Beautiful and costly residences, occupying commanding sites and standing in the midst of green lawns ornamented with a profusion of flowers and shrubs, are one of the noticeable features of Tacoma, and they speak of the culture and refinement, as well as the material prosperity of the people. In the topography of the ground upon which the city is situated, an excellent opportunity is offered for elegant and sightly residences. Rising in a gradual ascent from the business portion, the residence area offers an unbroken view across the bay and valley to the mountains, so that the windows of nearly every house in the city command a view of the snow-crowned monarch of the Cascades, set in a landscape of wonderful beauty. Many extremely elegant and costly residences have been erected. Among these are the homes of Gen. J. W. Sprague, J. M. Buckley, Esq., J. S. Baker, Esq., Isaac W. Anderson, Esq., Geo. E. Atkinson, Esq., A. C. Smith, Esq., Allen C. Mason, Esq., and E. Pierce, Esq., engravings of which are given on the opposite and succeeding pages. For so young a city, and one whose energies have been taxed to the utmost to provide facilities for its expanding business, the number of beautiful homes is remarkable, and indicates that its people recognize the advantages nature has given them to build up here one of the most beautiful cities on the continent. They are accomplishing this very rapidly. FARRELL & DARMER, ARCHITECTS. ISAAC W. ANDERSON ESQ. J. S. BAKER ESQ. TACOMA’S BEAUTIFUL HOMES. |