The Progress and Present Position of Russia in the East: an Historical Summary, Preface, p. vi. Progress of Russia in the East: an Historical Summary, p. 153. Progress of Russia in the East: an Historical Summary, p. 159. Letter of John Bright, Esq., M.P. “Now the Principalities have been invaded, not only without any pretence of right, but by the most flagrant violations of all the principles of right, by the armies of Russia. The revenues of the Principalities have been seized, all the private materiel of those countries sequestered, and the inhabitants compelled to join the Russian armies and to make war on their own Sovereign.”—Lord Lyndhurst, in the House of Lords, March 20, 1855. Even weak, vacillating, and Russia-allied Prussia was forced to admit that “a great wrong had been committed.” Progress of Russia in the East: an Historical Summary, pp. 148–49. The Progress of Russia in the East: an Historical Summary. Preface, pp. v. and vi. The above abstract is made from Mr. Arrowsmith’s valuable map, accompanying the pamphlet, “The Progress of Russia in the East; an Historical Summary.” |