"'I will tell you where there is plenty of it'" (in color) | Frontispiece | | | "'And Freya came from Asgard in her chariot drawn by two cats'" (in color) | 4 | "Nils marked out an inscription in Runic letters" | 30 | "The miniature globe took form as the children watched, fascinated" | 44 | "He proposed that Caonaba should put on the gift the Spanish captain had brought" | 78 | "A sapling, bent down, was attached to a noose ingeniously hidden" | 86 | "The natives seemed prepared to traffic in all peace and friendliness" (in color) | 132 | "Cortes flung about his shoulders his own cloak" | 146 | "Moteczuma awaited them in the courtyard" (in color) | 162 | "Cartier read from his service-book" | 176 | "The creatures darkened the plain almost as far as the eye could see" | 190 | "'Gentlemen, whence does this fleet come?'" | 204 | "Drake was silent, fingering the slender Milanese poniard" | 226 | "If he had to wear her fetters, they should at least be golden" | 244 | "The Grand Master of the day entered the dining hall" | 266 |