
Introduction—Have the Schools Been Discredited by the Revelations of the War 13
I. On the Firing Line in Education 37
Social Betterment, the Dominant Motive in Education 38
Child Study 43
Physical Education 50
The Educational Survey 51
Vocational Guidance 53
The Educational Psychologist 56
II. The Relation of the State University to the High Schools of the State 63
The Elementary School 65
The High School 67
The State University 75
III. The University and the Teacher 89
The Kind of Teachers the University Should Employ 91
The University Teacher in his Classroom 94
The University's Attitude Toward the Preparation of Teachers for the Schools of the State 105
IV. The Eye Problem in the Schools 115
V. The Home, the Church, and the School 133
The Home 134
The Church 141
The School 150
VI. Noblesse Oblige 163
VII. Improvements in Our Public Schools 185
VIII. Local Winter Sports 203
IX. The Function of Teachers College 217
X. Credit for Quality in Secondary and Higher Education 243
Index 261


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