Remarkable Patriarchal Blessing



When we read the many miracles in healing that we find recorded in a few chapters in the Bible, one is apt to think that to-day these things are not found among us so generally now as anciently, but on more mature thought, one will discover that there are many more manifestations of God's healing power to-day on record than in the Holy Bible.

Being a physician, and dealing with that most sacred and miraculous thing we call life, I often see the power of God made manifest through his authorized servants, and I have personally taken part in this holy ordinance of the administration with oil, where healing, and other blessings have occurred.

Young people sometimes fail to appreciate the priesthood of God. They little realize the power and blessing that may come through this channel. It is with a heart full of gratitude for His Priesthood and the blessings that have come to me and mine from this channel, and with a prayer in my heart that faith may be kindled in the heart of some reader, that I write the following narrative of what I consider a modern miracle.

Mrs. Gledhill, my wife, had been ill for one and a half years; had been to two hospitals including the L. D. S. Hospital of Salt Lake City, and had been examined by five of the best doctors in the State of Utah and their advice and treatment faithfully followed, but her symptoms gradually grew worse. Three times a slight operation had been performed with no improvement, and it was decided that a major operation would be necessary.

Just prior to this time President William H. Seegmiller had just been released from his duties as Stake President of Sevier Stake, an office which he held with honor and credit for thirty years, and had just been appointed a patriarch in the Church. Mrs. Gledhilll requested him to give her a patriarchal blessing, and among other things he promised her, first, that she should become a well woman, and second, that she should become a mother in Israel of additional children.

She was operated upon by two of the best known doctors in the State. On opening the abdomen they found a large tumor of the uterus that was also attached to the bowel. The doctors consulted each other and told me that the growth was probably the most fatal of all growths known in surgery to-day, and that the only hope of her life would be by the removal of the uterus and surrounding tissue, and even then her prospects for recovery would be very small. Then it was that the faith my parents and teachers had tried so hard to instill within me came to my rescue, and I told the doctors that she would live and that I would under no circumstances consent to have her uterus removed and thus prevent the fulfillment of a prophecy uttered by the servant of God in a patriarchal blessing to my wife. I was told that it would recur, and that she would lose her life if I refused, and that according to all the teachings of science and their own extended experience it would be very unwise to leave any part of the uterus. I told them that I would trust the Lord, and in this I was not alone, for Mrs. Gledhill had made a special request, before being operated on, that whatever else was done, not to allow anything that would make impossible the blessing that she had received, and to which she clung with great faith.

The result was that about one-third of the uterus was removed in order to get the tumor. The doctors gave us very little hope even of her recovering from the operation. She slowly and gradually improved, it seemed for five months, when I discovered that the growth was recurring. Just prior to this I had received the following heart-rending news. The pathologist of the L. D. S. Hospital, who made the microscopical examination of the tumor which was removed, wrote me in effect as follows:—That he was "sorry the whole uterus had not been removed, and it was a question in his mind if it wouldn't be best even yet to have the complete removal of the uterus undertaken, as this would give the only hope of recovery."

Another doctor wrote me, saying that all the authorities he had consulted said that these tumors are fatal, no matter what is done.

I then turned to my text book on this subject and read as follows: "Seventy-five per cent of all cases terminate fatally within six months." Then in italicized words it said "Cyncisiomia Malignant is the most fatal of all known tumors, that by an early and complete removal of the uterus before metastasis has taken place, some cases, it has been reported, have been cured."

At times in the past I have felt that my troubles were great, but now it seemed that all the powers of evil were arrayed against me. I thought of how willingly my wife had undergone the hardships incident to going to school in the east with very limited means, and of the many tender circumstances connected with our courtship and newly married life, etc., and now to think of her being taken from me, was more than my failing heart could stand. So that I humbled myself before God as I never had done before, although all my life I had been a praying man.

But yet there was seen during all this time, dimly and at the close of this trouble more clearly, a silver lining to this great dark cloud. It was the promise of President Seegmiller. I took these letters above quoted from with my text book and read them to President Seegmiller and then asked him point blank if it was he who had made the promise, or if it was from God. I told him I must know immediately, Yes or No. President Seegmiller, in his calm but positive way, told me that when his hands were upon my wife's head with his eyes closed, he saw her a well and perfect woman and said he, "I cannot take back what I have said, for it is from God." From this moment on there never was a moment that we have ever doubted or lost faith in this promise.

Mrs. Gledhill was operated on again. The tumor had recurred as had been predicted. This time she refused to go to the hospital, and I operated on her myself, putting by trust in God. I found several tumors had started, and it was impossible to remove them all, so I removed the large one in the scar of the previous operation and left the others on account of the great hemorrhage. About two weeks after this operation, inflammatory rheumatism set in, and for eight long weeks we "wrestled" with the Lord for her life; nor were we alone, for we summoned all available help. Her name was sent to all the temples for the prayer circle. The Primary Stake Board, of which she was in the presidency, prayed for her as a board and individually. Her kindergarten class in Sunday School prayed for her and brought bouquets of flowers to her bed, and for five weeks two Elders called and petitioned the Throne of Grace in her behalf. Finally, it seemed that the Lord had tested us sufficiently; she became better and finally well.

Can my college professor tell me any more that there is no God? Can I doubt His power or the truth of His restored priesthood? Can I afford to dishonor that sacred priesthood? No, no more than I can say black is white. Men may try to explain this some other way, but we know better, and we thank God for every gift and blessing he has given us.

There is the second part of this blessing I want to tell you about. Mrs. Gledhill had been in good health for nearly three years, and we became very anxious for the Lord to grant us the second part of His promised blessing, namely, that additional children should come to our home. We talked it over and decided that when we went to the temple to do work for the dead, as it is our custom to do once each year, that we would have Mrs. Gledhill washed and annointed for this special blessing.

On arriving at the temple we told President Anderson that we had great faith that the Lord would keep His promise to us, but we were impatient and wanted to intercede for the Lord to grant us this blessing now. When the sisters were washing and anointing Mrs. Gledhill, the spirit of the Lord whispered to her an assurance of our desire, and at the conclusion of this Holy ordinance she came and told me of this assurance she had received, and that she knew it was from God. President Anderson, who was mouth in the prayer that was offered in her behalf, at the conclusion of this Holy ordinance promised her the desire of her heart. After working in the temple two or three days for our dead, we returned home.

In the required time from this temple blessing God gave us an eleven-pound son, notwithstanding the predictions of the doctors to the contrary. Our hearts are so full of gratitude that we wish we could tell the whole world of this modern miracle. On hearing of Mrs. Gledhill's condition, one of the doctors wrote and asked one to take her to a hospital to be confined, and suggested that operative interference might be necessary. But instead of doing this we called in the Elders at this critical hour, and our baby was born naturally. No sooner had the birth occurred than I sent word to the doctors, who, by the way, are very dear friends of mine, and told them of our promised son.

In conclusion let me bear you my testimony that I know that God lives and that the divine plan of salvation, called "Mormonism" is the only plan that will bring genuine happiness and joy to the souls of men; and that, as far as I have been able to learn, there is no known scientific fact that does not harmonize with this revealed gospel. The longer I live, and the more I study, the more virtue I see in our gospel; and for this testimony I thank God.


Richfield, Utah.


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