Aa?shÀ, El- (poet), 155
Aa?war, El- (son of Satan), 33
´Abd-El-K?Ádir El-JeelÁnee (saint), 50, n.
´Abd-El-Melik (Khaleefeh, A.D. 685-705), 113, 114, 156, 168
Abel, 92
Ablutions, 11
—— before meals, 136
Abodes of the Jinn (Genii), 37, 104
Aboo-Bekr Et?-T?oosee (theologian), 73
Aboo-Murrah (surname of Satan), 31
Aboo-Zeyd, romance of, 127
Abraham, 2, 93
Abstinence, 14
Abu-l-´AtÁhiyeh (poet), 114, 115
Abu-l-Ghimr (surname of Satan), 31
Abu-l-K?Ásim El-JeelÁnee, 55
Abyssinian slaves, 250, 253, 254
Accomplishments, 205, 239
´Ad, ancient tribe of, 105, 265
Adam, 2
AdÁn (call to prayer), 11, 186
Adhriyoon (anemone), 166, n.
´Adid, El-, (FÁt?imee Khaleefeh, A.D. 1160-1171), 216, n.
Adultery, 17
Agathodaemon, 39
Ah?mad El-Bedawee (saint), 50, n., 62, 63, 72
Ah?mad RifÁ´ah (saint), 50, n.
Ah?medeeyeh darweeshes, 50, n.
´AÏsheh (wife of Moh?ammad), 34, 239
´Ajameeyeh (a sweet paste), 23
´Ajweh (pressed dates), 160
´Ak?eek?ah (victim), 191
Alchymy, 94
´Alee, 266
´Alee's wives, 222
´Alee El-Bekree (saint), 65-69
´Alee ibn-El-Ma-moon, 53
´Alee El-Leythee (saint), 60-63
´Alk?amah, 45
AllÁh (God), 133
AllÁhu Akbar! (God is Great!), 37
Almond, 161, 167
Almsgiving, 14, 23
Aloes-wood, 157
Ambassadors of Constantine VII., 121
Ambergris, 157
Ammooneh (female saint), 65-67
Amphora, 158
Amputation for theft, 17, 20, 21
Amulets, 85
Analysis of Arabian beauty, 215
Anemone, 166
Angel of Death, 90
Angel who bears the earth, 106
Angels, 2, 25, 26
——, fallen, 82
´AnnÁb (jujube), 161, n.
´Antarah, romance of, 127
Antechamber of bath, 180
Antelope hunting, 183-185
Apartments, 145
Apostasy, 18
Apostles, 2
Apostolic angels, 26
Apple, 161
Apricot, 161
Arabs, early, 109-112
´ArafÁt, Mount, 14, 21, 39
Arba´een, El- (fortieth day after funeral), 263
Archangels, 26
Arms, 183
´Arsh Er-Rah?mÁn (Throne of the Compassionate), 99
´Arsh Iblees, 102
Ás (myrtle), 165
Asaf (Wezeer of Solomon), 40, 81
Ascension of Moh?ammad into Heaven, 164
Asceticism, 53, 55-59
As?h?Áb ed-Darak (overseers), 48
´Ask?alÁn, 141
Asma´ee, El- (poet), 114, 124-126
´Asr (afternoon prayer), 11
Ass of Umm ´Amr, 213
——, wild, hunting the, 185
Astrology, 84, n., 86, 237
Atlantic Ocean, 102
Auguration, 86, 87
Author made a darweesh, 62
´AzÁzeel (the youthful Satan), 30, 31
Azhar (the university mosque in Cairo), 50
´Azraeel (Angel of Death), 26, 33, 90
BÁbil (Babel), 82
BaghdÁd, literary period at, 112, 114
Bahamoot (the fish that bears the earth), 107
BahÁr (buphthalmum), 167, n.
Bah?r el-Moh?eet?, El- (Circumambient Ocean), 100, 102
Bah?r el-Muzlim, El- (Atlantic Ocean), 102
Bah?r ez?-Z?ulumÁt, or ez?-Z?ulmeh (Sea of Darkness, i.e. Atlantic Ocean), 102
Bakhteree, El- (poet), 118
BÁk?illÀ (beanflower), 167, n.
BÁn (willow), 167, n.
Banana, 161
Banquets, public, 139-141
BarÁhimeh darweeshes, 50, n.
Barahoot, well of, 264, 266
BÁrih? (inauguration), 87
Bark?ook? (plum), 161, n.
