For the names of individual arches, basilicas, catacombs, churches, forums, palaces, piazzas, statues, streets, temples, tombs, and villas, see the headings, Arch, Basilica, Catacombs, Churches, etc. - Academy of Pomponio, 359
- Achilleus, martyr, bas-relief representing his execution, 339 (cut)
- Acilii Glabriones. See Glabriones
- Ærarium Saturni, 163
- AgapÆ, 42, 336
- Ager Fonteianus, 270
- Agrippa, M., 79, 82, 99
- Agrippa, fate of her pedestal once in the ustrinum, 183, 184 (cut)
- Aius Locutius, 72
- Albanum, amphitheatre of, 6
- Alexamenos, 12
- Alexander VII., Pope, 36
- Altars, ancient, 33
- their usual form, 67
- See also ArÆ
- ---- of Aius Locutius, 71, 72 (cut)
- --of Dis and Proserpina, 73
- its foundation, 74
- its discovery, 76 (cut)
- its shape and surroundings, 77
- --of Hercules, 59
- --Incendii Neroniani, 83
- --Maxima Herculis, 69
- --of Mercurius Sobrius, 34 (cut)
- --Pacis AugustÆ, 82, 83 (cut)
- --Roma Quadrata, 70
- --of Vedjovis, at BovillÆ, 68
- --of Verminus, 68
- Amasis, King, sphinx of, 94 (cut)
- Ambrose, S., 43
- Amphitheatre at Albanum, 6
- Ampliatus, his tomb, 342
- possibly the friend of S. Paul, 343
- Anagni, basilica of, 25
- Anastasius IV., Pope, his sarcophagus, 197
- Ancyra, Augusteum at, 173
- Anisson, Charles d', 36
- Annius, a maker of lamps, in Ostia, 17
- Annona, 27
- Antinous, statue of, 240, 241 (cut)
- Apollo, in Christian art, 25
- Appian Way. See Via Appia
- Aqueduct of Damasus, 121
- Aquila and Prisca, 110
- their house and oratory, 111, 126
- ArÆ compitales, 33. See Altars
- Arch of Claudius, 99
- of Constantine, 101
- testimony of its inscription to the position of Christianity, 20 (plate)
- of Marcus Aurelius, panel, 90 (plate)
- Arco di S. Lazaro, 181
- Argeorum sacraria, 33
- Artemisium Nemorense, 59
- Arx, 85
- Athens, Acropolis, probable origin of the gold found here by Herodes Atticus, 289
- Atrium sutorium, 275
- Atticus, Herodes, bibliography, 288 n.
- his father's discovery of riches, 288
- his liberality and public spirit, 289
- the buildings erected in memory of his wife, 290
- Atticus, Pomponius, house of, 191
- Atys, 27
- Augustea, 173
- Augustine, S., his pupil Licentius, 14
- on eating and drinking in honor of martyrs, 43
- on the celebration of S. Peter's day, 44
- Augustus, Emperor, strenÆ calendariÆ offered to, 34
- offerings in the temple of Concord, 54
- his house, 71 n.
