Macmillan & Co. To the present writer, as to others, The Lover’s Tale appeared to be imitative of Shelley, but if Tennyson had never read Shelley, cadit quÆstio. F. W. H. Myers, Science and a Future Life, p. 133. The writer knew this edition before he knew Tennyson’s poems. The author of the spiteful letters was an unpublished anonymous person. The Lennox MSS. Spencer and Gillen, Natives of Central Australia, pp. 388, 389. Tennyson, Ruskin, and Mill, pp. 11, 12. Life, p. 37, 1899. Poem omitted from In Memoriam. Life, p. 257, 1899. Mr Harrison, Tennyson, Ruskin, and Mill, p. 5. The English reader may consult Mr Rhys’s The Arthurian Legend, Oxford, 1891, and Mr Nutt’s Studies of the Legend of the Holy Grail, which will direct him to other authorities and sources. I have summarised, with omissions, Miss Jessie L. Watson’s sketch in King Arthur and his Knights. Nutt, 1899. The learning of the subject is enormous; Dr Sommer’s Le Mort d’Arthur, the second volume may be consulted. Nutt, 1899. Βέλενος and Βήληνος. He is referred to in inscriptions, e.g. Berlin, Corpus, iii. 4774, V. 732, 733, 1829, 2143–46; xii. 405. See also Ausonius (Leipsic, 1886, pp. 52, 59), cited by Rhys, The Arthurian Legend p. 159, note 4. Brebeuf; Relations des JÉsuites, 1636, pp. 100–102. Malory, xviii. 8 et seq. Notices et Extraits des MSS. de la BibliothÈque ImpÉriale, I. xix. pp. 643–645. See the Life, 1899, p. 521.