A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- ABMA, 17
- Agena B, 21, 22, 40
- Antennas, 66
- Goldstone, description, 70, 71, 73
- onboard, description, 30, 31
- directional control, 30
- Pioneer tracking site, 70, 71
- ARPA, 17
- Astronomical unit, 111
- refinement, 107
- Atlantic Missile Range, 2, 10, 43, 83
- Atlas-Agena B, 63, 52
- Atlas D, 19, 21, 36-39, 89
- Attitude control
- Atlas D, 38
- Earth acquisition, 58
- loss of control and reorientation, 56, 60
- Attitude control system, 31, 32
- B
- Battery, 25, 27
- Bumper-WAC, 18
- C
- C-133 aircraft, 43
- Centaur, 8
- Central Computer and Sequencer, 28
- commands, 56, 58
- failure at encounter, 62
- midcourse maneuver control, 59
- Central Computing Facility, 81, 82
- Charged particles, 13, 90
- Charged particle detector, 35, 88
- Computers, data processing, 84
- Corporal E, 18
- Cosmic dust, 13
- density, 110
- distribution and mass, 94, 95
- measurement, 89
- Cosmic dust detector, 35, 68, 87, 89
- Cosmic radiation, 13, 96
- Cosmic ray flux, 98
- D
- Data conditioning system, 88
- Data processing, 30, 74, 85
- CCF, equipment and operation, 82, 83
- launch and tracking operations, 83
- telemetry data, 84
- transmission time, 88
- Detectors
- charged particle, 35
- cosmic dust, 35
- solar plasma, 35
- DSIF, 73, 74, 75, 82, 83, 84
- functions, 68
- Goldstone, 1, 64, 67-79, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 84, 107, 108, 109
- Johannesburg, 64, 67, 68, 73
- Mobile, 68, 73, 80
- tracking during midcourse maneuver, 56
- orientation, 56
- Woomera, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75
- E
- Earth sensor
- final orientation commands, 64
- September 8, crises and recovery, 60
- Echo Project, 69
- Echo site functions, 71
- Electronics equipment weight, 25
- Explorer I, 19
- Experiments, 35
- Anton special purpose tube, 87
- atmospheric investigation, 85
- charged particle detector, 88, 96-100
- density variation data, 98
- radiation hazard findings, 98
- cosmic dust detector data, 87-89, 94, 95
- high energy radiation, 90
- infrared radiometer, 87, 93
- ion chamber and Geiger-Mueller tubes, 87
- magnetometers, 87, 88
- microwave radiometer, 87, 91-93
- objectives, 13, 93
- processing of data, 85
- radiometers, 85, 105, 106
- responsible organizations, 88
- results, 110-112
- solar plasma detector, 87-90
- temperature investigation, 85
- transmission of data, 88
- weight, 25
- G
- Geiger counter, 98
- Geiger-Mueller tubes, 87, 91
- George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 13, 17
- Goldstone Tracking Station, 64, 67, 69, 75, 84, 107
- Echo site, 68, 69, 71, 73
- Pioneer site, 56, 68, 70
- Venus site, 69, 70, 108, 109
- Guidance, 13
- H
- High-energy radiation experiments, 90, 91
- I
- Infrared radiometer experiment
- cloud observations, 103, 105, 106
- description, 93
- dimensions, 93
- operating characteristics, 85, 93
- Interplanetary magnetic field, 13, 99
- Interplanetary space
- cosmic dust density, 110
- distribution, 95
- hazards to spacecraft, 13
- Ion chamber, 98
- J
- Johannesburg tracking station, 67, 68
- equipment, 68, 73
- functions, 68, 73
- JPL, 2, 8, 13, 75, 76, 80, 82, 84
- accomplishments, 18, 19
- background, 18
- DSIF control point, 67, 68
- pre-Mariner spacecraft, 23
- Jupiter, contrast to Venus, 101
- Jupiter C, 19
- L
- Launch Operations Center, 12, 17
- Launching, 56
- Atlas performance, 52, 53
- Atlas-Agena B, 52
- battery, 52
- gyroscopes, 53
- radio guidance system, 52
- time limitations, 12
- M
- Magnetometer experiment, 35, 88
- data, 101, 102
- description, 91
- function, 91
- objectives, 100
- onboard location, 91
- Mariner I, 43-45
- Mariner R, 41
- Masers, 70
- Materials, thermal shielding, 33
- Microwave radiometer experiment
- de
scription, 91
- function, 91
- measurements, 103, 105
- operating characteristics, 85, 92-93
- Midcourse maneuver, 32, 58-59, 60, 65
- Mission achievements, records, 65
- Mobile tracking station, 68, 80
- location, equipment and function, 73
- MX-774 Project, 21
- N
- NACA, precursor of NASA, 16
- NASA, 8, 16, 17
- P
- Parking orbit, 55
- Pioneer III, 19
- Pioneer IV, 19
- Pioneer project, 69
- Pioneer tracking site, 70, 71
- Power system, 25
- Private A, 18
- Propellants
- Atlas D, 38
- attitude control system, 32
- spacecraft, controlled burning, 32
- rocket thrust system, 32
- Propulsion system, Mariner
- spacecraft, hydrazine propellant, 33
- propellant storage, 32, 38
- weight, 25
- R
- Radiation, 98-100
- Ranger III, 8
- Receivers, 66
- Records, Mariner
- attitude control system, 65
- measurements near Sun, 65
- operation near Venus
- telemetry measurements, distance, 65
- trajectory correction maneuver, 65
- transmission, continuous performance, 65
- S
- Sensors
- Earth, for attitude control, 32
- Sun, for attitude control, 32
- Sergeant missile, 19
- Shielding, 33, 34
- Solar cells, 27, 28
- Solar flares, 98, 99
- Solar panels
- description, 25
- design, 27
- output deterioration, 61
- release, 11
- support, 25
- weight, 27
- Solar plasma detector, 35, 88, 96, 97
- description, 87,