- celebrates the Secular games, 79
- dedicates an altar to Peace on the Campus Martius, 82
- death and funeral, 168
- resolutions in the senate, 169
- mausoleum, 172
- his Res gestÆ, 172
- his army, 174
- his liberalities, 175
- public improvements in his time, 176
- his mausoleum destroyed, 179
- other members of the imperial family buried here, 182
- Banqueting-halls, 42
- Basilica, origin of its plan in that of the private house, 114 (cut)
- its form derived from the schola, 118
- ---- of Constantine, 162
- Julia, 163
- of Junius Bassus, 28
- of Nereus, Achilleus and Petronilla, 338 (cut)
- Bassus, Junius, basilica of, 28
- Bassus, Pomponius, 192
- Baths, in connection with Christian churches, 37
- Bayazid, his gift of the holy lance, 243
- Beatrindex, martyr, 333
- the name corrupted from Viatrindex, 334 (cut)
- Belloni, Paolo, 151
- Benedict VII., Pope, tomb, 234
- Benedict XII., Pope, 138
- Benedict XIV., Pope, 37
- Bernini, influence of his school, 250
- Bidentalia, 106
- Biga, in the Vatican, 27
- Bologna, monumental crosses, 35
- Boniface I., Pope, 319
- Bonifatius, origin of the name, 344
- Bosio, Ant., investigator of the Catacombs, 329
- BovillÆ, altar to Vedjovis, 68
- Bridge of Caligula, 101
- Brattius PrÆsens, 10
- Burial, rights of, accorded the Christians, 119
- more common than cremation in prehistoric times, 253
- early burial in the trunks of trees, 254
- clay coffins in the same form, 254
- difficulties encountered by the Christians, 308
- within the city walls, 325
- Burial companies, 258
- Byzantine princes, their images in Rome, 162
- CÆcilia, S., her tomb discovered by Pope Paschal I., 326
- CÆpio, Aulus Crispinius, his tomb, 267
- CÆsar, Caius, beloved by Augustus, 184
- CÆsar, Julius, his offerings in the temple of Concord, 54
- Caffarella, Valle della, 286
- Calda, 357
- Caligarii, 274
- Caligula, his bridge, so-called, 101
- places his mother's ashes in the mausoleum, 184
- Callindextus, death, 220
- ----, Catacombs of. See Catacombs
- Calpurnii, their tomb, 276
- Cambyses, conquest of Egypt, 94
- Camillus, capture of Veii, 64
- Campagna, 286 (plate)
- Campo dell' Augusta, 179
- Campus Esquilinus, 256
- Campus Martius, 74
- Candelabrum, in church of SS. Nereo ed Achilleo, 26 (cut)
- in Church of S. Paolo, 239 (cut)
- Canevari, Ant., 159
- Canova, his tomb of Clement XIII., 250
- Capitoline games, 281
- Capitoline Hill, 85
- the western summit, 86 (plate)
- Capitoline museum, 15, 42, 59, 70, 93, 106, 190, 255, 290 n.
- See, also, dei Conservatori, under Palaces
- Capitolium. See Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
- Caracalla, 12
- CarrhÆ, 355
- Carthage, excitement against the Christians in, 318
- Castel S. Angelo, 234
- Catacombs.
- Crypt of the Acilii Glabriones, 4
- its devastation in the 17th cent., 8
- burial of Christian martyrs, 119
- injury occasioned by the building of churches over the tombs of martyrs, 122
- preferred by the early Christians to open-air cemeteries, 308
- their development in the 2d century, 317
- the names given them, 317
- their secret entrances, 318
- not habitable, 319
- their extent, 319
- compared to the tombs of the kings at Thebes, 321
- their use declined in the 4th century, 321
- pillaged by the Goths, 324
- restored by Pope Vigilius, 325
- unmentioned by later Church annals, 327
- discovered in 1578, 328
- their wholesale pillage, 329
- the treasures found in them, 331
- the number of the Catacombs, 332
- ---- of Callindextus, 50, 117, 216, 219, 339
- ---- ad Catacumbas or of S. Sebastiano, 345
- the bodies of SS. Peter and Paul concealed here, 346
- ---- of Cyriaca, 350
- ---- of Domitilla, 335
- the Flavian crypt, 316 (cut), 330, 336
- the basilica of Nereus and Achilleus, 338
- the tomb of Ampliatus, 342
- ---- ad Duas Lauros, or of SS. Peter and Marcellinus, 354
- a fresco of the Saviour with SS. Paul and Peter, 356
- relics of Renaissance humanists, 358
- ---- of Generosa, 332
- ---- of Pontianus, 221
- ---- of PrÆtextatus, the cubiculum of S. Januarius, 322 (cut)
- ---- of Priscilla (map), 7, 23, 42, 111, 221
- ---- of the Via Salaria, 285.
