(The dotted vowels are included with the others.) - Ahava, the cold spring East Wind.
- Ahti, a name of Lemminkainen.
- Ahto, the God of the Sea and of the Waters.
- Ahtola, the dominions of Ahto.
- ÄijÖ, the father of Iku-Turso.
- Ainikki, Lemminkainen's sister.
- Aino, a Lapp maiden, Joukahainen's sister.
- Alue, name of a lake.
- Annikki, Ilmarinen's sister.
- Antero Vipunen, a primeval giant or Titan, whom some commentators suppose to be the same as Kaleva.
- EtelÄtÄr, the goddess of the South Wind.
- HÄllÄpjÖrÄ, name of a waterfall.
- HÄme, Tavastland.
- Hermikki (Sinewy), name of a cow.
- Hiisi, the same as Lempo, the Evil Power, somewhat resembling the Scandinavian Loki in character. His name is often used as a term of reprobation.
- Hiitola, the dominions of Hiisi.
- Hongatar, the goddess of the Fir-trees.
- Horna (Hell), name of a mountain.
- Iku-Turso, a water-giant; the name is doubtless connected with the Icelandic word Thurs, which means a giant, and which is also the name of the letter Þ, called Þa in Old English.
- Ilma (Air), name of Ilmarinen's homestead.
the primeval smith; still used as a proper name in Finland. - Ilmatar, the Daughter of the Air; the Creatrix of the world, and the mother of VÄinÄmÖinen.
- Ilpotar, a name of Louhi.
- Imatra, the great falls or rapids in the river Vuoksi.
- Ingerland, usually known as Ingermanland.
a young Laplander. - Joukola, the land of Joukahainen.
- Jumala, or Ukko, God.
- Juotikki (Drinker), name of a cow.
- Juutas, a name probably derived from Judas. It is used as a name for Hiisi, and also as a term of reprobation.
- Kaatrakoski, name of a waterfall.
- Kalervo, a chieftain, the brother of Untamo, and the father of Kullervo.
- Kalervoinen, epithet of Kullervo.
- Kaleva, the ancestor of the heroes, who does not appear in person in the Kalevala.
- Kalevala, the land of Kaleva.
- Kalevalainen, a descendant of Kaleva.
- Kalevatar, or Osmotar, the daughter of Kaleva.
- Kalma, Death personified; he is more often called Tuoni or Mana.
- Kammo, a rock, the father of Kimmo.
- Kankahatar, the goddess of Weaving.
- Kantele, the Finnish harp or zither.
- Kanteletar, the Daughter of the Harp; name given by LÖnnrot to his published collection of Finnish ballads.
- Karjala, Carelia.
- Katajatar, the nymph of the Juniper.
Kauko, Kaukolainen, Kaukomieli, Names of Lemminkainen. - Kauppi, a Laplander, skilled in making snowshoes.
- Keitolainen, the Contemptible One, one of the names of the Evil Power.
- Kemi, name of a river.
- Kimmo, (1) a stone; (2) name of a cow.
- KiputyttÖ, Maiden of Pain.
- Kirjo (variegated, or dappled), name of a cow.
- Kivutar, Daughter of Pain.
- Kuippana, a name of Tapio.
a hero, the son of Kalervo. - Kuura, a name of Tiera.
- Kuutar, the Daughter of the Moon.
a maiden of Saari, whom Lemminkainen carries off and marries. - Lemminkainen, a reckless adventurer.
- Lempi (Love), the father of Lemminkainen.
- Lempo, or Hiisi, the Evil Power.
- Lokka, the mother of Ilmarinen.
- Louhi, the Mistress of Pohjola.
- Loviatar, one of the daughters of Tuoni, and the mother of the Plagues.
- Luonnotar, Daughter of Creation, a name applied to Ilmatar, and other celestial goddesses.
- Luotola, name of a bay.
- Lyylikki, a name of Kauppi.
- Mairikki, name of a cow.
- Mana, or Tuoni, the God of Hades.
- Manala, or Tuonela, Hades.
- Manalainen = Mana.
- Manalatar, Daughter of Mana.
- Mansikka (Strawberry), name of a cow.
- Marjatta, the mother of VÄinÄmÖinen's supplanter. She is usually identified with the Virgin Mary.
- MÄrkÄhattu (Wet-hat), name or epithet of a cow-herd who has been exposed to the rain.
- Melatar, the goddess of the Rudder.
- Metsola, the Woodlands, from metsa, a forest.
- Mielikki, the Mistress of the Forests, the spouse of Tapio.
