ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@37404@37404-h@37404-h-22.htm.html#sect_170_7" class="pginternal">7. Baius, Michael, §149,13. Bajazet, §110,11. BalÄus, §48,7. Balde, Jac., §158,3. Baldwin of Jerusalem, §94,1; 98,7. Baldwin of Flanders, §94,4. Baldwin the Heretic, §108,4. Balsamon, §68,5. Balthazar of Fulda, §151,2. Baltic Provinces of Russia, §139,3; 206,3. Baltimore, Lord, §208,5. Baltzer, §191,1,3. Baluzius, §158,2. Bampfield, §163,3. Ban, §89,6; 106,1. BaÑez, §149,13. Bangor, §85,4. Baphomet, §112,7. Baptism, §35,2-4; 58,1,4; 141,13. Baptismal Font, §60,4; 88,5. Baptismus Clinicorum, §35,3. Baptists, §163,3; 170,6; 208,1; 211,3. Baptistries, §60,4. BÄr, David, §170,4. Baradai, §52,7. Barbatianus, §62,2. Barbs, §108,10. Barckhausen, §169,1. Barclay, §163,5. Bar-Cochba, §25. Bardesanes, §27,5. Barefooted Friars, §98,3; 149,6. Bar Hanina, §47,15. Bar HebrÆus, §72,2. Bari, Synod at, §67,4. Barkers, §170,7. Barlaam, §67,5; 69,2. Barlaam and Josaphat, §68,6. Barletta, §115,2. Barnabas, §14; 30,4. Barnabites, §149,7. Barnim, §133,4. Baronius, §5,2; 149,14. Barriere [BarriÈre], §149,6. Barrow, §143,4. Barsumas, §52,3. Bartholomew, Massacre of St., §139,16. Bartholomew of Pisa, §98,3. Bartolemeo [Bartolomeo], Fra, §115,13. Basedow, §171,4. Basel, §130,3,8; 196,4. Basel, Council of, §110,8,9; 119,7. Basil the Great, §44; 47,4; 59,6. Basil, chief of Bogomili, §71,4. Basil of Ancyra, §50,3. Basil the Macedonian, §67,1; 68,1; 71,1; 73,1. Basilica, §60,1,2. Basilicus, §139,26. Basilides, the Gnostic, §27,2. Basilides, the Martyr, §22,4. Basnage, §5,2; 161,7. Basrelief [Bas-relief], §60,6. Bassi, §149,6. Bathori, Steph., §139,18. Bauer, Bruno, §174,1; 182,6. Bauer, Lor., §171,7. Baumgarten-Crusius, §182,4. Baumgarten M., §180,1; 194,6. Baumgarten Sigism. Jac., §167,4. Baumstark, §175,7. Baur, Chr. F., §182,7; 5,4. Baur, Gust., §194,1. Bautain, §91,1. Bavaria, §78,2; 151,2; 165,10; 195; 197,14. Bavo, §78,3. Baxter, §162,3. Bayle, §164,4. Bayly, Lewis, §162,3. Beatification, §104,8. Beaton, §139,8. Beaumont, §165,7. Bebel, §212,5. Bebenburg, §118,2. Beccus, §67,4. Beck, Tob., §182,12. Becket, §96,16. Bede, The Venerable, §90,2. Beethoven, §174,10. Begging Friars, §98,3-6; 103,3-6; 112,2-6. Beghards and Beguins [Beguines], §98,7; 116,5. Bekker, Balthaz., §161,5. Belgium, §200,4-7. Bellarmine, §149,4,10,14. Beller, Card., §188,13. Bellini, §115,13. Bells, §60,5. Bells, Baptism of, §88,5. ????, §60,1. Bembo, §120,1. Benard [Bernard], Lor., §156,7. Bender, §176,4. Benedetto of Mantova, §139,23. Benedict III., §82,5. 198,1. Bunyan, §162,3. BÜren, §144,2. Burgundians, §76,5. Burmann, §161,7. Burnet, Bishop, §161,3. Bursfeld, Congregation of, §112,1. Busch, John, §112,1. Busembaum, §158,1; 149,10. Buttlar Sectaries, §170,4. Butter week, §56,7. BuxhÖwden, §93,12. Buxtorf,§ 161,3,6. Byron, §174,7. Byse, §200,8. Caballero, §174,7. Cabasilas, §68,5; 70,4. Cabet, §212,3. Cabrera, §205,4. Cadan, Peace of, §133,3. CÆcilius, §63,1. CÆdmon, §89,3. CÆsarius of Arles, §47,20; 53,5; 61,4. CÆsarius of Heisterbach, §103,9. Cainites, §27,6. Caius, §31,7; 33,9. Cajetan, Card., §122,3. Cajetan, of