I am told, it is indispensable there should be a Preface to this little work; but I am quite at a loss what to put in it. What I had to say on the subject upon which it treats, I have said in the book, and I am not aware of any thing I wish to add or withdraw. I can only hope the perusal of the book may afford as much pleasure to my readers as the writing it has given me, in recalling pleasant memories of many friends, both two and four-footed, some of whom have long since "joined the majority." As recording the impressions of one who has had considerable practical experience with many varieties of the canine race, and been brought into constant contact with the best specimens, I think my book is somewhat out of the usual run of doggy books. While in no wise seeking to produce a scientific treatise, nor yet a natural history, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, my wish has been so to write on the subject as to stir up in the minds of any of my readers, unacquainted with the many charms possessed by dogs, a desire to adopt some kind of dog as a companion and friend, and to confirm the affection and regard of my multitudinous dog-loving friends, so that they may be disposed to extend the borders of their fancy, and possibly be interested and amused by some of the humours and vagaries of the Show Rings or the Doggy Anecdotes. These, when they are not within my personal knowledge, I have endeavoured to verify, so as to avoid the "Fairy Tales" we sometimes read under the title of "Doggy Stories." Before closing these remarks, I must express my deep gratitude, to my friend Mr. R. H. Moore, who has given my book the inestimable advantage of his talented pencil, in portraying so many excellent, and truthful portraits of the "Lights of the Canine World," including more than sixty "Champions," of their respective varieties. I am not aware that such a number of Canine Celebrities has ever before been gathered together in one volume, and they represent some of the best pictures of dogs I have ever seen, even of Mr. Moore's, and, I think most dog lovers will acknowledge that he is particularly happy in hitting off the expressions, and catching the actual likeness of his subjects, most kindly taking up the matter for me, when very much pressed with other commissions, not only giving me the benefit of his valuable advice in the selection of the most distinguished, and typical, specimens for the different varieties procurable, but entered into the work with the utmost ardour, and zeal; I feel therefore more indebted to him than I can express, for enabling me to present to the Public such an interesting and, I hope, instructive Picture Gallery of Dogs of the present day. With these few words I commend my little book to the troublous waters of public favour.