Adela, daughter of William I., 56
Adelwald, King of Deira, 8-10
Aire, River, 8, 99, 185
Airedale, 99
Albany, Duke of, 142
Albemarle, William, 3rd Earl of, 61, 66
Alberic, Bishop of Ostia, 73
Aldred, Archbishop of York, 43
Alexander II., King of Scotland, 79, 80
Alexander III., King of Scotland, 79
Alfred, King of the North-Humbrians, 10, 11
Alfred, King of England, 20
Alnwick Castle, 76
Alred, 70
Alured, Lieut., 191
Alured, Captn., 191
Anlaf, 216-220
Annandale, Robert Bruce, Lord of, 64-66
Appleby, 225
Archer, John, 156
Arundel, Edmund Fitz-Alan, 2nd Earl of, 100
Aske, Robert, 175
Aspall, 159-160
Athelstan, King of Mercia, 13, 216-220
Atkinson, Captn., 179
Audley, John Touchet, 6th Lord, 152
Avon, River, 100
Badlesmere, Bartholomew, 1st Lord de, 103-104
Baird, Captn., John, 214
Baldwin V., Earl of Flanders, 18
Baldwinson, Ensign, 189
Baliol, Bernard de, 61, 64-66, 76
Baliol, Edward, King of Scotland, 138
Ballinson, Ensign, 189
Bamborough Castle, 50-51, 172
Banbury, 81
Bangor, Bishop of, 147
Bardolph, Thomas, 5th Lord, 143-147
Barfleur, 54
Battles: Adwalton Moor, 193-195
Battles: Agincourt, 124, 137, 148
Battles: Bannockburn, 83, 103
Battles: Barnet, 173
Battles: BeaujÉ, 149
Battles: Bloreheath, 152
Battles: Boroughbridge, 107-110
Battles: Bosworth, 174
Battles: Bramham Moor, 145-146
Battles: Brunanburgh, 13-14, 217-220
Battles: Byland Abbey, 122-128
Battles: Cressy, 124
Battles: Durham, or Neville’s Cross, 133
Battles: Ebberston, 11
Battles: Evesham, 158
Battles: Falkirk, 103
Battles: off Flamborough, 222-225
Battles: Fulford, 24
Battles: Hastings, or Senlac, 27, 37-41, 53
Battles: Hedgeley Moor, 172
Battles: Hexham, 172
Battles: Homildon, 142
Battles: Hull, 196-198
Battles: Leeds, 183-186
Battles: Marston Moor, 202
Battles: Mortimer’s Cross, 162-163
Battles: Myton Meadows, 95-98
Battles: Northampton, 154
Battles: Otterburn, 135
Battles: Pavia, 137
Battles: Radcot Bridge, 139
Battles: Sandal, or Wakefield-Green, 157-162
Battles: Selby, 199-201
Battles: Shrewsbury, 142
Battles: St. Albans (first), 150-151
Battles: St. Albans (second), 164-165
Battles: Stamford Bridge, 15, 25-34
Battles: Standard, the, 51
Battles: Stoke, 137, 174
Battles: Tadcaster, 180-182
Battles: Tewkesbury, 173
Battles: Towton, 166-172
Battles: Wakefield, 188-191
Battles: Winwidfield, 8-10
Beaumont, Captn., 185
Bellasis, Col., 199-202
Benedict, a rich Jew of York, 77
Benson, Captn.-Lieut., 189
Beorne, Earl, 43
Bernefield, Sir Roger, 110
Berwick, 83-93, 103, 130, 144
Beverley, 128, 134, 148, 178, 196
Bingley, 181
Bishopthorpe, 144
Blacklow, 100
Blanche Nef, 54
Bland, Sir Thomas, 189
Blount, Sir Thomas, 156
Bonville, William, 1st Lord, 165
Bootham, 171
Boroughbridge, 84, 95, 107-111, 114-115, 117, 128, 204
Bourchier, Edward, 161
Bosworth, Battle of, 174
Bradburne, Henry de, 113
Bradford, 181, 183, 188, 190, 192, 194
Bramham Moor, 145
Brember, Sir Nicholas, 139
Brian, son of Earl Alan Fergan, 55
Bridlington, 127, 187, 221
Bright, Col., 200
Bruce, Robert, Earl of Annandale, 64-66
Bruce, Robert, Earl of Carrick and King of Scotland, 83-85, 91-92, 106, 117-125, 128-130
Bruce, David, King of Scotland, 133
Buchan, Earl of, 149
Buckingham, Duchess of, 152
Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of, 150-151
Burgh, Hubert de, 79
Burgh-on-Sands, 81, 102
Burton-upon-Trent, 105
Byland Abbey, 118, 122-127, 130
Cadwalla, King of the West Britons, 7
Calais, 153-154
Cambridge, Richard Plantagenet, 4th Earl of, 148
Canterbury, Wm. Corbois, Archbishop of, 57
Canterbury, Thos. Fitz-Alan (alias Arundel), Archbishop of, 140
Canterbury, Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of, 155