Thiene, §149,7. Calas, §165,5. Calatrava, Order of, §98,8. Calderon, §158,3. Calendar Reform, §149,3. Calixt, Geo., §153,7; 159,2,4. Calixtines, §119,7. Calixtus II., § 96,11. Calixtus III., §96,15; 110,10. Callinice, §71,1. Callistus, §33,5; 41,1. Calmet, §165,14. Calov, §153,7; 159,2,4,5; 160,2. Calvin, §138; 143,5. Camaldulensian Order, §98,1. Camera Romana, §110,16. Camerarius, §142,6. Camisards, §153,4. Campanella, §164,1. Campanus, §148,1. Campbellites, §170,6. Campe, §171,4. Campegius, §126,2,3; 132,6. Campello, §190,3. Camp-Meeting, §208,1. Cancellaria Romana, §110,16. Canisius, §149,14; 151,1. Canisius Society, §186,4. Canon, Biblical, §36,8; 59,1. Canon, of the Mass, §59,5. Canon, in Music, §115,8. Canon, Law, §43,2. Canones Apostt., §43,4. Canonesses, §85,3. Canonical Age, §45,1. Canonical Life, §84,4; 97,3. Canonici, §84,4; 97,3. Canossa, §96,8. Canova, §174,9. Canstein, §167,8. Cantores, §34,3. Cantus Ambros., §59,5. Cantus figuratus, §104,11. Cantus firmus, §59,5. Canute the Great, §93,2,4. Canus, §149,14. Canz, §167,2. Capistran, §112,3. Capito, §124,3; 130,3; 131,1. Capitula Carisiaca, §91,5. Capitula Clausa, §111. Capitula episcoporum, §87,1. Capitularies, §87,1. Cappadocians, The Three, §47,5. Cappadose, §200,2. Cappel, Peace of, §130,9,10. Cappellus, §161,3,6. Capuchins, §149,6. Caraccioli, §139,24. Caraffa, §149,2,7; 139,22,23.
files@37404@37404-h@37404-h-52.htm.html#sect_200_2" class="pginternal">200,2. Coster, §149,14. Cotta, Urs., §122,1. Councils, Œcumenical, §43,2. Counter-Reformation, §151; 153; 165,4. Cour, Did. de la, §156,4. Courland, §93,12; 139,3. Court, Ant., §165,5. Covenant, §139,8; 155,1. Cowper, §172,4. Cranach, §142,2. Cranmer, §139,4,5. Cranz, §115,8. Crasselius, §167,6. Crato of Crafftheim, §141,10; 137,8. Creationism, §53,1. Crell, J., §148,4. Crell, Nich., §141,13. Crell, Paul, §141,10. Crescens, §30,9. Crescentius, §96,2,4. Creuzer, §174,4. Cromwell, §153,5,6; 155,1-3. Crookes, §211,17. Cross, §38,2; 60,6. Cross, Discovery of the, §57,5. Cross, Ordeal of the, §88,5. Cross, Sign of the, §39,1; 59,8; 73,5. Crotus, Rubianus, §120,2,5. Crucifix, §60,6. Cruciger, §136,7. Cruco, §93,9. CrÜger, §160,5. Crusaders, §98,8. Crusades, §94; 105,3. Crusius, Mart., §139,26. Crusius, Chr. Aug., §167,4. Crypto-Calvinists, §141,10,13. Crypts, §38,1; 60,1. Cubricus, §29,1. Cudworth, §164,3. Culdees, §77,8. Cum ex apostolatus officio, §149,2. Cummins, §208,1. CunÆus, §161,6. Cupola, §60,3. Curati, §84,2. CurÆus, §141,10. Curci, §187,5. Curia, The Papal, §110,15. Curio, §139,24. Cursores, §60,5. Cusa, Nich. of, §113,6. Cynewulf, §89,3. Cyprian, St., §22,5; 31,11; 34,1,7,8; 35,3; 39,2; 41,2,3. Cyprian, of Antioch, §48,8. Cyprian, Sal., §167,4; 169,1. Cyran, St., §157,2. Cyriacus, §104,9. Cyril of Alexandria, §47,6; 52,2,3. Cyril of Jerusalem, §47,10; 52,2,3. Cyril Lucar, §152,2. Cyril and Methodius, §73,2,3; 79,2,3. Cyrillonas, §48,7. Cyrus of Alexandria, §52,8. Czersky, §186,6. Dach, Sim., §160,3. DÄchsel, §186,4. Dagobert I., §78,1. DaillÉ, §161,3,7. Dalberg, J.v., §120,2,3. Dalberg, K.Th.v., §187,3; 192,2. Dale, §202,3. Dalmatica, §59,7. Damascus I., §46,4; 59,1,4. Damascus