Barmekees (Barmecides), 115
Basil, sweet, 24, 167
Basket-making saint, 52
Bas?rah, owl of El-, 114
Bath, 179-183
—— spirits, 37, 38
BÁt?iyeh (jar), 158
Bat?t?ah (leather bottle), 158
Bat?t?eekh (water-melon), 160
Battues, 184
Bat-winged Jinn, 46
Beanflower, 167
Beasts, language of, 133
Beauty, Arab ideal of, 213-216
Bedawee, El-, 50, n.
——, poetic, 116
——, love of the, 211-213
Beer, 149
Behaviour, 198, 199
Behemoth, 107
Bekree, El- (saint), 65-69
Belah? (date), 159
Benefsej (violet), 165
Beshneen (lotus), 167, n.
Betrothal, 230, 231
Betrother, professional, 225
Beverages, 142
Beyt-owwal (antechamber), 180
Biers, 258, n.
Birds, language of, 133
Birth, ceremonies attending, 186-192
Bisected Jinn, 45
Bit?t?eekh (water-melon), 160
Blacks, country of the, 102
Blood, 15
Blood-revenge, 19
Blood-wit, 18, 35
Books, destruction of, 54
Boots, 169, n.
Boozeh (beer), 149
Bottles, leather and glass, 158
Bout of wine, 159
Bow, 183
Brandy, 154, 157
Bread and salt, 144
Breeding, good, 198, 199
Bridal ceremonies, 232-238
Bridegroom's ceremonies, 236, 237
Buffalo sacrificed at funerals, 261
Bull who bears the earth, 106
Bunduk? (hazel-nut), 161, n.
Buphthalmum, 167
BurÁk, El- (the miraculous beast), 164
Burckhardt, criticism of, 208, n.
Burial, 258-262
Burk?o´ (face-veil), 225, n.
Burning the dead, 117
Burtuk?Án (orange), 161 n.
Butchering, 15
Cain, 92
Cakes, 23
Call to prayer, 11, 12
Camel's flesh, 15
Camp, rules of hospitality, 143
Cannibal Jinn, 41-44
Carouse, 159
Carpet, 146
Carving, 147
Cask, 158
Ceiling, 147
Censer, 157
Centre of earth, 101
Ceremonies attending death, 258, ff.
Chamomile, 167
Chant of MuËddin, 11, 12
—— of the Zikr, 75, 76
Character, national, 205
Charity, 14, 15, 54
Charms, 6, 8, 82, 193
Childhood and education, 186-206
China, 44, 46, 102
Chiromancy, 87
Chrysolite, green, 104
Circassian slaves, 249
Circumcision, 15, 192, 200
Cities, immorality of European, 243
Citron, 161
Civet, 157
Civil laws, 16, 17
Clean and unclean food, 141
Clogs, 180
Clothes, 16
Cock, cry of, 133
Code of IslÁm, 1
Coffee, 150
Coffee-seller, 235
Coffee, white (brandy), 154
Coiffure, 216-218
Concubines, 17, 119, 124, 209, 222, 227, 247, 250-257
Congress, literary, 109
Coral, 218
Corpse, treatment of, 258, 259
Correspondence of Muslims, 127
Corrupt dialect, 113
Cosmography, 97-108
Couch, 139
Cousins' marriages, 227
Creation of Jinn, 26-29
Creed, 1-10
Cremation, 117
Cressets, 236
Crier, 11
Cries of birds, 133, 134
Criminal law, 17-21
Crocus, 167
Crops of birds, 10
Fat?eerehs (pancakes), 235
Father and sons, 194, 195
FÁtih?ah, 24, 62, 74, 229, 230
FÁt?imee Khaleefehs, A.D. 909-1171, 139
FÁt?imeh (daughter of Moh?ammad), 186, 222, 228
Feasting and merrymaking, 135-185
Feasts, public, 139-141
Female education, 204, 205
Festivals, 14, 15, 21-
—— of saints, 71, 72
Fig, 161
Fig wine, 149
Filial respect, 194
Fines, 18
Fire, smokeless, 27, 28
Fire-eating saints, 49
Fish that bears the world, 107
Flax, 167
Flowers, 161-167
—— for graves, 24
Fly-whisks, 159
Food, 137
—— manner of eating, 242, n.