Canute, King of England, 18, 41
Carlisle, 49, 58, 70-73, 128-130
Carmichael, Sir John, 149
Carnabie, Sergt.-Major, 189
Carr, Major, 179
Carr, Sergt.-Major, 189
Carr, Captn., 189
Carr, Ensign, 189
Castleford, 99
Chapter of Mitton, 98
Charles I., King of England, 177-179, 203
Cheney, William, 113
Chop Head Loaning, 115
Cinque Ports, 85
Clarence, Thomas Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of, 148-149
Clarence, George Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of, 159, 174
Clay, Thomas, 152
Cleveland, 143
Clifford, Sir Roger, 110
Clifford, Thomas de Clifford, 8th Lord, 150-151
Clifford, John de Clifford, 9th Lord, 158-162, 166
Clinton, John de Clinton, 5th Lord, 152
Clitheroe, 64
Cobham, Sir Ralph, 125
Cock, River, 170
Coifi, a pagan priest 5-6
Colt, Thomas, 152
Constable of England (Duke of Northumberland), 141
Constable, Sir Robert, 175
Constantine, King of Scotland, 217-219
Conway Castle, 141
Conyers, Sir John, 152
Copeland, John, Esquire, 133
Cornwall, Piers de Gaveston, Earl of, 81-82, 100-102
Cospatrick, 4th Earl of Northumberland, 44, 52
Coventry, 140, 152
Crab, John, a Flemish engineer, 88-90
Croft, Captn., 189
Cromwell, John de, 127,
Cromwell, Oliver, 196, 206, 208-213, 215
Cuichelm, King of the West Saxons, 4
Culross, 121
Cumberland, 179
Cumin, William, Chancellor of Scotland, 73
Dacres, Ralph, 1st Lord, 171
Dacres Sir Francis, 214
Dalkeith Castle, 135
Danthorpe, Matthew, hermit, 141
Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord, 175
David I., King of Scotland, 55, 58-60, 63, 64-65, 71-72
David II., King of Scotland, 133
Dedington Castle, 81
Deira-field, Castle of, 11
Denman, Sir John, 168
Denton, Sir Richard de, 129
Denton, 181
Derwent, River, 3, 127
Despenser, Sir Hugh, 112, 113, 127, 129
Despenser, Hugh, Earl of Winchester, 112, 165,
Henry VII., King of England, 174-175
Henry VIII., King of England, 175-176
Henry, Prince, of Scotland, 63, 65, 69-70, 72
Hereford, Humphrey de Bohun, 2nd Earl of, 100, 105-106, 109-110, 114
Hereford, Henry Plantagenet, 1st Duke of, 139-141
Hereward le Wake, 42, 48, 52
Hessay Moor, 204
Hinguar, a Danish chief 12-13
Holland, Sir John, 13th Earl of Huntingdon and 1st Duke of Exeter, 134-135;
Hotham, Sir John, 177-178, 187, 192, 195
Hotham, Captn. John, 183, 187, 190, 192
Houghton, Sir Gilbert, 208
Hubba, a Danish chief, 12, 13
Hull, Kingston-upon-, 80, 140, 175, 177-178, 187, 192, 195, 199, 225
Hungerford, Robert, 3rd Lord, 155, 172
Ireland, Robert Vere, Ninth Earl of Oxford, and First Duke of, 139
Isabella, Queen of Edward II., 92, 103-104, 131
John, King of England, 78, 79
John, Prince, First Duke of Bedford, 143
Jones, Paul, 221-225
Keith, Sir William, of Galston, 84
Kent, Edmund Plantagenet, Fourth Earl of, 127
Kyriel, Sir Thomas, 165
Lacy, Ilbert de, 61
Lancaster, Thomas Plantagenet, Second Earl of, 100-101, 104-114, 116, 129
Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Second Duke of, 140-141
Lancaster, Henry Plantagenet, Third Duke of, 141
Leeds, 6, 183-185, 187-189, 195
Leeds Castle, Kent, 103-104
Leven, Earl of, 199, 206
Lincoln, John de la Pole, Ninth Earl of, 137, 174
London, 20, 57, 147, 154, 163-165, 178, 189
Longchamp, William, Bishop of Ely, 178
Lucas, Sir Charles, 206-207, 214
MacDonoquhy, William, 64, 65
Malcolm III., King of Scotland, 21, 47, 50
Malcolm IV., King of Scotland, 76
Malcolm II., King of Scotland, 76
Malise, Earl of Strathearn, 65
Manchester, Earl of, 202, 205-206, 209-211
March, Edmund Mortimer, Fifth Earl of, 148
March, Edward, Titulary Earl of, 152-153, 156-157, 159, 162-163, 165
