pat, 435–437 Laramie, Fort, 447, 448 Lazarus, Izzy, 435 Le Clair, Michaud, a fur-trader, 116–119 Le Grau, robbery of, 175 Leach, John, slayer of Hanson, 465, 466 Leavitt, Dr., 115, 159, 228 Lewis and Clark Expedition, 492, 493, 540 Lewiston, capital of Idaho, 20, 22, 31–33, 225 “Long John,” see John Franck Lott, John S., 458 Louthen, Frank, 113 Lowry, Chris, 318–330,342–347; Luce, Jason, 242, 243 Luella, steamboat, 503, 513 Lyon, General, killed in battle of Wilson’s Creek, 113 Lyon, Governor, of Oregon, 32, 478, 479 Lyons, Hayes, of Plummer’s band, 179, 207, 208, 210, 211, 216, 219, 315, 376, 380–382; - trial of, 212–214;
- execution of, 383–388
McAdow, P. W., 112, 113 McCausland, ——, 521; McClinchey, Neil, 58 McCormick, 279, 280 McFadden, Daniel, 233, 234–240 McGarry, Major, 533 Turner, ——, of Plummer’s band, 28 Union, Fort, 123, 512 Union League, 225 Union Pacific Railroad, 518 United States Geological Survey, 454 Vail, ——, in charge of Government farm on Sun River, 67, 186 Vigilantes, of Florence, 88, 89; - first real activities of, 291;
- organization of committees, 309, 360, 367;
- of Virginia City, 374;
- justification of, 405, 406;
- mistakes of, 474, 475;
- review of, 537
Virginia City, founding of, 207; Vivion, James, 352 Wagner, John, real name of Dutch John, 280 Wall, Capt., 351 Warner Creek, 20 West Bannack, 66, 186 White, John, 119, 420–423; White Bird Creek, 30, 56 Whitehead, Charles, 259, 260 Wilkinson, ——, 234, 236–240 Williams, Charles, 470 Williams, Frank, 523 Williams, “Jakey,” 71, 72 Willoughby, Bill, 70–72 Wilson, Jack, 297 Winnemuck, chief of the Bannack Indians, 178–180 Wohlgamuth, ——, 534 Wolf Rapid, 497 Woodmansee, ——, 120 Woods, Governor, 407 Wright, Gen., commander of the Department of the Pacific, 343 Wyoming, originally a part of Idaho, 20 Yager, Erastus, “Red,” 269–274, 310–316; Yankton, capital of Dakota, 225 Yellowstone River, 19; - National Park, 19;
- travel on the river, 492–515
Young, Brigham, 262, |