II., §96,5. Dames du Coeur sacrÉ, §186,1. Damiani, Petrus [Peter], §97,4; 104,10; 106,4. Damiens, §158,1. Dandalo [Dandolo], §94,4. Daniel of Winchester, §78,4. Danites, §211,14. Dankbrand, §93,5. Dannecker, §174,9. Dannhauer, §159,5. Dante, §115,10. Danzig, §139,18. Darboy, §189,3; 203. Darbyites, §211,11. Darnley, §139,10. Darwin, §174,3. Dataria Rom., §110,16. Daub, §182,6. Daumer, §175,7. David of Augsburg, §103,10. David of Dinant, §108,4. David Christian, §167,9. Davidis, Fr., §148,3. Davis, §211,17. Deacon, §17,5; 34,3. Deaconess, §34,3. Deaconess-institutes, §183,1. Dean, §84,2. Decius, Emperor, §22,5.
iles@37404@37404-h@37404-h-13.htm.html#sect_161_2" class="pginternal">161,2. EpistolÆ decretales, §46,3. EpistolÆ formatÆ, §34,6. EpistolÆ obscur. vir., §120,5. EpistolÆ paschales, §34,6; 56,3. EpistolÆ synodales, §34,6. EpulÆ ThyesteÆ, §22. Erasmus, §120,6; 123,3; 125,3. Erastianism, §202,7. Erastus, §117,4; 144,1. Erfurt, University of, §120,2. Eric of Calenberg, §136,1. Eric of Sweden, §80,1; 93,2. Eric, St., §93,3,11. Eric the Red, §93,5. Erigena, §90,7; 91,5. Erimbert, §81,1. Erlembald, §97,5. Ernest the Pious, §160,6. Ernest of LÜneburg, §126,4; 127,3. Ernesti, §171,6. Ernestine Bible, §160,6. Esch, John, §128,1. Eschenmayer, §176,2. Escobar, §149,16; 158,1. Essenes, §8,4; 28,2. Essenius, §161,5. Established Church, §139,6; 202,1. Esthonia, §93,2; 205,3. Estius, §149,14. Ethelberga, §77,4. Ethelbert, §77,4. Ethelwold, Bishop, §100,1. Etherius of Osma, §91,1. Ethiopia, §64,1. Etshmiadzin, §72,2. ??????????, §17,7; 36,3. ?????????, §61,3. Eucherius, §47,21. Euchites, §44,7; 71,3. Eudocia, §48,5; 52,3,4,5. Eudoxia, §51,3. Eudoxius, §50,8. Eugenius II., §82,4. Eugenius III., §96,13. Eugenius IV., §67,6; 110,8,9. Eulalius, §46,6. Euler, §171,8. Eulogies, §58,4. Eulogius of CÆsarea, §53,4. Eulogius of Cordova, §81,1; 90,6. Eunapius, §42,5. Eunomius, §50,3. Euphemites, §42,6. Euphrates, §28,4. Euric, §76,2. Eusebians, §50,2. Eusebius of CÆsarea, §36,8; 47,2; 50,1; 59,1. Eusebius of DorylÄum, §52,3. Eusebius of Emesa, §47,8. Eusebius of Nicomedia, §50,1. Eusebius of Vercelli, §50,2. Eustasius of Luxeuil, §78,2. Eustathians, §44,7. Eustathius of Antioch, §50,8. Eustathius of Sebaste, §44,3,7; 62,1. Eustathius of Thessalonica, §68,5; 70,4. Euthalius, §59,1. Euthymius Zigabenus, §68,5. Eutyches, §52,4. Euzoius, §50,8. Evagrius, §5,1. Evangelical-Party, §202,1,4. Evangelists, §17,5; 34,1. Evangelium Æternum, §108,4. Evolutionists, §174,2. Ewald, The black and white, §78,9. Ewald, H., §182,3. Exarchate, §46,9; 76,7; 82,1. Exarchs, Episcopal, §46,1. Execrabilis, §110,10. Exemption, §98. Exercises, Spiritual, §149,9; 188,1. Excommunication, §35,2; 88,5; 106,1. Exodus-Churches, §211,6,7. ????????????, §32,2. Exorcism, §35,4; 58,1; 142,2; 167,2. Exorcists, §33,3. Exsurge Domini, §123,2. Extra, §99,5. ExtraneÆ, §39,3. Extravagantes, §99,5. Eyck, §115,13. Eznik, §64,3. Ezra, Fourth Book of, §32,2. Faber, John, §130,2,6. Faber, Stapulensis, §120,8. Fabian, Bishop of Rome, §22,5. Facundus of Hermiane, §47,19; 52,6. Fagius, §139,5. Falk, Dr., §174,8; 193,5,6; 197,2,3,5. Familists, §146,5. Farel, §130,3; 138,1. Fasts, Ascetic, §44,4; 107. Fasts, Ecclesiastical, §37,3; 56,4,7; 115,1,12. Fatak, §29,1. Faustus of Mileve, §54,1. Faustus of Rhegium, §47,21; 53,5. Favre, Pet., §149,8. Fawkes, Guy, §153,6. Fazy, §199,1.
