HOW BRAVE WALTER HUNTED WOLVES THE RICH BROTHER AND THE POOR BROTHER THE GROAC'H OF THE ISLE OF LOK THE FAIRY BOOK SERIES EDITED BY ANDREW LANG Crown 8vo. gilt edges THE BLUE FAIRY BOOK. With 138 Illustrations. $2.00. THE RED FAIRY BOOK. With 100 Illustrations. $2.00. THE GREEN FAIRY BOOK. With 101 Illustrations. $2.00. THE GREY FAIRY BOOK. With 65 Illustrations. $2.00. THE YELLOW FAIRY BOOK. With 104 Illustrations. $2.00. THE PINK FAIRY BOOK. With 67 Illustrations. $2.00. THE BLUE POETRY BOOK. With 100 Illustrations. $2.00. THE TRUE STORY BOOK. With 66 Illustrations. $2.00. THE RED TRUE STORY BOOK. With 100 Illustrations. $2.00. THE ANIMAL STORY BOOK. With 67 Illustrations. $2.00. THE RED BOOK OF ANIMAL STORIES. With 65 Illustrations. $2.00. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS. With 66 Illustrations. $2.00. THE VIOLET FAIRY BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 54 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE CRIMSON FAIRY BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 43 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE BROWN FAIRY BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 42 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE OLIVE FAIRY BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 43 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE ORANGE FAIRY BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 50 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE BOOK OF ROMANCE. With 8 Coloured Plates and 44 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE RED ROMANCE BOOK. With 8 Coloured Plates and 44 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE BOOK OF PRINCES AND PRINCESSES. By Mrs. Lang. With 8 Coloured Plates and 43 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE RED BOOK OF HEROES. By Mrs. Lang. With 8 Coloured Plates and 40 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. THE LILAC FAIRY BOOK. With 6 Coloured Plates and 46 other Illustrations. Net $1.60. By mail $1.75. TALES OF TROY AND GREECE. By Andrew Lang. With 17 Illustrations by H. J. Ford, and a Map. Crown 8vo. Net $1.50. By mail $1.62. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., NEW YORK How the King found the girl playing at ball in the orchard. "How the King found the girl playing at ball in the orchard." THE |