Elegantly bound in cloth gilt, demy 8vo., price 6s. Old-Time Punishments. By William Andrews, F.R.H.S., Author of “Curiosities of the Church,” “Historic Romance,” “Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs,” “Historic Yorkshire,” etc. CONTENTS. Carefully prepared papers, profusely illustrated, appear on the following subjects:— The Ducking Stool—The Brank, or Scold’s Bridle—The Pillory—Punishing Authors and Burning Books—Finger-Pillory—The Jouga—The Stocks—The Drunkard’s Cloak—Whipping—Public Penance in White Sheets—The Repentance-Stool—Riding the Stang—Gibbet Lore—Drowning—Burning to Death—Boiling to Death—Beheading—Hanging, Drawing, and Quartering—Pressing to Death—Hanging—Hanging in Chains—The Halifax Gibbet—The Scottish Maiden, etc.—An Index of five closely-printed pages. MANY CURIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS. PRESS OPINIONS. “This in an entertaining book ... well-chosen illustrations and a serviceable index.”—AthenÆum. “A hearty reception may be bespoken for it,”—Globe. “A work which will be eagerly read by all who take it up.”—Scotsman. “It is entertaining.”—Manchester Guardian. “A vast amount of curious and entertaining matter.”—Sheffield Independent. “We can honestly recommend a perusal of this book.”—Yorkshire Post. “Interesting, and handsomely printed.”—Newcastle Chronicle. “A very readable history.”—Birmingham Daily Gazette. “Mr. Andrews’ book is well worthy of careful study, and is a perfect mine of wealth on the subject of which it treats.”—Herts Advertiser. “It is sure of a warm welcome on both sides of the Atlantic”—Christian Leader. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co. Hull: William Andrews & Co.