i>Gregory Abulfarajus, §72,2. Gregory Acindynos, §69,2. Gregory of Constantinople, §207,1. Gregory of Heimburg, §118,5. Gregory Illuminator, §64,3. Gregory Palamas, §69,2. Gregory Scholaris, §68,5. Gregory Thaumaturgus, §31,6. Gregory Nazianzen, §47,4; 48,5,8; 59,4. Gregory of Nyssa, §47,4. Gregory of Tours, §90,2. Gregory of Utrecht, §78,3. Gregorian Chant, §59,3. Gretna-Green, §202,6. GrÉvy, §203,5. Grey, Lady Jane, §139,5. Griesbach, §171,7. Groot, Gerh., §112,9. Gropper, §135,3,7. Grosseteste, §97,4. Grotius, §153,7; 161,2,6,7. Gruber, §170,1,2. Gruet, Jac., §138,4. Grundtvig, §201,1. Grunthler, §139,24. GrynÄus, §133,8. Gualbertus, §98,1. Guardian, §98,5. Guatemala, §209,2. Guelphs, §96,7. Guericke, §5,5; 176,1; 177,2; 182,13. Guerin, §98,2. Guevara, §209,2. Guiana, §184,2. Guibert, Archbishop, §203,5. Guibert of Nogent, §101,1. Guido of Arezzo, §104,11. Guido de Castello, §102,2; 108,7. Guido of Siena, §104,9,14. Guigo, §98,2. Guise, Dukes of, §139,13-17. Guizot, §185,3; 203,2,8. Gundiberge, §76,8. Gundioch, §75,5. Gundobald, §76,5. Gundulf, §108,2. Gunpowder Plot, §153,6. Gunthamund, §76,3. Gunther of Cologne, §82,7. GÜnther, Ant., §191,3. GÜnther, Cyriacus, §160,4. GÜnzburg, Eberlin of, §125,1. Gury, §191,9. Gustavus Adolphus, §153,2; 160,7. Gustavus Adolphus, Society, §178,1. GÜtzlaf, §184,6. Guyon, §157,3. Gylas, §93,8. Gyrovagi, §44,7. Haag, Pastor, §196,3. Haas, Jos., §210,2. Haas, Charles, §175,7. Haco the Good, §93,4. Hadrian, Emperor, §28,3; 25; 39,6. Hadrian I., §66,3; 82,2; 91,1. Hadrian II., §67,1; 79,2; 82,7; 83,2. Hadrian III., §82,8. Hadrian IV., §96,14. Hadrian V., §96,22. Hadrian VI., §149,1; 126,1. Hagenau, §135,2. Hagenbach, §182,9; 5,5. Hahn, Aug., §176,1. Hahn, Michael, §172,3. Hahn, Missionary, §184,3. Hahn-Hahn, Ida, §175,7. Hakem, §95,2. Haldane, §199,5. Haldanites, §170,6. Halle, University of, §167,1. Haller, Alb., §171,8. Haller, Berth., §130,4. Haller, L. v., §175,7. Hamann, §171,11. Hamburg, Bishopric, §80,1. Hamilton, Patrick, §139,8. Hammerschmidt, §160,5. Handel, §167,7. Haneberg, §189,4; 197,6. Hanne, Dr., § Hy, §77,2. Hyacinth, §93,13. Hylists, Anc. Materialists, §26,2. Hymn Music, §142,3; 171,1; 180,1. Hymnology, §17,7; 36,10; 59,4; 89,2; 104,10; 115,7. Hymns, Catholic, §149,15. Hymns, Protestant, §142,3; 143,2; 160,3; 162,6; 167,6; 175,10. Hypatia, §42,4. Hyperius, §143,5; 154,1. Hypophonic singing, §59,5. Hypostasianism, §33,1. Hypsistarians, §42,6. Hystaspes, §32,1. Iamblichus, §24,2. Ibas, §47,13; 52,3. Iberians, §64,4. Icarians, §212,3. Iceland, §93,5; 139,2. Idacius, §54,2. Iglesia EspaÑola, §205,4. Ignatius of Antioch, §22,2; 30,5; 34,1,7. Ignatius Patr. of Constant., §67,1. Ignatius Loyola, §149,8. Ignorantins, §165,2. Ijejasu, §150,2; 156,11. Ildefonsus, §90,2,9. Illuminati, §165,11. Illyria, §46,5,9. Images, §38,4. Images, Controversy about, §66; 92,1. Image-worship, §57,4; 89,4. Immaculate Conception, §104,7; 