- Mimerkki, a name of Mielikki.
- Musti (Blackie), a dog's name.
- Muurikki (Blackie), name of a cow.
- Nyyrikki, the son of Tapio.
- Osmo, a name of Kaleva.
- Osmola = Kalevala.
- Osmoinen, an epithet of VÄinÄmÖinen.
- Osmotar, the daughter of Osmo.
- Otava, the constellation of the Great Bear.
- Otso, pet name for the bear.
- Pahalainen (the Wicked One), a name of the Evil Power.
- PÄivÄtÄr, the Daughter of the Sun.
- Pakkanen, the personified Frost.
- Palvonen, apparently the same as Tuuri.
- Panu, the son of the Sun.
- Pellervoinen, vide Sampsa.
- Pihlajatar, the nymph of the Mountain-Ash tree.
- Piltti, the handmaid of Marjatta.
- Pimentola, a name of Pohjola.
- Pisa, name of a mountain.
- Pohja, the North.
- Pohjola, the North Country; (a) A dark and dismal country to the north of Lapland, but sometimes identified with Lapland itself; (b) The castle or homestead of Louhi, to which the name of the country itself was applied.
- Puhuri, the North Wind.
- Puolukka (Cranberry), name of a cow.
- Ruotus, the headman of a village. (Herod, according to the commentators.)
- Rutja, a cataract, said to be the same as Turja.
- Saarelainen (the Islander), an epithet of Lemminkainen.
- Saari, an island, especially the island now called Kronstadt.
- Sampo, a magic corn, salt and coin-mill.
- Sampsa Pellervoinen, the genius of agriculture (from pellon or pelto, a field), the servant or agent of VÄinÄmÖinen.
names of Pohjola. - Savo (Savolaks), a province of Finland.
- Sima, a Sound in Pohjola.
- Sinetar, a nymph who colours flowers blue.
- "Sotko's Daughters"; the protecting nymphs of ducks.
- Suomi, Finland.
- Suonetar, the nymph of the veins.
- Surma, Death, or the God of Death.
- Suovakko, name of an old woman.
- Suvantola (the land of still waters), a name of VÄinÖlÄ.
- Suvantolainen, an epithet of VÄinÄmÖinen.
- Suvetar, the goddess of Summer.
- SyÖjÄtÄr, an ogress, the mother of the serpents.
- SyÖtikki (Eater), name of a cow.
- Tammatar, the goddess of the oak tree.
- Tanika, name of the builder of a castle.
- Tapio, the God of the Forests.
- Tapiola, the dominions of Tapio.
- Tellervo, the daughter of Tapio, but in some passages apparently identified with Mielikki.
- Terhenetar, the goddess of the Clouds.
- Tiera, Lemminkainen's comrade in arms.
- Tuometar, the goddess of the Bird Cherry.
- Tuomikki, name of a cow.
- Tuonela, or Manala, Hades.
- Tuonetar, the daughter of Tuoni.
- Tuoni, or Mana, the God of Hades.
- Tuorikki, name of a cow.
- Turja, Lapland; also name of a cataract.
- Turjalainen, a Laplander.
- Tursas, vide Iki-Turso.
- Tuulikki, a daughter of Tapio.
- Tuuri, the builder of a house where honey is stored.
- Ukko (old man), usually identified with Jumala, the God of Heaven, with special authority over the clouds.
- Ulappala (the country of the open sea), apparently the same as Tuonela.
(a) the god of Sleep and Dreams; (b) a turbulent chieftain, the brother of Kalervo. - Untamola, the dominions of Untamo; sometimes used for Untamo himself.
- Unto, short for Untamo.
- Untola, the dominions of Unto.
names of VÄinÄmÖinen. - VÄinÄmÖinen, the primeval minstrel and culture-hero, the son of Ilmatar (the name, as pronounced, sounds like Vannamoenen).
- VÄinÖ, short for VÄinÄmÖinen.
- VÄinÖlÄ, the dominions of VÄinÄmÖinen (=Kalevala.)
- Vammatar, the Daughter of Evil.
- Vellamo, the goddess of the Sea and of the Waters, the spouse of Ahto.
- Vipunen, vide Antero Vipunen.
- Viro, Esthonia.
- Virokannas, used as a proper name; apparently meaning the Wise Esthonian.
- Vuojalainen, a name of Lyylikki.
- Vuoksi, an important river which flows into Lake Ladoga.
THE END Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, BREAD STREET HILL, E.C., and BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. |