—— clean and unclean, 15, 141
Forms of the Jinn, 34-36
FormulÆ of faith, 1
Fortune-telling, 85
Fountain, 145, 180
—— of Life, 138
—— of Paradise, 239
Freethinkers, 28
Freewill, 5
Friday prayers, 12
Fruits, 159
Funerals, 260 ff.
Furniture, 146
——, bridal, 230
Fustuk? (pistachio-nut), 161, n.
Gabriel, 26
Gait of women, 178, 219
Galen, 166
Galla slaves, 253
Gallantry, affairs of, 220
Game, 183-185
Gaming, 15
Gardens of Rest, of Eternity, of Delight, of Paradise, and of Eden (or Perpetual Abode), third to seventh stages of Paradise, 99
Gazelle hunting, 183-185
Genii, 2, 25-46
Geography, Arab, 101-104
Geomancy, 38, 86, n.
George, St., 103
Georgian slaves, 249
Ghareeb (a slave poetess), 256
GharrÁr (species of Jinn), 43, 44
GhÁzool el-azrÁr (a plant), 130, n.
Ghools, 41-43, 104
GhÓs, El- (chief saint), 48
GhowwÁs?ah, El- (diving Jinn), 44
Gilding, 147
Gilliflower, 166
Glass bottles, jugs, and cups, 158
Glass, coloured, 147
Gluttony, 141
Goat, sacrifice of, 191
God, 2
Gog and Magog, 101, 102, 104
Gold and silver ornaments, 16
Goose, wild, hawking, 183
Gospels, 3
Gourmets, 141
Grape, 161
Grave, 262
—— clothes, 259
—— stones, 261
—— visiting, 23, 69-71, 263
Grouse, hawking, 183
Guard, 254
Guardian angels, 26
—— genius, 38, 39
Guests, 143
H?abarah (kind of veil), 225, n.
H?abbÁbeh (Yezeed's slave-girl), 209
HÁbeel (Abel), 92
Habitations of the Jinn, 37
H?adeed (iron), 36
Had?ramÓt (province), 45, 264, 266
Hagiology, 47-79
Hair-dressing, 216-218
Hair, sign of submission, 216, n.
H?Ájj (pilgrimage), 14
H?alk?at es?-s?eyd (circle of the chase), 184
Hall, 147
Ham, 86, n.
Hambelees (Muslim sect), 1
H?ammÁd Er-RÁwiyeh (poet), 118-120
HammÁm (bath), 179-183
H?anafee quarter in Cairo, 88
H?anafees (sect), 1, 20
H?arÁreh (chief room in bath), 180
Hare, 183
H?areem (women's apartments), 194
—— employments, 238, 239
H?Árith, El- (surname of Satan), 31
HÁroon Er-Rasheed (Khaleefeh, A.D. 786-809), 114-117, 169, 171, 172, 210, 256
HÁroot and MÁroot, 82, 83
H?asan, El- (grandson of Moh?ammad), 186
H?ashr (formula of faith), 198
Hat, sugarloaf, 169
Hawking, 183
Hazel-nut, 161
Heavens, the seven, 97
Heirs, 17
Hell, 105, 108
Hemp, 149, 150
HennÀ, 215, 234
Heresy, 1
Hermes Trismegistus, 86, n.
Heroic age of literature, 109-111
HijÁr, 160
Hind, El- (India), 45, 102
Hippocrates, 167
HishÁm (Khaleefeh, A.D. 724-743), 118-120
H?obak? (sweet basil), 167, n.
Holiday meetings, 22
Homicide, 18
Honour, place of, 146
Hood, 93
Horoscope, 237
Hospitality, 143
Houses, Arab, 145
Hunting, 183-185
Iblees (Satan), 2, 27, 28, 30-33, 38, 105
IbrÁheem (Abraham), 103
IbrÁheem Ed-DÁsook?ee, 50, n.
IbrÁheem El-KhowwÁs? (saint), 51
IbrÁheem El-MÓs?ilee (poet), 169-172
IbrÁheem ibn-El-Mahdee (poet), 176
Ibreek? (ewer), 119, 158
Ibn-´Obeyd El-Bakhteree (poet), 118
Idrees, 86, n.
IjjÁs (plum), 161, n.
Ik?Ámeh (form of praise), 186, n.
