| PAGE | Introduction | ix | Sir Patrick Spens | 1 | Battle of Otterbourne | 5 | Tam Lin | 10 | Thomas the Rhymer | 16 | “Sir Hugh; or the Jew’s Daughter” | 19 | Son Davie! Son Davie! | 22 | The Wife of Usher’s Well | 24 | The Twa Corbies | 26 | The Bonnie Earl Moray | 27 | Clerk Saunders | 30 | Waly, Waly | 35 | Love Gregor; or, the Lass of Lochroyan | 37 | The Queen’s Marie | 41 | Kinmont Willie | 45 | Jamie Telfer | 52 | The Douglas Tragedy | 59 | The Bonny Hind | 62 | Young Bicham | 65 | The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman | 69 | The Bonnie House o’ Airly | 73 | Rob Roy | 75 | The Battle of Killie-Crankie | 77 | Annan Water | 79 | The Elphin Nourrice | 81 | Cospatrick | 82 | Johnnie Armstrang | 87 | Edom o’ Gordon | 92 | Lady Anne Bothwell’s Lament | 98 | Jock o the Side | 101 | Lord Thomas and Fair Annet | 107 | Fair Annie | 111 | The Dowie Dens of Yarrow | 116 | Sir Roland | 119 | Rose the Red and White Lily | 123 | The Battle of Harlaw—Evergreen Version | 131 | Traditionary Version | 138 | Dickie Macphalion | 142 | A Lyke-Wake Dirge | 143 | The Laird of Waristoun | 145 | May Colven | 147 | Johnie Faa | 150 | Hobbie Noble | 152 | The Twa Sisters | 157 | Mary Ambree | 160 | Alison Gross | 165 | The Heir of Lynne | 167 | Gordon of Brackley | 172 | Edward, Edward | 175 | Young Benjie | 177 | Auld Maitland | 180 | The Broomfield Hill | 189 | Willie’s Ladye | 193 | Robin Hood and the Monk | 196 | Robin Hood and the Potter | 209 | Robin Hood and the Butcher | 221 | Notes | 227 |