| PAGE |
A Scot to Jeanne d’Arc | 1 |
How they held the Bass for King James—1691–1693 | 4 |
Three portraits of Prince Charles | 11 |
From Omar Khayyam | 14 |
Æsop | 16 |
Les Roses de SÂdi | 18 |
The Haunted Tower | 19 |
Boat-song | 22 |
Lost Love | 24 |
The Promise of Helen | 26 |
The Restoration of Romance | 27 |
Central American Antiquities | 30 |
On Calais Sands | 32 |
Ballade of Yule | 34 |
Poscimur | 36 |
On his Dead Sea-Mew | 38 |
From Meleager | 39 |
On the Garland Sent to Rhodocleia | 40 |
A Galloway Garland | 41 |
Celia’s Eyes | 43 |
Britannia | 44 |
Gallia | 45 |
The Fairy Minister | 46 |
To Robert Louis Stevenson | 48 |
For Mark Twain’s Jubilee | 50 |
Poems Written under the Influence of Wordsworth |
Mist | 55 |
Lines | 56 |
Lines | 58 |
Ode to Golf | 60 |
Freshman’s Term | 62 |
A Toast | 64 |
Death in June | 66 |
To Correspondents | 68 |
Ballade of Difficult Rhymes | 70 |
Ballant o’ Ballantrae | 72 |
Song by the Sub-Conscious Self | 74 |
The Haunted Homes of England | 75 |
The Disappointment | 77 |
To the Gentle Reader | 80 |
The Sonnet | 84 |
The Tournay of the Heroes | 85 |
Ballad of the Philanthropist | 91 |
Neiges d’Antan |
In Ercildoune | 97 |
For a Rose’s Sake | 100 |
The Brigand’s Grave | 102 |
The New-Liveried Year | 104 |
More Strong than Death | 105 |
Silentia Lunae | 107 |
His Lady’s Tomb | 108 |
The Poet’s Apology | 109 |
Notes | 115 |