
Muza enters with Egilona.

Roderigo is going out when Muza entersstarts back on seeing Egilona.

[Muza, sternly, to Egilona, who follows.

Muza. Enter, since ’tis the custom in this land.

[Egilona, passing Muza disdainfully, points to Abdalazis, and says to Julian

Egil. Is this our future monarch, or art thou?

Jul. ’Tis Abdalazis, son of Muza, prince
Commanding Africa, from Abyla
To where Tunisian pilots bend the eye
O’er ruin’d temples in the glassy wave.
Till quiet times and ancient laws return,
He comes to govern here.

Rod. To-morrow’s dawn
Proves that.

Muza. What art thou?

[Roderigo, drawing his sword.

Rod. King.

Abd. Amazement!

Muza. Treason!

Egil. O horror!

Muza. Seize him.

Egil. Spare him! fly to me!

Jul. Urge me not to protect a guest, a herald—
The blasts of war roar over him unfelt.

Egil. Ah fly, unhappy!

Rod. Fly! no, Egilona—
Dost thou forgive me? dost thou love me? still?

Egil. I hate, abominate, abhor thee—go,
Or my own vengeance—

[Roderigo points with his own to the drawn swords of Muza and Abdalazis, who look with malice towards Julian, takes his hand, and seems inviting to attack them. Julian casts his hand away.

Rod. Julian!—

Jul. Hence, or die.


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