ternal">276 Dummer, Mr., 58 “Dunbar, Henry,” 244 Dunstan, 159 Durngate, 86 Durst, Canon, 223 Dyngeley, 63 E. Eastgate, 76 Edburga, 72 Edington, 94, 167, 175, 186, 194 Edgar, 66, 160 Edmund, 21 Edward the Confessor, 14, 162, 171 Edward I., 16, 21, 124, 232 Edward III., 20, 94, 235 Edward IV., 4 Edward VI., 6, 136 Egbert, 59 Elijah, 215 Elias, 158 Ely, 153 Elizabeth, Queen, 19, 34, 69 Elizabeth, St., 199 Ellis, 207 Emma, Queen, 10, 53, 131, 162, 171, 193 Ethelbald, 153 Ethelmar, 205 Ethelred, 160 Eton, 20, 105 Evelyn, 33 Evesham, 61 Exchequer, 12 F. Fair, 10, 36, 81 Fairfax, 28 Faith’s, St., 244 Farley Mount, 89 James’ Terrace, 89 Jewry Street, 123 Jews, 35, 85 John, King, 5, 15, 264, 268 John’s, St., Barracks, 266 John’s, St., Croft, 266 John’s, St., Hospital, 54, 73, 247, 289 John’s, St., Street, 264 Johnson, 112 Jones, Inigo, 183 Josse, St., 16, 130 Just, St., 193 K. Keble, 285 Ken, Bishop, 105, 109, 190, 218 Kerebroc, 19 Keats, 9 King, Mr., 57 Kingsgate, 226 Kings Worthy, 141, 291 Kingston, Duke of, 47 Kinnaird, Lord, 44 Kitchin, Dean, 83, 189, 226, 278 L. Lady Chapel, 200 Lainston, 44 Langton, Bishop, 200 Lark, 105 Laurence’s, St., 57, 63, 242 Laurence’s, St., Passage, 132 Leicester, Lord, 101 Leroy, Miss, 11, 206 Leland, 118 Lewis, W., 254 Library, 213 Library, Free, 65 Limafelda, 5 Lincoln, 5 Lisle, 39, 254122 Workhouse, 38 Wriothesley, 137 Wyke, 38, 39 Wykeham, 17, 20, 93, 98, 107, 136, 137, 167, 185, 229 Y. Yonge, Miss, 280 Young, 109 Z. Z. O., 253 UNWIN BROTHERS, THE GRESHAM PRESS, CHILWORTH AND LONDON.