
(The dotted vowels are included with the others.)

Ahava, the cold spring East Wind.
Ahti, a name of Lemminkainen.
Ahto, the God of the Sea and of the Waters.
Ahtola, the dominions of Ahto.
ÄijÖ, the father of Iku-Turso.
Ainikki, Lemminkainen's sister.
Aino, a Lapp maiden, Joukahainen's sister.
Alue, name of a lake.
Annikki, Ilmarinen's sister.
Antero Vipunen, a primeval giant or Titan, whom some commentators suppose to be the same as Kaleva.
EtelÄtÄr, the goddess of the South Wind.
HÄllÄpjÖrÄ, name of a waterfall.
HÄme, Tavastland.
Hermikki (Sinewy), name of a cow.
Hiisi, the same as Lempo, the Evil Power, somewhat resembling the Scandinavian Loki in character. His name is often used as a term of reprobation.
Hiitola, the dominions of Hiisi.
Hongatar, the goddess of the Fir-trees.
Horna (Hell), name of a mountain.
Iku-Turso, a water-giant; the name is doubtless connected with the Icelandic word Thurs, which means a giant, and which is also the name of the letter Þ, called Þa in Old English.
Ilma (Air), name of Ilmarinen's homestead.



the primeval smith; still used as a proper name in Finland.

Ilmatar, the Daughter of the Air; the Creatrix of the world, and the mother of VÄinÄmÖinen.
Ilpotar, a name of Louhi.
Imatra, the great falls or rapids in the river Vuoksi.
Ingerland, usually known as Ingermanland.



a young Laplander.

Joukola, the land of Joukahainen.
Jumala, or Ukko, God.
Juotikki (Drinker), name of a cow.
Juutas, a name probably derived from Judas. It is used as a name for Hiisi, and also as a term of reprobation.
Kaatrakoski, name of a waterfall.
Kalervo, a chieftain, the brother of Untamo, and the father of Kullervo.
Kalervoinen, epithet of Kullervo.
Kaleva, the ancestor of the heroes, who does not appear in person in the Kalevala.
Kalevala, the land of Kaleva.
Kalevalainen, a descendant of Kaleva.
Kalevatar, or Osmotar, the daughter of Kaleva.
Kalma, Death personified; he is more often called Tuoni or Mana.
Kammo, a rock, the father of Kimmo.
Kankahatar, the goddess of Weaving.
Kantele, the Finnish harp or zither.
Kanteletar, the Daughter of the Harp; name given by LÖnnrot to his published collection of Finnish ballads.
Karjala, Carelia.
Katajatar, the nymph of the Juniper.



Names of Lemminkainen.

Kauppi, a Laplander, skilled in making snowshoes.
Keitolainen, the Contemptible One, one of the names of the Evil Power.
Kemi, name of a river.
Kimmo, (1) a stone; (2) name of a cow.
KiputyttÖ, Maiden of Pain.
Kirjo (variegated, or dappled), name of a cow.
Kivutar, Daughter of Pain.
Kuippana, a name of Tapio.



a hero, the son of Kalervo.

Kuura, a name of Tiera.
Kuutar, the Daughter of the Moon.



a maiden of Saari, whom Lemminkainen carries off and marries.

