isub1">faith in a virgin mother, 155. Chlorine, 16, 70, 71. Christianity, 157, 198; the position of women influenced by, 108, 109; Pauline, 177; the creed of, 180, 181; impractical, 182; morality of, 184, 185, 188; influenced by Oriental asceticism, 212. Clausius, 19. Cleanliness and religion, 223, 224. Clerk Maxwell, 19. Coal, 45, 49, 97; heat in burning, 61, 62; land animals found in, 99. Cobden, Richard, 242. Colloids, 77, 78, 80. Comets, 25; supernatural dread of, 164. Communism, 252, 253. Conceptions, our, 143. Confucianism, 184, 198. Conservative legislation, 230; in England, 235. Contract, law of, 254, 255. Creation, unknown, 19; early myths of the, 152, 153. Cromwell, 213. Crystals, 10, 26-28. Cumming, Dr., 47. Darwin, 6, 122, 172; his theory of Pangenesis, 119; his theory of evolution, 121. David, 186. Descartes, 141. Deus, derivation of the word, 200. Deutsch, Emmanuel, on the Talmud, 172, 188. Diamond, the, 74, 77. DionÆa, 96. Dog, will in a, 39, 40; 161; a magnified man, 170, 171; Carlyle on, 171; Arnold’s definition of, 171; Jewish doctors on, 172; prevalent idea of miraculous intervention by, 173; the author of good and evil, 179; primitive Aryan word for, 200. Grammar, 239, 240. Gravity, the law of, 5, 16, 48, 49, 121, 144; atoms subject to the, 34; universal confidence in the, 148; a dangerous heresy, 164. Greeks, religion amongst the, 155, 156. Gushtasp, 201. Gymnosperms, 97, 98. Haeckel, 119, 122. Hale, Justice, 164. Halley, 164. Haug, Dr., 202, 205. Heat, produced by work, 41, 42; nature of, 43; performs work, 44, 47; and electricity, 54, 61; and the stability of substances, 74; in chemistry, 75. Helmholz, 32. Hercules, 193, 197. Heredity, the principle of, 117-121; in education, 240. Hesperornis, 123. Hillel, morality of, 188. Hindoo religion, 152, 156; migration, 199. Horace, 163. Horse, 119. Human remains in Tertiary period, 100; implements, prehistoric, 144, 145. Hume, 162. Huxley, Professor, v., vi., 78, 86, 122, 172, 203; on spontaneous ge
31@60631-h@60631-h-7.htm.html#Page_95" class="pginternal">95; fly-eating, 96; gradual appearance in geology of, 97; in the chalk, 98. Plato, 142. Polarity, law of, v., vii., 1-4, 10, 65; in crystals, 27, 28; in wave motion, 38; in will, 40, 195; of chemical elements, 68, 70; electrical differs from magnetic, 72; is the clue to the construction of the world, 74; in life, 76, 89, 93; in the organic world, 91; in evolution, 100; in sex, 107, 109, 114, 115; a law of existence, 171; asserts itself in society, 174; in moral life, 178; in art and fiction, 209-211; in politics, 230, 231; in political economy, 247-250. Polytheism, 157. Poor laws, the, 253. Population, effects of the accumulation of, 175, 176. Postal service, 260. Potassic hydrates, 69. Pramantha, 41, 42. Prayer, Zoroastrian, 223, 225. Prehistoric faith in spirits, 151. Priesthood, first records of a, 52. Primary period, the, 97; fish in the, 99. Principles, Zoroaster’s two great, 202. Progress, modern, 7. Prometheus, 42, 209. Propagation of life by germs, 104, 118; of the lower plants, 105. Property in land, 255, 256. Protection, 244-246. Protista, 94. Protoplasm, the, 78, 79, 212; morality in the, 187, 188. Telephone, the, 60. Temple, Dr., 162; on evolution, 121; on a Creator, 170, 203; on man, 193. Tennyson, 203, 210, 226, 241. Tertiary epoch, 98; mammals in the, 100. Thomson, Sir W., 19, 21, 32. Tobit, the Book of, 187. Trade, free, 242-245. Trance, phenomena of, 135. Traveller, a, on misery in Christian lands, 175. Triton, the, 122. Tulliver, Maggie, 112, 211. Turkey, 110, 111; woman in, 112. Turks, English, 113, 114. Tyndall, 94. United States, the, 241, 242; protection in the, 242, 243, 246; homestead laws in the, 256, 257. Unknown, the Great, 126, 127. Urea, 86. Variations of species, principle of, 120. Vedas, the Hindoo, 152; antiquity of the, 199. Vendidad, the, 202. Virgin mother, prevalence of faith in a, 154, 155. Voltaic battery, the, 14, 55, 61. Volume, variations of, 12. Vortex theory, 33, 34. Wales, coal in, 258. Wahabite reformer, 158. Water, formation of, 11, 12, 14, 15, 52; and electricity, 14, 53; a cubic inch of, magnified, 21; becomes vapour, THE END. |