Margaret of Anjou, 150-151, 154-155, 159-160, 164, 167, 171-173
Matilda, daughter of Henry I., 55-58, 75
Matilda, Queen of Stephen, 73
Meldrum, Sir John, 178, 197, 200
Melton, William de, Archbishop of York, 92-94, 96, 98
Montacute, John Neville, First Marquis of, 173
Morkar, First Earl of Northumberland, 17-18, 21, 23, 24-25, 52
Mortimer, Edmund, Fifth Earl of March, 142
Mowbray, Roger de Mowbray, Second Lord de, 61
Mowbray, John de Mowbray, Second Lord de, 113, 114
Mowbray, Thomas de, Sixth Lord, 143-144
Newcastle, 58, 76, 81, 85, 135, 171
Newcastle, Marquis of, 180-182, 186, 192-194, 196-199, 202, 204, 207, 209, 212
Newport, Earl, 178
Norfolk, Thomas, Baron Mowbray, First Duke of, 139-140
Norfolk, John Mowbray, Third Duke of, 150
Norfolk, John Mowbray, Fourth Duke of, 165, 169-170
Northampton, 17, 18, 19, 154
Northumberland, Henry Percy, Twelfth Earl of, 140-147
Northumberland, Henry Percy, Thirteenth Earl of, 150-151
Northumberland, Henry Percy, Fourteenth Earl of, 157, 161, 164, 168, 171
Northumberland, Henry Percy, Sixteenth Earl of, 175
Northumberland, Thomas Percy, Nineteenth Earl of, 176
Nottingham, 92, 179
Nowel, Ralph, Titular Bishop of Orkney, 61, 66
Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 39, 48-49
Ormond, Earl of, 171
Osbert, King of Northumbria, 12-13
Osred I., King of Northumbria, 11
Oswy, King of Northumbria, 8-10
Otho, Archbishop of Canterbury, 218
Parkinson, the Rev. Thomas, F.R.H.S., 151
Pearson, Captain, 222-225
Pembroke, Aylmer de Valence, Tenth Earl of, 124
Pembroke, Jasper Tudor, Sixteenth Earl of, 162
Pembroke, William Herbert, Seventeenth Earl of, 173
Penda, King of Mercia, 7-11
Percy, Sir Henry, K. G., “Hotspur,” 135-136, 142-143
Philippa, Queen, 132-133, 135
Phillips, Mrs S. K., 115
Pole, de la, Sir William, 137
Pole, de la, Sir Richard, 137
Pole, de la, Michael, First Earl of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, Michael, Second Earl of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, Michael, Third Earl of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, William, Fourth Earl and First Duke of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, John, Second Duke of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, John, Ninth Earl of Lincoln, 137
Pole, de la, Edmund, Fifth Earl of Suffolk, 137
Pole, de la, Richard, Titulary Duke of Suffolk, 137
Pontefract, 111, 113, 141, 157, 162, 174
Porter, General, 207, 214
Powis, Lord, 152-153
Randolph, Thomas, Earl of Moray, 83-84, 91-93, 95-96, 102, 105-106, 116, 119, 125-126
Richard I., King of England, 76-78
Richard II., King of England, 133-136, 139-141, 147
Richard III., King of England, 137
Richmond, John de Dreux, Ninth Earl of, 124, 127-128
Rivers, Richard Widvile, First Lord, 153
Rivers, Anthony Widvile, Second Lord, 174
Robert, Earl (Robert Comyn, Third Earl of Northumberland), 43
Robert, Earl (Robert de Mowbray, Eighth Earl of Northumberland) 50-51
Robert, Duke of Normandy, 53-54, 56
Rokeby, Sir Thomas, 145-146, 148
Roos, Thomas de Roos, Tenth Lord, 164
Rupert, Prince, 202, 215
Rutland, Edmund Plantagenet, Titulary Duke of, 152, 159-162
Salisbury, Richard Neville, Eighth Earl of, 150-153, 156-157, 159, 161-162, 171
Savile, Sir William, of Thornhill, 183-185
Scales, Thomas de Scales, Seventh Lord, 154-156
Scarborough, 23, 81, 134, 221-222, 225
Scroop, Jeffrey de, Chief Justiciary, 129
Scroop, Henry le Scroop, of Masham, Third Lord, 148
Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Fifth Earl of, 164, 171
Siward, Earl of Northumbria, 15-16, 47
Somerset, Edmund de Beaufort, Second Duke of, 150-151
Somerset, Henry de Beaufort, Fifth Earl of,