´Ilm en-Nujoom (astrology), 86
´Ilwee, or high, magic, 81
IlyÁs (Elias), 49, 103
Images, 15
ImÁm (minister), 12
Improvisation, 203
Incarnations of Jinn, 34-36
Incense, 157
India, 46, 102
Infants, 186-192
—— in Paradise, 196-198
Infatuation, 213
Infidels, distinguishing marks, 183
Inheritance, 17
Initiation of a darweesh, 62
Ins (mankind), 25
Insanity, 60
In shÁa-llÁh (If it be the will of God), 61
Inspector of markets, 158, n.
Intemperance, 151-157
Intercession of saints, 4
Interpretation of dreams, 88
Intoxication, 18
——, penalty of, 155
Invocations, 38, 39, 81, 82, 84
Ish?Ák? El-MÓs?ilee (poet), 169, 171, 172
IslÁm, 1-24
Ism el-Aa?z?am, El- (the most great name of God), 81
IsrÁfeel (blower of Last Trump), 26
IzÁr (veil), 225, n.
Jaa?far El-Barmekee, 115, 117, 256
Jaa?far KÁshif, 67
Jabart, 50
Jabartee's mother, El-, 246-248
JÁbeh (Java), 45
Jahennem (Hell), 105, 108
JÁm (empty cup), 159
JÁnn (i.q. Jinn), 27 ff.
—— ibn-JÁnn, 29
Jar, 158
e, 167
Java, 45
Jebraeel (Gabriel), 26
JeelÁnee, El-, 50, n.
Jemmeyz (sycamore-fig), 161, n.
Jennet ´Adn (Garden of Eden, seventh stage of Paradise), 99
Jennet el-FirdÓs (Garden of Paradise, its sixth stage), 99
Jennet el-Khuld (Garden of Eternity, fourth stage of Paradise), 99
Jennet el-Ma-wÀ (Garden of Rest, third stage of Paradise), 99
Jennet en-Na´eem (Garden of Delight, fifth stage of Paradise), 99
Jerusalem, 101
——, Temple of, 40
Jesus, 2
Jewish and Muslim social systems, 242
Jibreel (Gabriel), 26
Jinn (Genii), 2, 25-46
—— abode of, 37, 104
Jinnee (singular of Jinn), 25
Jinneeyeh wife, 36
Job, 93
Jonas, 92
Joseph, 92
JÓz (walnut), 161, n.
Judgment, 3
—— day, 108
Jug, 158
Jugglers, 24, 235
Jujube, 161
JullanÁr, or JulnÁr (pomegranate flower), 167, n.
Jum´at el-Arba´een (the Friday forty days after funeral), 263
JummÁr (pith of palm), 160
Jummeyz (sycamore-fig), 161, n.
Kaa?b El-Ah?bar, sayings of, 206
Kaa?beh (temple at Mekkeh), 48
K?Á´ah (hall or saloon), 147
K?Ábeel (Cain), 92
K?ad?À, El- (fate), 3
K?ad?À el-moh?kam, El- (absolute fate), 3, 4
K?ad?À el-mubram, El- (alterable fate), 3, 4
K?adah? (empty cup), 159
K?adar, El-, (destiny), 3
K?Ádee (judge), 67, 151, 229, 230
K?Ádireeyeh darweeshes, 59, n.
K?Áf, mountains of, 37, 100, 104
KÁfoor, El-Ikhsheedee, Governor of Egypt, 131
KafrÁwee, El-, 95
K?aft?Án (long vest), 259
Kah?k (cake), 23
K?ahweh (coffee), 151
K?ahwejee (coffee-seller), 235
K?alensuweh (sugarloaf hat), 169
KarÁmeh (saint's miracle), 49
KÁs (full cup), 265, n.
MarwÁn (Governor of Medeeneh), 211, 212
Masks, 111
Mas?yedehs (enclosures for battues), 184
Mat, 146
Mattress, 146
Meals, 135 ff.
