Not the least of the marvels of Tacoma’s history is the great business blocks that have been erected, converting a forest wild into a city of brick and stone in less than a decade. A suggestion of the massive appearance of the buildings on a portion of one of the streets is given by the first engraving in this volume, while on other pages are presented engravings of a number of fine business blocks but recently erected. Here is located the only chamber of commerce building north of San Francisco. It is a substantial three-story stone and brick structure, and in addition to the board of trade rooms contains commodious offices and stores. Union block, on the corner of Eleventh street and Pacific avenue, is a three-story and basement brick structure, erected by Cogswell & Son and John S. Baker. It is one hundred by one hundred and twenty feet in size, contains large stores and office rooms and cost $55,000. Sprague Buildings is the title of a large brick block four stories high, and extending three hundred and eighteen feet on Pacific avenue, erected by Gen. J. W. Sprague. It cost $75,000.00, and contains four stores for wholesale business, each occupying four floors and basement. Germania hall is a frame structure sixty-six by one hundred and twenty feet in size, erected by the Germania Society, on E street, between thirteenth and fourteenth, at a cost of $10,000.00. It contains a large hall for amusements and meetings, with other rooms and basement. Ouimette block is a handsome three-story brick structure on Pacific avenue. Mason block stands on A street, one block from “The Tacoma,” and is a handsome three-story brick edifice, with St. Louis pressed brick front and Bellingham bay blue stone trimmings. It contains the post office, express office, a store and many elegant office rooms. The buildings specially mentioned are only those recently completed. Many other fine business structures adorn the business thoroughfares and testify to the prosperity and solid business interests of the city. GERMANIA HALL. FARRELL & DARMER ARCHITECTS UNION BLOCK. FARRELL & DARMER ARCHITECTS TACOMA. |