tm.html#Page_533" class="pginternal">533. on squirrels, 359, 531. on Vincent Bourne, 544. Cruelty to animals, 356. donkeys, 530. Cuckoldry, a fantasy upon, 299. Cunningham, Allan, 269, 504. Cupid's Revenge, 407, 550. Curiosity, a study of, 324, 326. Curious Fragments from Burton, 35, 440. D Damned authors, a club of, 451. Daniel, Samuel, his "Hymen's Triumph" quoted, 9. on nobility, 341. Davenant, William, his improved "Macbeth," 377, 536. Da Vinci, Leonardo, his portrait of Francis, 175. Dawe, George, Lamb's recollections of, 385, 540. his life, 541. and the negro, 542. Defeat of Time, The, 369, 534. De Foe's Secondary Novels, 381, 537. De Foe, Daniel, his Complete English Tradesman, 150. Lamb's letter upon, 538. Deformity, Moral and Personal, essay on, 74, 448. not a sign of nobility, 340. Defunct, The Illustrious, 304, 514. Dekker, Thomas, 50, 55, 64. Delamore, H. F. V. H., Confessions of, 246, 496. Denham, John, his "Cooper's Hill," 258. Dennis, John, and Pope, 203, 476. his character by Aaron Hill, 261. De Quincey parodied by Lamb, 251, 497. "Deserted Village, The," by Goldsmith, 259. Devils, Leigh Hunt upon, 495. Dibdin, Charles, jr., reviewed by Lamb, 429, 552. Dilke, C. W., on Lamb as critic, 545. "Distressed Poet," by Hogarth, 96. "Doctor Faustus," by Marlowe, 49. Dog Days, 430, 553. "Don Giovanni in London," 215. Dramatic Criticisms, Five, 215, Gresham, Sir Thomas, legend of, 535. Greville, Fulke (Lord Brooke), 58. Grimaldi, Joseph, Hood's ode to, 335. his religious symbolism, 339. Gunpowder Treason. See Guy Faux. Gutch, John Matthew, and Miss Kelly, 217, 485. and Wither, 477. Guy Faux, 278, 509. and Carlyle, 509. H Hamlet, the character of, 116. Hanged, On the Inconveniences Resulting From being, 65, 445. Hares, their merits in life and death, 399. "Harlot's Progress, The," by Hogarth, 84. Harper's Magazine, Lamb's contribution to, 407. Hay, William, on deformity, 341, 523. Hazlitt, William, Lamb's friend, 274, 507. on Guy Faux, 278, 509. on Hogarth and Lamb, 448. on "Mr. H.," 450. and the Burneys, 505. on Lamb's letter to Southey, 505. Heathfield, Lord, his famous troop, 201, 475. Helen of Troy and America, 182, 468. Heywood, Thomas, 53. Hill, Aaron, his character of Dennis, 261. Thomas, the original of "Tom Pry," 516. Hissing at theatres, essay on, 101, 449. Histriomastix, a mock forerunner of, 292. Hood's "Progress of Cant," 431, 554. Hogarth, The Genius and Character of, 81, 448. and Reynolds compared, 88. Hogarth analogous to Smollett and Fielding, 97, 100, 101. Holcroft, Thomas, Lamb's friend, 272, 506. Hone's Every-Day Book and Table Book, Lamb's contributions to, 349, 351, 354, 356, 359, 360, 361, 366, 368, 369, 430, 526, 554. Hon
public@vhost@g@html@files@40988@40988-h@40988-h-20.htm.html#Page_427" class="pginternal">427, 552. on a passage in Comus, 428. on John Wilkes, 428, 552. on pride, 429. on Dibdin's Comic Tales, 429, 552. on mad dogs, 430, 553. on Moxon's Sonnets, 435, 554. his Works, 437. his sonnet to Martin Burney, 437. and the Morning Post, 440. on Shakespeare and Burton, 441. and his sister in London late in life, 444. his hallucination, 453. on Donne and Cowley, 454. and stimulants, 456. on his "Confessions of a Drunkard," 456. his signatures in The Examiner, 464. and the chimney-sweeper, 467. letter to Wordsworth, 470. letter to John Scott, 473. on Dr. Nott, 478. proposes marriage to Miss Kelly, 487, 488. refused by Miss Kelly, 488. his reply to Miss Kelly, 489. his private letters to Southey, 501. as Captain and Mr. Lion, 524. his letter to Hone on Colnett's epitaph, 526. on reticence in writing, 548. articles conjecturally attributed to him, 425, 427, 429, 430, 431, 432, 435, 443, 484, 492, 544. Mary, on needlework, 204, 477. on the duty of wives, 208. her reminiscences of school days, 353. "Lamia," by Keats, reviewed by Lamb, 235, 494. Last Peach, The, 333, 519. Latin Poems of Vincent Bourne, 391, 544. "Lear, King," unsuitable for the stage, 124. improved by Tate, 376, 535. the final scene, 401, 548. "Lepus," Papers, The
ss="smcap">NugÆ CriticÆ on a Passage in "The Tempest," 285, 511. O "O. P." Riots, 451. "Odes and Addresses to Great People," 335, 519. Ogilby, John, on Algiers, 286. "Old Fortunatus," by Dekker, 50 Old Gentleman, Letter to, 251, 497. "Old Law," by Massinger, Middleton and Rowley, 64. On the Ambiguities Arising from Proper Names, 80, 448. Burial Societies and the Character of an Undertaker, 107, 451. the Custom of Hissing at Theatres, 101, 449. Danger of Confounding Moral with Personal Deformity, 74, 448. Genius and Character of Hogarth, 81, 448. Inconveniences Resulting from being Hanged, 65, 445. Melancholy of Tailors, 200, 473. Needlework, 204, 477. the Poetical Works of George Wither, 210, 477. Tragedies of Shakespeare, Considered With Reference to their Fitness for Stage Representation, 112, 451. Oriental Eclogues, by Collins, 258. Original Letter of James Thomson, 288, 512. "Othello," unsuitable for the stage, 125. P Parliament under explosion, 284, 510. Passion, debased, in modern theatre, 56. Patmore, P. G., Lamb's letter to, 553. Peach, The Last, 333, 519. Penny, Mr., and Hogarth, 93. "Philaster," by Beaumont and Fletcher, 63. Phillips, Colonel, Lamb's friend, 270, 505. Pig superseded by hare as a delicacy, 399. Pilgrim, The, by Bishop Patrick, 178, 466. Pillory: Reflections in the, 329, 518. 518. Play-house Memoranda, 184, 468. "Poetaster, The," by Jonson, 60. Poetical Decameron, by J. P. Collier, 356, 529. Poetry, Lamb on length of lines in, 214. Pope, Alexander, his satire agai