Mea?rÁj (ascension into Heaven), 146
Meats, clean and unclean, 15, 141
Meded (support), 76
Medicines, 6, 8
Meekaeel or MeekÁl (Michael), 26
Mejzoob (lunatic), 65, 67
Mekkeh, 12, 14, 21, 39,
101, 247
Melek (angel), 25
Memlooks (male white slaves), 254
MenÁrehs, street of the, 123
Menfooh?ah (in YemÁmeh), 155
Menou, General, 64
Mensej (embroidery frame), 239
Menthoor (gilliflower), 166
Meshoom (unlucky), 36
Meslemeh (Yezeed's brother), 209
Meslakh (disrobing room in bath), 180
Michael, 26
Middle Age of Arab literature, 112
Midwife, 187
Minaret, 11, 12
MinÈ, Valley of, 21
Minister, 12
Miracles of saints, 49-52
Mirwah?ah (fan), 130
Mishmish (apricot), 161
MizmÁr (a musical pipe), 38
Moa?jizeh (prophet's miracle), 49
Moa?tad?id, El- (Khaleefeh, A.D. 892-902), 158
Moa?tas?im, El- (Khaleefeh, A.D. 833-842), 256
Moa?tezileh (freethinkers), 28
Mo´Áwiyeh (Khaleefeh, A.D. 661-680), 210-213
Moderation in wine, 154
Moh?ammad the Prophet, 2
—— sayings of. See index of authors, under K?ur-Án and MishkÁt
Moh?ammad, praise of, 75
Moh?ammad ´Alee's funeral, 261, n.
Moh?ammad El-Ashwam (a Tunisian saint), 50
Moh?ammad Ibn-Et?-T?eiyib (dyer of Baghdad), 224
Mohammadanism, 1-24
Moh?eet? (circumambient ocean), 102
Moh?tesib (inspector), 158, n.
Mole, a beauty spot, 214
Monogamy, 223, n.
Monopoly, 17
Moolids, or MÓlids (saints' festivals), 71, 72
Moral laws, 10-16
Mosaic legislation, 242
Moses, 2
MÓs?il, owl of El-, 114
Mosque, 12, 21
—— teaching, 202
Mourning, 258
—— colour, 261
MÓz (banana), 161
Muballigh (transmitter, at public prayers), 111
MuËddin (crier), 11, 12, 38
——, Devil's, 168
Mugheyreh ibn-Shea?beh, 223
MujÁhid, adventure of, 83
MukhÁrik? (a singer), 171-175
Muk?tedir, El-, (Khaleefeh, A.D. 908-932), 121, 201
Mulberry, 161
MunÁdee, El-, (saint), 62
Munkir (angel who examines the dead), 26, 262
Munshids (singers of odes), 71, 74
Murder, 17, 18
Mus?h?af (copy of the K?ur-Án), 16, n.
Music, Arab, 15, 167-176, 178, 179
—— of the Zikr, 75, 76
Musical parties, 174
Musician's fees, 157
Mus?t?afÀ El-MunÁdee (saint), 62
Mutanebbee, El-, (poet), 131-133
Mutawekkil, El-, (Khaleefeh, A.D. 847-861), 45, 161
Mutilation, 20
Muweshshah? (ode), 76
Myrtle, 165
Mythology, 25-46
Nabk? (lote), 161, n.
Naked saints, 63
Nak?eeb, 50
Nakhleh (near Mekkeh), 110
NÁkir (i.q. Munkir), 26
Name, assumed, 153, n.
——, the Most Great, 81
Naming a child, 189, 190
Napkin, 159
NÁrahs (Persian Jinn), 27
Narcissus, 166
Narcotics, 149, 150
NÁrinj (Seville orange), 161, n.
Narjis (narcissus), 166
Narseen (myrtle), 165
Nas?eeb (a slave), 156
National character, 205
Natural magic, 93
Nebboot (long staff), 65
Nebeedh (new wine), 148, 149
Nedeem (cup companion), 172
Needlework, 204
NeelÓfar (Nenuphar), 167, n.
Negro slaves, 250, 253
Nekeer (angel who examines the dead), 26, 262
NemÁm (wild thyme), 167, n.
Nenuphar, 167
NesnÁs (species of Jinn), 45, 46
Nets in hunting, 184
Niche, 12
Nikh? (I accept), 224
Nimrod, 93
Nisreen (eglantine), 167, n.
Noah, 2
Noa?mÁn (blood), 166, n.
Noa?mÁn Ibn-El-Mundhir (King of El-H?eereh), 166
Noor-ed-deen Mah?mood (Sult?Án of Syria), 216, n.
Nuk?l (fruits), 159
Nuk?uldÁns (saucers), 159
Numrood (Nimrod), 93
Nuts, 161
Oaths, 16, n.
Obeisance, degrees of, 119, n.
Ocean, circumambient, 100, 102
Odes, 68, 76
—— singers of, 72, 74, 236
Odium irrevocabile, 241, n.