- Catacumba, derivation of the word, 345
- Caves for burial on the Viminal and Esquiline, 255
- Ceadwalla, King, baptism and death, 231
- Celibacy discouraged, 80
- CellÆ, 42
- Cellini, Benvenuto, the cause of his imprisonment, 247
- Cemeteries, pagan, 253-305
- prehistoric cemeteries of the Viminal and the Esquiline, 254, 255
- extensive cemeteries along the high roads, 260
- on the Via Aurelia, 262
- on the Via Triumphalis, 270
- on the Via Salaria, 275
- buried under twenty-five feet of earth, 284
- on the Via Appia, 286
- Christian cemeteries, 306-361
- under the authority of the pontiffs, 307
- underground cemeteries preferred by the early Christians, 308
- their use revives after Constantine, 321, 323
- at Concordia Sagittaria, 323, 324 (plate)
- suburban cemeteries abandoned on account of insecurity, 325
- See also, Catacombs Columbaria Tombs Ustrinum
- Chartres, cathedral, labyrinth, 31
- Christ, type of the early representations of, 347, 348 (cut and plate)
- early traditions of his appearance, 349
- Christian archÆology, dates from the discovery of the Catacombs, 329
- Christian art, adoption of pagan symbolism, 23
- Christianity, early patrician converts in Rome, 2
- attitude of the government toward, 11
- evidence of the graffiti on, 12
- difficulties and inconstancy of Christian converts, 14
- mindexed marriages, 15
- friendly relations between pagans and Christians, 16
- military service under the Empire, 18
- the gradual change under Constantine, 20
- spread of Christianity under Gregory the Great, 228
- the persecutions under Nero and later emperors, 312
- See also Church Churches Martyrs
- Christians, at first identified with the Jews by the Romans, 310
- Church, adoption of pagan rites and customs, 23
- love-feasts, 42
- public granaries, 44
- flower festivals, 49
- its simple origin, 109
- adopted the institution of funeral colleges from the pagans, 117
- Churches, objects of pagan art preserved in, 23, 26
- pagan decorations not destroyed, 28
- private contributions to the decoration of churches, 30
- labyrinths in the pavements, 31
- bathing accommodations, 37
- sets of weights and measures in, 39, 41
- the great number and variety of churches, 108
- the names of churches, 109
- private oratories, 109
- the step
nternal">164, 327
- the tombs in its cemetery, 323
- Ciborio della santa lancia, 243
- Cippus of Agrippina the Elder, 184 (cut)
- Circus of Nero and Caligula, 127
- Clemens, Flavius, martyr, 3, 6, 7
- Clement VIII., 150
- Clement index., 37
- Clement XI., 48
- Clement XIII., 48
- his tomb by Canova, 249, 250 (plate)
- and the suppression of the Jesuits, 252
- Clivus Rutarius, 270
- Cocumelle, 172
- Coliseum, Christian churches on the site of, 161
- Colonnas, banished from Rome, 179
- Columbaria, 256
- the cost of loculi, 257
- the three kinds of columbaria, 257
- that on the Via Latina owned by shareholders, 258
- the loculi drawn by lot, 259
- interior, 260 (plate)
- Columbus, Christopher, birthplace of, 245 n.
- Column of Antoninus, bas-reliefs, 170, 171 (cuts)
- Commodus, 313
- Concordia Sagittaria, its cemetery, 323
- Constantia, S., her mausoleum, 199
- Constantine, Emperor, 50
- date of his profession of Christianity, 21
- relation to his pagan subjects, 22
- builds a basilica over the tomb of Peter, 132
- his cross on S. Peter's tomb seen in 1594, 149
- the memorial chapel of his victory over Maxentius, 163
- the battle (front.)
- statue of, 164 (cut)
- discovery of his sarcophagus in 1458, 202
- the edict of Milan, 314
- Consul suffectus, 10 n.
- Convent of the Visitation, 71 n.