Lemminkainen, a reckless adventurer.
Lempi (Love), the father of Lemminkainen.
Lempo, or Hiisi, the Evil Power.
Lokka, the mother of Ilmarinen.
Louhi, the Mistress of Pohjola.
Loviatar, one of the daughters of Tuoni, and the mother of the Plagues.
Luonnotar, Daughter of Creation, a name applied to Ilmatar, and other celestial goddesses.
Luotola, name of a bay.
Lyylikki, a name of Kauppi.
Mairikki, name of a cow.
Mana, or Tuoni, the God of Hades.
Manala, or Tuonela, Hades.
Manalainen = Mana.
Manalatar, Daughter of Mana.
Mansikka (Strawberry), name of a cow.
Marjatta, the mother of VÄinÄmÖinen's supplanter. She is usually identified with the Virgin Mary.
MÄrkÄhattu (Wet-hat), name or epithet of a cow-herd who has been exposed to the rain.
Melatar, the goddess of the Rudder.
Metsola, the Woodlands, from metsa, a forest.
Mielikki, the Mistress of the Forests, the spouse of Tapio.
Mimerkki, a name of Mielikki.
Musti (Blackie), a dog's name.
Muurikki (Blackie), name of a cow.
Nyyrikki, the son of Tapio.
Osmo, a name of Kaleva.
Osmola = Kalevala.
Osmoinen, an epithet of VÄinÄmÖinen.
Osmotar, the daughter of Osmo.
Otava, the constellation of the Great Bear.
Otso, pet name for the bear.
Pahalainen (the Wicked One), a name of the Evil Power.
PÄivÄtÄr, the Daughter of the Sun.
Pakkanen, the personified Frost.
Palvonen, apparently the same as Tuuri.
Panu, the son of the Sun.
Pellervoinen, vide Sampsa.
Pihlajatar, the nymph of the Mountain-Ash tree.
Piltti, the handmaid of Marjatta.
Pimentola, a name of Pohjola.
Pisa, name of a mountain.
Pohja, the North.
Pohjola, the North Country; (a) A dark and dismal country to the north of Lapland, but sometimes identified with Lapland itself; (b) The castle or homestead of Louhi, to which the name of the country itself was applied.
Puhuri, the North Wind.
Puolukka (Cranberry), name of a cow.
Ruotus, the headman of a village. (Herod, according to the commentators.)
Rutja, a cataract, said to be the same as Turja.
Saarelainen (the Islander), an epithet of Lemminkainen.
Saari, an island, especially the island now called Kronstadt.
Sampo, a magic corn, salt and coin-mill.
Sampsa Pellervoinen, the genius of agriculture (from pellon or pelto, a field), the servant or agent of VÄinÄmÖinen.



names of Pohjola.

Savo (Savolaks), a province of Finland.
Sima, a Sound in Pohjola.
Sinetar, a nymph who colours flowers blue.
"Sotko's Daughters"; the protecting nymphs of ducks.
Suomi, Finland.
Suonetar, the nymph of the veins.
Surma, Death, or the God of Death.
Suovakko, name of an old woman.
Suvantola (the land of still waters), a name of VÄinÖlÄ.
Suvantolainen, an epithet of VÄinÄmÖinen.
Suvetar, the goddess of Summer.
SyÖjÄtÄr, an ogress, the mother of the serpents.
SyÖtikki (Eater), name of a cow.
Tammatar, the goddess of the oak tree.
Tanika, name of the builder of a castle.
Tapio, the God of the Forests.
Tapiola, the dominions of Tapio.
Tellervo, the daughter of Tapio, but in some passages apparently identified with Mielikki.
Terhenetar, the goddess of the Clouds.
Tiera, Lemminkainen's comrade in arms.
Tuometar, the goddess of the Bird Cherry.
Tuomikki, name of a cow.
Tuonela, or Manala, Hades.
Tuonetar, the daughter of Tuoni.
Tuoni, or Mana, the God of Hades.
Tuorikki, name of a cow.
Turja, Lapland; also name of a cataract.
Turjalainen, a Laplander.
Tursas, vide Iki-Turso.
Tuulikki, a daughter of Tapio.
Tuuri, the builder of a house where honey is stored.
Ukko (old man), usually identified with Jumala, the God of Heaven, with special authority over the clouds.
Ulappala (the country of the open sea), apparently the same as Tuonela.



(a) the god of Sleep and Dreams; (b) a turbulent chieftain, the brother of Kalervo.

Untamola, the dominions of Untamo; sometimes used for Untamo himself.
Unto, short for Untamo.
Untola, the dominions of Unto.



names of VÄinÄmÖinen.

VÄinÄmÖinen, the primeval minstrel and culture-hero, the son of Ilmatar (the name, as pronounced, sounds like Vannamoenen).
VÄinÖ, short for VÄinÄmÖinen.
VÄinÖlÄ, the dominions of VÄinÄmÖinen (=Kalevala.)
Vammatar, the Daughter of Evil.
Vellamo, the goddess of the Sea and of the Waters, the spouse of Ahto.
Vipunen, vide Antero Vipunen.
Viro, Esthonia.
Virokannas, used as a proper name; apparently meaning the Wise Esthonian.
Vuojalainen, a name of Lyylikki.
Vuoksi, an important river which flows into Lake Ladoga.


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