Hops are the leading agricultural product of the Puget sound region, and hop ranches are nearly all directly tributary to Tacoma. Puyallup valley, whose fame as a hop producing section has encircled the world, lies just east of the city, the line of the Northern Pacific passing directly through it. Upwards of three thousand acres are now in vine, which yielded twenty thousand bales in 1887, and twenty-five thousand in 1888, when an average of one thousand seven hundred pounds per acre of both old and young vines was secured. The superior quality of the cones, the freedom from pests and disease, the enormous yield and the rapid growth of young vines, combine to render this region foremost in the world in its adaptability to this special crop. Not only does the Puyallup valley produce hops, but other crops as well. Several thriving villages and numerous highly cultivated farms attest the prosperity of its people, as well as giving evidence of the valuable nature of the agricultural area immediately tributary to Tacoma. Puyallup hops are in demand in Japan, Europe and the eastern states of America, because of their superior quality and appearance. In the picking season the hop fields are the scene of great industry, and the numerous camps of pickers present a pleasing picture as the train passes up the valley. J. M. BUCKLEY. GEN’L. J. W. SPRAGUE. TACOMA’S BEAUTIFUL HOMES. |