- Cornelii, their family vaults, 218
- Cornelius, Pope, his tomb, 215 (cut), 218 (plate)
- Cortile di S. Damaso, 121
- Crassus Frugi, M. Licinius, 277
- Cremation, introduced in the 5th century of Rome, 255
- the ustrinum on the Appian Way, 256
- Crescentius de Theodora, 234
- Crispina, Bruttia, Empress, 10
- Cross of Henry IV. of France, 36
- Crosses, monumental, 35
- Crows, a platform dedicated to, 268
- Cups, 43
- Cybele, 27
- Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, 217
- Cyril, S., fresco showing the translation of his remains, 32 (plate)
Museums. See Capitoline, Lateran, Vatican - also dei Conservatori, under Palaces
- Music, religious, school of, established by Gregory, 229
- Naples, church of the Olivetans, 25
- Nemi, the site of a temple of Diana, 60 (cut)
- Neptunium. See Temple of Neptune, 99
- Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs, 337
- Nero, 127, 287
- relation to Christianity, 11
- deserted by the legions, 185
- head of, 186 (cut)
- his flight and death, 187
- his funeral, 189
- his tomb, 189
- Nerva, 177
- Nicomachus Flavianus, attempt to restore paganism, 97
- Oaths, 105
- Obelisks, discovered in Rome, 92, 97, 172
- of Rameses the Great, discovered in 1883, 95
- Oils, 218
- Oratories, private, of the early Christians, 109
- Orientation of churches, 120, 152
- Orpheus, in Christian art, 23 (cut)
- Ossaria, 256
- Ostia, imperial palace at, 25
- Otho II., his tomb, 136
- Pacuvius, 69
- PÆtus, Lucilius, tomb of, 283
- Pagan rites and customs adopted by the Church, 23
- Paintings, fresco in S. Clemente, translation of Cyril's remains, 32 (plate)
- in a patrician house in the Farnesina gardens, 263, 264 (plate), 265 (cut)
- in the Catacombs, discovered in 1714, 330
- in the Villa Amaranthiana, 335
- of the Saviour with SS. Paul and Peter in the Catacomb ad Duas Lauros, 356
- of the story of Jonah and the Symbolic Supper, 356, 357 (cut)
- illustrations of the Gospel in the Catacombs, 358
- battle between Constantine and Maxentius, frontispiece
- Palaces: Albani del Drago, 30
- Altieri, 101
- Caffarelli, 85
- dei Conservatori, 30, 53, 77, 100, 185 (see also Capitoline museum)
- Farnese, 100
- Fiano, 82
- Lateran (see Lateran)
- Maraini, 280
- Moroni, 88
- Odescalchi, 100
- Pammachius, 158
- Pantheon, 56
- Parenzo, Dalmatia, basilica of, 30
- Pas
les@22153@22153-h@22153-h-10.htm.html#Page_276" class="pginternal">276
- Sancus, worship of, 104
- Sannazzaro, tomb of, 25
- Saracens in Rome, in 846, 149
- defeated off Cape Circeo, by John VIII., 154
- Sarcophagi of the Calpurnii, 279, 280 (cut)
- from the cemetery of Cyriaca, 352
- Sarcophagus, of the empress Helena, 198 (plate)
- Saturus, martyr, 49
- ScholÆ, 42, 116
- that of the citizens of SerrÆ, 41
- that above the Catacombs of Callindextus, 117, 118 (plan)
- transformation of the schola to the church, 118
- Scirtus, charioteer, 260
- Seasons, the four, in Christian art, 25
- Secular games, the inscription describing them found in 1890, 73 (cut)
- origin of the games, 74
- their celebration under Augustus, 78-82
- Semo Sancus, worship of, 104 statue, 105 (cut)
- Senate, resolutions relating to the Secular games, 80
- Senate house, 163
- Seneca, his friendship for Paul, 17
- Septimius Severus, 12
- Sergius II., Pope, 149
- SerrÆ, citizens of, their banqueting-hall, 41
- Severus Alexander, relation to Christianity 11, 13
- Shoemakers, 274
- Shrines, in Rome, 33
- of Semo Sancus, 104
- See also Altars
- Sibyls in Christian art, 24
- Siena, Duomo, 25, 32
- Silvio Antoniano, an improvvisatore, 283
- Simon the Magician, confused with Semo Sancus, 104, 161
- Simplicius and Faustinus, martyrs, 332
- their bodies translated to S. Biviana, 333
- Siricius, Pope, 112, 152
- Sindextus II., Pope, 117
- Sindextus V., Pope, the dome of St. Peter's, 146
- Skeletons found in tombs, 273, 286
- Solomon, Judgment of, represented in a Roman tomb, 270, 271 (cut)
- Sponges, found in tombs, 303 n.
- Statues, their immense number in ancient Rome, 52
- those of gods commonly loaded with ornaments, 55
- Egyptian statues, found in Rome, 93
- ---- to Acilius Glabrio, 5
- of Antinous, 240, 241 (cut)
- of Constantine, 164 (cut)
- of Gr
@html@files@22153@22153-h@22153-h-8.htm.html#Page_221" class="pginternal">221
- tombs on, 275
- ---- Triumphalis,