Yearly the output of ores in the mines of Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho is increasing. Not only are the older mines enlarging their yield, but new ones are constantly being developed. New mineral discoveries are made frequently and the number of mining districts increases every year. The remarkable mines being developed in the Coeur d’Alene, Okanagan, Colville, Pine Creek, Cracker Creek and other districts, have placed this region in the front rank of mining interests in the United States, and point to a future of unbroken prosperity for many years. At some point so situated as to reach each of these districts with almost equal facility, and where all the essentials for the reduction of ores, such as coal, iron, wood, limestone, etc., exist or can be cheaply procured, will be established immense reduction works. Such a point is Tacoma, and a project is already well advanced to inaugurate this industry on an extensive scale. A smelting company has been incorporated with a capital stock of $1,000,000.00, and ground has been secured on the water front for the extensive buildings required. The plant will have a daily capacity of two hundred tons at first, but this will be enlarged after the business is well established. President and chief promoter of this enterprise is Mr. Dennis Ryan, proprietor of the famous Hotel Ryan, of St. Paul, and extensively engaged in mining enterprises. The marvelously rich ores of Alaska will be drawn upon largely, and will find here their nearest market. All the indications point to Tacoma as the head of the mining industry in this region not only because of its reduction works, but because of the large investments its capitalists are making in mining properties. SPRAGUE BUILDINGS—TACOMA. |