112,4; 113,2; 149,13; 156,6; 185,2. Immanuel Synod, §177,3. Immunity, §84,1. Impostores tres, §148,4. Incense, §59,8. Inclusi, §85,6. In Coena Domini, §117,3. In commendam, §85,5; 110,15. Independents, §143,4; 155,1; 162,1. Index prohibitorius, §149,14. Indulgences, §106,2; 117,1. Ineffabilis, §185,2. In eminenti, §157,5. Infallibility, §96,23; 110,14; 149,4; 165,8; 189,3. Infant Baptism, §35,3; 58,1. Infralapsarianism, §161,1. Infula, §84,1. Inge, §93,3. Ingolstadt, §120,3. Innocentum festum, §57,1; 105,2. Innocent I., §46,5; 51,3; 53,4; 61,2,3. Innocent II., §96,13. Innocent III., §96,17,18; 94,4; 102,9; 108,10; 109,1. Innocent IV., §96,20; 73,6. Innocent V., §96,22. Innocent VI., §110,4,5. Innocent VII., §110,6. Innocent VIII., §110,11; 115,4. Innocent IX., §149,3. Innocent X., §156,1; 153,2; 157,5. Innocent XI., §156,1,3; 157,2. Innocent XII., §156,1,3; 157,3. Innocent XIII., §165,1. In partibus infidelium, §97,3. Inquisition, §109,2; 117,2; 139,22; 149,2; 151; 156,3. Inspiration, Doctrine of, §36,9. Insula sanctorum, §77,1. Intentionalism, §149,10. Interdict, §106,1. Interim, The Augsburg, §136,5,6. Interim, The Leipzig, §136,7. Interim, The Regensburg, §135,3. International, §212,4. Interpreters, §34,3. Investiture, §45,1; 84; 96,7,11,12. Iona, §77,2. Ireland, §77,1; 139,7; 153,6; 202,9. IrenÆus, §31,2; 33,9; 34,8; 40,2. Irene, §66,3. Irish Massacre, §153,6. Irvingites, §211,10. Isaac, the Great, §64,3. Isaac, of Antioch, §48,7. Isabella of Castile, §95,2; 117,2; 118,7. Isabella II. of Spain, §205,2. Isenberg, §184,9. Isidore the Gnostic, §28,2. Isidore of Pelusium, §47,6; 44,3. Isidore the Presbyter, §51,2,3. Isidore Russ. Metropol., §73. Isidore of Seville, §90,2. Islam, §65; 81; 95. Issy, Conference of, §157,3. Itala, §36,8. Italy, §139,22; 187,7; 202. Liberatus of Carthage, §52,6. Liberius of Rome, §46,4; 50,2,3. Libertins, §146,4. Libri Carolini, §92,1. Licet ab initio, §139,23. Licinius, §22,7. Lightfoot, §161,6. Light, Friends of, §176,1. Liguorians, §165,2; 186,1. Limborch, §161,7. Limbus infantium, §106,3. Limbus patrum, §106,3. Limina apostt., §57,6. Linus, §17,1. Linz, Peace of, §153,3. Lippe, Princes’ Diet of, §154,2; 194,5. Lipsius, §182,19. LiptinÄ, Synod of, §78,5; 86,2. Lisco, §181,4. Litany, §59,9. Lithuanians, §93,14. LitterÆ formatÆ, §34,6. Liturgical dress, etc., §59,7; 60,3. Liturgy, §36,1; 59,6; 89,1; 104,1. Liudger, §78,3. Liutprand, §82,1. Livingstone, §184,4. Livinus, §78,3. Livonia, §93,12; 139,3; 153,3; 168,5; 206,3. Locke, §164,2. Lodges, Free Masons’, §104,3. LÖhe, §175,1; 183,1; 208,2. Lola Montez, §195,2. Lollards, §116,3; 119,1. Lombardus [Lombard], §102,7. Longobards, §76,8. Lope de Vega, §158,3. Loretto, §115,9. LÖscher, §167,1,2,4. Louis the Bavarian, §110,3,4. Louis the German, §82,5,7. Louis the Pious, §82,4; 90,1. Louis II., Emperor, §82,5. Louis VII. of France, §94,2. Louis IX., the Saint, §93,15; 94,6; 96,21. Louis XI., §110,13. Louis XII., §110,13,14. Louis XIII., §153,4. Louis XIV., §153,4; 156,3; 157,2,3,5. Louis I. of Bavaria, §195,2. Louis II. “ §195,3. Louis V. of Hesse, §154,1. Louis VI. of Palatinate, §143,6. Lourdes, §188,14; 203,5. Lothair