One of the favorite summer resorts of the northwest is situated on the line of the Northern Pacific, sixty-one miles east of Tacoma, in the Cascade mountains. This is the celebrated Green River Hot Springs, five in number, with a temperature varying from 118° to 122° Fahrenheit, which were discovered four years ago. A comfortable hotel, with accommodations for a large number of people, and ten cottages have already been erected. Green river is the most beautiful mountain stream in the west, and teems with trout and salmon. It derives its name from the green hue of its clear, transparent waters, brilliant in the sunlight and dark green in the shade. The mountains are full of deer, bear, mountain sheep, grouse and other game. No shooting is permitted within two hundred and fifty yards of the hotel, but the hunter and angler has not far to go to find employment for his rod and gun. Tourists will find this place the most delightful for a few days’ rest in the whole extent of their journey through the west. This has been recognized by hundreds, who have availed themselves of the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure and sport here afforded. Invalids, especially, find in the medicinal qualities of the water, the pure, bracing atmosphere of the mountains, the wholesome food, and the sense of rest and freedom from care, just the conditions necessary for their restoration to health. The waters are a specific for rheumatism, catarrh, kidney troubles, skin and blood diseases, etc., and their virtue is attested by hundreds who have been benefited by them. A post office and telegraph station have been established at the hotel, and the sojourner there need not feel that he is completely isolated from the world, while daily trains pass the hotel to carry him away in case of urgent need. Persons desirous of securing accommodations in advance of arrival should address, by mail or telegraph, I. G. McCain & Co., Hot Springs, W. T. GREEN RIVER HOT SPRINGS, W.T. |