´OkÁd?h, fair of, 109-111
Olive, 161
´OmÁn, Sea of (Persian Gulf), 44
´Omar (Khaleefeh, A.D. 634-644), on women, 42, 219
Omens, 87
Oneromancy, 88-92
´OnnÁb (jujube), 161, n.
´Ood, El-, (lute), 178
Opium, 93, 96, 149
Orange, 161
Orders of Darweeshes, 48
Ornaments, 16
Orthodox theology, 1
´Os?fur (safflower), 167, n.
´OthmÁn (Khaleefeh, A.D. 644-656), 255
Outwitting a king, 124-126
Pages, 253
Palm, praise of, 160
Palm-branch, 23
Palm-tree fibre, 181
Pancakes, 235
Panels, 147
Paradise, 98, 99
Parents and children, 192
Parrot, talking, 134
Partridge, hawking, 183
Pavilion, royal, 119
Peach, 161
Peacock of the angels (surname of Satan), 31
Pear, 161
Pentateuch, 3
Perees (fairies), 27
Perfumes, 93, 157
Persia, dress of the King of, 123
Persian sect, 1
Pharaoh, 93
Pictures, 15
Pie, a famous, 138, 139
Pigeon, cry of, 133
Pilgrimage, 14
Pillar spirits, 29
Pints, 159
Pistachio-nut, 161
Pitch for curing wine, 158
Plague, 10
—— a dream of the Great, 88-92
Platform, 13
Pleiades, 87
Plum, 161
Plunging Jinn, 44
Plurality of wives, 222
Poems, examples, 115, 116
Poetic contests, 110
Poetry, 109-134, 203
Polygamy, 221, 240-248
Pomegranates, 161, 167
Poppy, 167
Potations, interrupted, 153
Psalms, 3
Prayers, 8, 11-14, 22
—— call to, 11, 12
Preadamite Jinn, 29, 40
Predestination, 3-10
Pre-islamic Arabs, 109-112
Presents, 116-120
Preserved tablet, 5
Price of blood, 18, 35
Privet, Egyptian, 165
Procession, bridal, 233-236
Prophets, 2, 29
Proverb, 133, 134, 245, n.
Ptolemy, 99
Pulpit, 13
Punishments, 3
Purifications, 11
Pyramid builders, 29
Quail, hawking, 183
Quarantine, 10
Quince, 161
RabÁb (viol), 178
Rabeea? eth-ThÁnee (the fourth month of the Muslim year), 65
Rah?mÁnee or divine magic, 81, 82
RaÏj, Island in Chinese sea, 46
Raisin-wine, 149
Ram, sacrifice of, 191
Ramad?Án (month of fasting), 14, 21, 39, 41
Rasheed, Er-., See HÁroon.
RÁwiyeh (reciter), 118
Recording angels, 26
Reeh?Án (sweet basil), 167, n.
Rek´ah (form of Prayer), 11-13, 22, 237
Religion, 1-24
Religious excitement, 77
Resurrection, 3
Retaliation, 19
Revenants, 265, 266
Rewards of literature, 116-120, 171, 172 ff.
RifÁ´eeyeh darweeshes, 50, n.
Ringdove, cry of, 133
Ring signature, 128
Ritual laws, 10-16
RiwÁk? (division in the Azhar), 50
Robber thwarted, 144
Rock of ruby beneath the earth, 106
Romances, 127
Rooh?Ánee or spiritual magic, 81-93
Room in Arab house, 145
Rose, 161-165
—— miraculous, 163, 164
—— preserved, 163
—— beds, 161
Sugarloaf hat, 169
Sukkar nebÁt (sugar-candy),140
Sword, 183
—— at prayers, 13
Swine's flesh, 15
Sycamore-fig, 161
Table, 135, 136, 140
T?Áif, Et?-, (near Mekkeh), 110
T?alsam (talisman), 38, 39, 84, n.
Tambourine, 205, 258
T?ant?À Festival, 72
T?ant?Áwee, Et?-, Sheykh, 88, 238
TÁoos (Peacock: surname of Satan), 31
TÁr (tambourine), 205
T?arboosh (skull cap), 218, n.
Tattooing, 38, n.
Teen (fig), 161, n.
Teer (son of Satan), 33
TefÁul, Et-, (augury), 87
Temer el-h?ennÀ (privet), 165, n.