I., Emperor, §82,5. Lothair II., of Lothringia, §82,5,7. Lothair III., the Saxon, §96,13. Lotze, §174,2. Low Churchmen, §202,1. Loyola, §149,8. Loyson, §187,8. LÜbeck, §127,4. LÜbker, §174,4. Lucar, Cyr., §152,2. Lucerne, §199,1. Lucian, Martyr, §31,9. Lucian, of Samosata, §23,1. Lucidus, §53,5. Lucifer of Calaris, §47,14; 50,2,8. Luciferians, §50,8. Lucilla, §63,1. Lucius II., Pope, §96,13. Lucius III., §96,16. Lucrezia Borzia, §110,10. Ludmilla, §79,3; 93,6. Luis de Leon, §149,14,15. Luke of Prague, §115,7; 119,8; 139,19. Lullus of Mainz, §78,7. Lullus Raimund, §93,16; 103,7. LÜneburg, §127,3. Luthardt, §182,14,21; 194,1. Luther, §122-135. Lutherans, Separatists, Pruss., §177,2,3. Luther-Memorial, §178,1. Luther Jubilee, §175,10. LÜtkemann Controversy, §202,7. Mogilas, §152,3. Mogtasilah, §28,2. Mohammed, §65. Mohammed II., §67,7; 110,10. Mohammedans, §184,9. MÖhler, §191,4,5,6. Molanus, §153,7. Molay, §112,7. Moleschott, §174,3. Molina, §149,13. MolinÆus, §161,3. Molinos, §157,2. Momiers, §199,5. Mommers, §169,2. MÖmpelgard, Relig. Confer., §138,8. Monarcha theologor., §103,3. Monarchians, §33. Monasterium Clericor., §45,1. Monasticism, §44; 70; 85; 98; 112; 149; 156; 165; 186. Mongols, §93,15. Monica, §47,13. Monita Secreta, §149,9. Monod, §203,4. Monogram, §38,4. Monophysites, §52,5,7; 72,2. Monothelites, §52,8. Montalembert, §188,1; 189,1. Montalte, §157,5. Montalto, §149,3. Montanists, §40. Montanus, Arias, §149,14. Monte, del, §149,2. Monte Cassino, §85. Monte Corvino, §93,15. Montesquieu, §165,14. Montfaucon, §165,11. Montfort, Sim. de, §109,1. Montmorency, §139,13,14. Moody, §211,1. Moors, §81; 95. Moralities, §105,5. Morata, §139,24. Moravia, §79,2. Moravian Brethren, §119,5. Moray, The Regent, §139,11. More, Sir Thomas, §120,7; 139,4. Morel, §139,25. Moreno, §209,2. Morgan, §171,1. Morinus, §158,1. Moriscoes, §95,2. Morland, §153,5. Mormons, §211,12-14. Morone, §135,2; 137,5; 139,22. Morison, §184,6. Mortara, §175,8. Morton, §139,11. Morus, §171,8. Mosaics, §60,6; 104,14. Moser, J.F.v., §167,6,8. Moser, K.F.v., §171,10; 172,2. Moses of Chorene, §64,3. Mosheim, §5,3; 167,4; 169,1. Moslems, §65. Moulin, du, §161,3. Mouls, §190,3. Movers, §191,8. Mozarabians, §81,1. Mozarabic Liturgy, §88,1; 104,1. Mozart, §174,10. Mtesa, §184,4. “Mucker,” §176,3. MÜhlenberg, §208,2. MÜhler, v., §193,4; 197,2. MÜller, Ad., §175,7. MÜller, Bem., §211,6. MÜller, G., §183,1. MÜller, H., §160,1. MÜller, J.v., §171,11. MÜller, J.G., §171,8. MÜller, Jul., §182,10. Peter, Church of St., §115,13. Peter’s Pence, §82. Petersen, §170,1. Peterson, §139,1. Petilian, §63,1. Petrarch, §115,10. Petrejus, §120,2. Petrikan, Synod, §139,18; 148,3. Petrobrusians, §108,7. Petrow, §163,10. Petrucci, §157,2. Peucer, §141,10; 144,3. Peyrerius, §161,7. Peysellians, §170,6. Pfaff, §167,4,5,8. Pfefferkorn, §120,4. Pfeffinger, §141,7. Pfeiffer, Aug., §159,4. Pfenninger, §171,8. Pfleiderer, §182,19. Pflugk, §135,3,5; 136,5; 137,6. Pharensis Syn., §77,6. Pharisees, §8,4. Philadelphia, §60,4. Philadelphian Churches, §170,1. Philadelphian Period, §168,4. Philadelphian Sect, §163,8. Philaster, §47,14. Philip, §14; 