Two colours in German wool,—say blue and orange.—Needles, No. 25. Cast twelve stitches on the first needle, for the spout; and ten stitches on each of three other needles,—with blue. Knit three rounds. Fourth round—with orange, plain knitting. In the next twelve rounds, pearl two, and Knit twelve rounds, pearling two, and knitting two, alternately, except under the spout, where one stitch only is to be knitted. Then,— With the blue wool, commence forming the bowl of the jug; increasing, by knitting two stitches in one,—first knitting the front of the stitch, and then the back; which will prevent the appearance of the increasing. Pearl two rounds. Knit four rounds,—with orange, slipping every fourth (blue) stitch. Knit one round,—with blue, increasing twelve stitches, by knitting two stitches in one, as before, every sixth stitch. Pearl two rounds,—with blue. Knit four rounds,—with orange, slipping every fourth (blue) stitch, as before. Knit one round,—with blue, increasing twelve stitches, by knitting two stitches in one, as before; when eighty-eight stitches should count on the needles. Pearl two rounds,—with blue. Knit five rounds,—with orange. Knit one round,—with blue. Pearl two rounds,—with blue. Knit four rounds,—with orange, slipping every fourth (blue) stitch, as before. Knit one round, decreasing ten stitches,—with blue. Pearl two rounds,— with blue. Knit four rounds,—with orange, slipping every fourth (blue) stitch, as before. Knit one round, decreasing six stitches,—with blue. Pearl two rounds,—with blue. Seventy-two stitches should now remain on the needles. Divide this number of stitches by six, and knit eleven rounds with orange; decreasing six stitches in each round, by knitting two together, at the commencement of each division; when a star of six points will be formed, and six stitches only will remain on the needles:—these are to be drawn up at the point. Take up eight stitches on the side opposite the spout; then, in pearled, and plain rows, work a piece about an inch and a half long—with orange. The end of this is to be attached to the first row of the bowl of the jug, to form the handle. |