Terrae incognitae, 102
Theft, 17, 20
Throne of the Compassionate, 99
—— of Iblees, 102
—— verse, 198
ThureiyÀ (cluster of lamps), 87
Thyme, wild, 167
Tides caused by Bull KuyootÀ, 107
TiffÁh? (apple), 161, n.
TihÁmeh (in Western Arabia), 44
Tiles, 145
Tobacco, 150
T?Ók? (collar), 117
Tomb, 262
—— of saints, 69
—— visits to, 23, 69-71
T?oosee, Et-, (theologian), 73
Toot (mulberry), 161, n.
Topers, royal, 152
TowwÁb (propitious), 133
Trade, learning a, 199
Trades, 235, 236
Tramp, Last, 26, 262
TuffÁh? (apple), 161
Tuition, 202
Turunj (lemon), 161, n.
Uk?h?owÁn (chamomile), 167, n.
´UlamÀ (sheykhs or doctors of the law), 64
´UlamÀ's dictum on saints, 64
Umm-´Amr and her ass, 213
Umm-KhÁrijeh, 224
Universe, Arab notions of, 97-108
Unveiling the bride, 237
Usury, 17
Utrujj (lemon), 161, n.
Vault, 262
Veil, 111, 225, n.
—— disuse of, 177
—— of Heaven, 99
Vendetta, 19, 110
Verse, 203
Vessel for wine, 158
Viol, 178
Violet, 165
—— sherbet, 165
Virtues, 15, 16, 220
Visits to the tombs, 23, 69, 263
Vulgarisms, 113
WahhÁbee women, 225, n.
Wailing, 258, 262
Wa-llÁhi-l-´Az?eem! (By God the Great!), 16, n.
Walls, 147
Walnut, 161
Ward (rose), 161-165
Warning of death, 88
Washing, 11
—— before meals, 136
—— the dead, 258
Water-bottles, 188, n.
Water-melon, 159, 160
Waterspout spirits, 37
Weapons, 183
Weaving, 205, 238
Wedding ceremonies, 232-238
—— propitious months for, 230
Weleed, El-, (Khaleefeh, A.D. 705-715), 112, 118
Welees (saints), 47-79
Weleeyeh (female saint), 66
Well of BÁbil, 83
—— spirits, 37
Weshm (tattooing), 38, n.
Whirlwind spirits, 36
White coffee (brandy), 154
Wickedness of women, 219
Widows, objections to, 228
Wife, advice of, 219
—— choice of, 224
—— duties of, 238, 239
—— fellow-, 245, n.
—— of the Jinn, 36
—— qualifications of, 227-229
WilÁyeh (saintship), 57, 62
Willow (oriental), 167
Windows, 147
Wine, 15, 148-159
——, Book of, 151
Witnesses to a marriage, 229
Wives, 207-248
—— love between two, 246-248
—— plurality of, 222, 223
Women, 207-248
—— in Hell, 219
—— position of, 240-248
—— wickedness of, 219
World, Arab notions of, 97-108
Wud?oo (ablution), 11
Yaa?k?oob Es?-S?affÁree, 144
YÁjooj and MÁjooj, 101, 102, 104
YÁsameen (jasmine), 167, n.
YÁ-Seen (= Y. S.; title of 36th chapter of K?ur-Án), 24
Yemen, El-, (South Arabia), 44, 45
Yezeed (Khaleefeh, A.D. 720-724), 208-210
YÓm es-Subooa? (7th day after birth), 187-189
Yoonus (Jonas), 92
Yoosuf (Joseph), 92, 204
——, the Prophet of the Jinn, 29
Yoosuf Bey, 95
Zaa?farÁn (crocus or saffron), 167, n.
Zacharias, 93
Z?Áhir, romance of Ez?-, 127
Zahr or Zahr-NÁrinj (Seville orange-flower), 167, n.
Zebeeb (raisin wine), 149
ZekÁh (alms), 14
ZekeriyÀ (Zacharias), 93
ZeleekhÁ, 248
—— (Potiphar's wife), 204
Zelemboor (son of Satan), 33
Zemzem, will of, 264
Zeyn el-´Ábideen, 255
Zeytoon (olive), 161, n.
Zijr, Ez-, (auguration), 86
Zikkeers (performances of a zikr), 73
Zikr (Darweesh performance), 73-77, 201, 233
Zinj, Ez-, (S. Ethiopia), 102
Zodiacal signs in horoscopes, 238
Z?ulumÁt, Ez?-, (Dark Regions), 103. See Bah?r.