17,2. Philip the Arabian, §22,4. Philip I. of France, §96,8,10. Philip II., Aug., §94,3; 96,18. Philip the Fair, §110,1,2; 112,7. Philip II. of Spain, §139,12,21. Philip of Swabia, §96,17. Philip the Magnanimous, §126,4,5; 135,1,3; 137,3. Philippi, §182,13. Philippists, §141,4ff. Philippones, §163,10. Philippopolis, Synod of, §50,2. Philipps, §175,7; 191,7. Phillpotts, §202,2. Philo, §10,1. Philopatris, §42,5. Philoponus, §47,11. Philosophical Sin, §149,10. Philosophoumena, §31,3. Philostorgius, §4,1. Philoxenus, §59,1. Philumena, §27,12. Phocas, §46,10. Phoebe, §17,4. Photinus, §50,2. Photius, §67,1; 68,5. Phyletism, §207,3. ???????????, §35,1. ????????????, §52,7. Piacenza, Council, §94. Piarists, §156,7. Picards, §116,5; 119,8. Pichler, §191,7. Pick, §211,8. Picts, §77,2. Picus of Mirandola, §120,1. Pideritz, §133,5. Piedmont, §204,3. Pietism, Lutheran,§159,3; 167,1. Pietism, Reformed, §162,3,4. Pietism, in 19th Century, §176,2. Pilate, Acts of, §13,2; 31,2. Pilgrim of Passau, §93,8. Pilgrim Fathers, §143,4; 208,1. Pilgrimages, §57,6; 89,4; 104,8; 115,9; 188,5,6. Pin, du, §158,2. Pionius, §30,5. Pirkheimer, §120,3. Pirminius, §78,1,5. Pirstinger, §125,5; 149,14. Pisa, Council of, §110,6. Piscator, §143,5. Pistis, Sophia, §27,7. Pistoja, Synod of, §165,10. Pistorius, §135,3. Pistorius, Maternus, §120,2. Pius II., §110,10; 118,6; 119,4. Pius III., §110,13. Pius IV., §149,2. Pius V., §149,3; 139,23. Pius VI., §165,9,10,15. Pius VII., §185,1; 203,1. Pius VIII., §184,1; 193,1. Pius IX., §185,2ff.; 175,2; 188,8; 189,3; 197,7; 202,11. PlacÆus,
#167;165,9. Ricci, Matt., §150,1. Ricci, Scipio, §165,10. Richard Coeur de Leon, §94,3. Richard of Cornwallis, §94,5. Richard of St. Victor, §102,4; 104,4. Richelieu, §153,4. Richter, C. F., §167,6. Richter, Emil, §182,22. Richter, Greg., §160,2. Richter, Jean Paul, §171,11. Richter, Louis, §174,9. Ridley, §139,5. Rieger, §167,8. Rienzi, §110,5. Rietschel, §174,9. Riga, §93,12; 139,3. Rigdon, Sidney, §211,12,13. Riley, §209,1. Rimbert, §80,2. Rimini, Syn., §50,3. Rinck, Melch., §147,1. Ring and Staff, §96,6,7. Ringold, §93,14. Rinkart, §160,3. Rist, §160,3. Risus Paschales, §105,2. Ritschl, §182,7,20. Ritter, Erasm., §130,4,8. Ritter, J. J., §5,6. Ritter, Carl, §174,4. Ritualists, §199,2. Rizzio, §139,10. Robber Synod, §52,4. Robert of Arbrissel, §98,2. Robert of Citeaux, §98,1. Robert Grosseteste, §103,1. Robert Guiscard, §95,1; 98,6,8. Robert Pullus, §102,5. Robert of the Sorbonne, §103,9. Robert of France, §104,10. Robespierre, §165,15. Robinson, §143,4. Rodigast, §160,4. Rodriguez, §149,8; 150,4. RoËll, §161,5. Roger of Sicily, §95,1; 96,13. RÖhr, §176,1; 182,2. Rokycana, §119,7. Rollo, §93,1. Romanz, §174,2. Roman Architecture, §104,12. Romanus, Pope, §96,1. Romuald, §98,1. Ronge, §187,6. Roos, §171,8. Rosary, §104,8; 115,1. Roscelinus [Roscelin], §101,3. Rose, The Consecrat. Golden, §96,23. Rosenkranz, §182,6. Rosicrucians, §160,1. Rossi de, §191,7; 38,1. RÖstar, §211,5. Roswitha, §100,1. Rota Romana, §110,16. Rothad of Soissons, §83,2. Rothe, A., §167,6; 168,2. Rothe, Rich., §5,4; 180,1; 182,10. Rothmann, §147,9. RÖublin, §130,5; 147,3. Roundheads, §155,1. Rousseau, §165,14. Rubianus Crotus, §120,2,5. RÜckert, §174,6. Rudelbach, §182,13; 194,1. Rudolph of Hapsburg, §96,21,22. Rudolph II., §139,19; 137,8. Rudolph of Swabia, §96,8. Ruet, §205,4. Rufinus, §5,1; 47,17; 48,2; 51,2. Ruge, §174,1. RÜgen, §93,10. Rugians, §76,6. Ruinart, §158,2. Rulman Merswin, §114,2,4. Rupert, §78,2. Rupert, of Deutz, §102,8.
