calf, 118, ff. Goliath, 133, 134. Good for evil, 37. Gospel, 15, 47, 48, 149, ff. Greeting, 37. Habeeb, 159, ff. Haggadah, xliii, lxi, lxii. HÁmÁn, 97, 110. Haneefs, xxxiv. HÁshimees, xxxviii, li, lii. ?Átim, xix-xxii. ?awÁreeyoon, El-, 156. Heber, 47, 160, 161. Hell, 21-31. Helpers, the, lix, lx. ?ijÁz;, xii. Hijreh, the, lvii. ?irÁ, Mount, xliii. Honour, Arab, xv. Hood, 47, 60, 61. ?ooreeyehs, notes 128, 131. Hospitality, Arab, xix. HowwÁ, 51. Hubal, xxxii. Humanity, lxxxvi. Hypocrites, 31, 41. ‘Hypocrites, the,’ lx. Iblees, 31, 49, 50. Idols, xxxii, xlvi, lxvi, 8, 11, 12, 30. Idrees, 47. IlyÁs, 128. ImÁm, 74, 163. ´ImrÁn, 149. Infanticide, xxxii, 23. Inspiration, lxxiv. Isaac, 47, 70-73. Ishmael, xxxii, 47, 72-73. Iskender, 63. IslÁm, lxxvii-xcix, 76. Jacob, 47, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@44515@44515-h@44515-h-5.htm.html#Page_75" class="pginternal">75. Muslim, the true, 43. Negro slaves, xlv, xlvii. Negus or NejÁshee, xli, xlvii, xlviii. Nejd, xii. NejrÁn, xxxiv, 164. Night journey, lv. Nimrod, 66, 69, 70. Nineveh, 147. Noah, 47, 55-59. NÖldeke, ciii. Nun, 47. O?ud, battle of, lxv, 32. ´Oka?h, fair of, xxiv-xxvi, xxxviii. ´Omar, l. ´Oneyzeh, 62. Oration, farewell, lxviii. Oratory among the Arabs, xxiv. ´OthmÁn, xlv. Oven of El-Koofeh, 37. ´Ozeyr or Ezra, 148. Palmer, Prof. E. H., xxiv. Parables, 38-40. Paraclete, 15. Paradise, 21-31. Partners with God, 9, 11, 33. Parties at Medina, lix. Penates, xxxiii. Pentateuch, 47, 48. People of the Scripture, 38. Perceval, M. Caussin de, xxii. Person of Mo?ammad, xl. Pharaoh of Joseph, 81, 83. Pharaoh of Moses, 97, ff. Pilgrimage, lxxxiv. Pilgrims, xxxvii, liv. Pledges of the ´A?abeh, lv, lvi. Poetry, Arab, xxii-xxiv. Polygamy, lxxxix-xcii. Potiphar, 79. Potiphar’s wife, 79, 83. Prayer, lxxxiii. Preaching of Mo?ammad, xlvi. Preceders, the, 25. Predestination, 32. Premonition, 4. Preserved book, the, PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON back cover back cover |