,9. Symbolum Apost., §35,2; 59,2. Symbolum Athan., §59,2. Symbolum Nic. Constant., §59,2. Symbolum NicÆnum, §50,1. Symmachus, Pope, §46,8. Symmachus, Prefect, §42,4. Sympherosa, §32,8. Synagogues, §8,3. Syncretist Controv., §159,3. Synergists, §53,1. Synesius, §47,7; 59,4. Syngramma Suevic., §131,1. Synod, Holy Russian, §166. Synod, The Holy Athens, §207,1. Synods, §34,5; 43,2. Synodus palmaris, §46,8. Syrians, §184,9; 207,2. Syzigies, §27,3; 28,3. Tabernaculum, §104,3. Taborites, §119,7. Taepings, §211,15. Tafel, Imm., §211,4. Tahiti, §184,6. Talmud, §25. Tamerlane, §72,1; 93,15. Tamuls, §184,5. Tanchelm, §108,9. Tartars, §73,1. Tasso, §149,15. Tatian, §27,10; 30,10. Tauler, §114,2. Teellinck, §161,4. Teetotallers, §202,9. Telesphorus, §22,2. Teller, §171,4,7. Templars, §98,8; 112,7. Terminants, §98,3. Terminism, §167,2. Territorial System, §167,5. Tersteegen, §169,1. Tertiaries, §93,3,5. Tertullian, §31,10; 33,4,9; 34,8; 40,3. Tertullianists, §40,3. Tessareskaidecatites, §37,2. Test Act, §153,6; 155,3; 202,5. Testam. of XII. Patri., §32,3. Tetzel, §122,2. Teutonic Knights, §98,8; 93,13. Theatines, §149,7. Thecla, §32,6. Theiner, §186,1; 187,4; 191,7. Theodelinde, §76,8. Theodemir, §92,2. Theodo I., II., §78,2. Theodora, §46,9; 52,6; 71,1. Theodore of Abyssinia, §182,9. Theodoret, §47,9; 52,3,4. Theodoric, §46,8; 76,7. Theodoric, of Freiburg, §103,10. Theodoric, of Niem, §118,5. Theodorus, Pope, §52,1. Theodorus, Ascidas, §52,8. Theodorus, Balsamon, §43,3. Theodorus, Lector, §5,1. Theodorus of Mopsuestia, §47,9; 48,1; 52,3; 53,4. Theodorus Studita, §66,4. Theodorus of Tarsus, §90,8. Theodosius the Great, §42,4; 47,15; 50,4. Theodosius II., §42,4. Theodotians, §33,3. Theodulf of Orleans, §89,2; 90,2. Theognis of NicÆa, §50,1. Theonas, §50,1. Theopaschites, §52,6. Theophanies, §96,2. Theophilus, Emperor, §66,4. Theophilus of Alexandria, §42,4; 51,2,3. Theophilus of Antioch, §30,10. Theophilus of Din, §64,4. Theophilus of Moscow, §166,1. Theophylact, §68,5. ????????, §52,2,3. TherapeutÆ, §10,1. Theresa, St., §149,6,15,16. Thesaurus supererogat., §106,2. Thiers, §203,5. Thiersch, §211,10. Thietberga, §82,7. Thietgaut of Treves, §82,7. Thilo, §160,3. Tholuck, §182,4. Thomas Aquinas, §103,6; 96,23; 104,4,10. Thomas Becket, §96,16. Thomas Bradwardine, §113,2. Thomas of Celano, §104,10. Thomas À Kempis, §112,9; 114,7. Thomas Christians, §52,3. Thomasius, Chr.,§117,4; 159,3; 167,4,5. Thomasius, Gottfr., §182,13. Thomassinus, §158,1. Thomists, §113,3. Thontracians, §71,2. Thorn, Declarat., §153,7. Thorn, Massacre, §165,4. Thorn, Relig. Confer., §153,7; 154,4. Thorwaldsen, §174,9. Thrasimund, §76,3. Thuribulum, §60,5. Thurificati, §22,5. Tiara, Papal, §96,23. Tiberius, §22,1. Tieck, §174,5. Tieftrunk, §169,6. Whitaker, §143,5. Whitefield, § |