445— | MerimÉe, “The Russian Impostors: the False Demetrius.” London,1852. | 446— | Neale, “History of the Holy Eastern Church.” Vol.ii., p.356ff. Cyrillus Lucaris, “Confessio ChristianÆ Fidei.” Geneva,1633. Smith, “Collectanea de Cyrillo Lucario.” London,1707. | 447— | Stevens, “Life and Times of Gustavus Adolphus.” NewYork,1884. Trench, “Gustavus Adolphus in Germany, and other Lectures on the Thirty Years’ War.” London. Gardiner, “The Thirty Years’ War” in “Epochs of Modern History.” London,1881. | 448— | Bray, “Revolt of the Protestants of the Cevennes.” London,1870. Poole, “History of the Huguenots of the Dispersion.” London,1880. Agnew, “Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of LouisXIV.” 3vols., London,1871. Weiss, “History of French Protestant Refugees.” London,1854. | 449— | Macaulay, “History of England from the Accession of JamesII.” London,1846. Hassencamp, “History of Ireland from the Reformation to the Union.” London,1888. Adair, “Rise and Progress of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland from1623 to1670.” Belfast,1866. Hamilton, “History of Presbyterian Church in Ireland.” Edin.,1887. | 450— | Butler, “Life of Hugo Grotius.” London,1826. Motley, “John of Barneveld.” Vol.ii., New York,1874. | 451— | “An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church in Matters of Controversy.” London,1685. “Variations of Protestantism.” 2vols., Dublin,1836. Butler, “Some Account of the Life and Writings of Bishop Bossuet.” London,1812. | 452— | “The Work of John Durie in behalf of Christian Union in the Seventeenth Century.” By Dr.Briggs in Presbyterian Review, vol.viii., 1887, pp.297-300. To which is attached an account by Durie himself, never before published, of his own union efforts from July,1631, till September,1633. See pp.301-309. | 453— | Clarendon, “History of the Rebellion in England, 1649-1666.” 3vols., Oxford,1667. Burnet, “History of his Own Time, 1660-1713.” 2vols., London,1724. Guizot, “History of English Revolution of1640.” London,1856. Gardiner, “History of England, 1603-1642.” 10vols., London,1885. Marsden, “History of Early and Later Puritans, down to the Ejection of the Nonconformists in1662.” 2vols., London,1853. Masson, “Life of Milton.” 4vols., London,1859ff. | 454— | Mitchell, “The Westminster Assembly.” London,1882. Mitchell and Struthers, “Minutes of Westminster Assembly.” Edinburgh,1874. Macpherson, “Handbook to Westminster Confession.” 2nded., Edinburgh,1882. Hetherington, “History of Westminster Assembly.” 4thed., Edinburgh,1878. | 455— | Carlyle, “Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches.” 2vols., London,1845. Guizot, “Life of Cromwell.” London,1877. Paxton Hood, “Oliver Cromwell.” London,1882. Picton, “Oliver Cromwell.” London,1878. Harrison, “Oliver Cromwell.” London,1888. Barclay, “The Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Commonwealth.” London,1877. | 456— | Guizot, “Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of CharlesII.” 2vols., London,1856. Macpherson, “History of Great Britain from the Restoration.” London,1875. | 457— | Bargraves, “AlexanderVII. and His Cardinals.” Ed.by Robertson, London,1866. | 458— | Cunningham, “Discussions on Church Principles.” Edin.,1863, chap.v.: “The Liberties of the Gallican Church.” Pp.133-163. | 459— | Von Gebler, “Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia.” Transl. by Sturge, London,1879. Madden, “Galileo and the Inquisition.” London,1863. Brewster, “Martyrs of Science.” Edin.,1841. Von Gebler denies that any condemnation ex cathedra wasgiven. | 460— | Wilson, “Life of Vincent de Paul.” London,1874. | 461— | Marsolier, “Life of Francis de Sales.” Translated by Coombes, London,1812. | 462— | “Golden Thoughts from the ‘Spiritual Guide’ of Molinos.” With preface by J.H. Shorthouse, London,1883. | 463— | Upham, “Life, Religious Opinions, and Experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon, with an account of FÉnelon.” London,1854. Brooke, “Exemplary Life of the Pious Lady Guion.” Bristol,1806. Butler, “Life of FÉnelon.” London,1810. | 464— | Beard, “Port Royal.” 2vols., London,1861. St.Amour, “Journal in France and Rome, containing Account of Five Points of Controversy between Jansenists and Molinists.” London,1664. Schimmelpenninck, “Select Memoirs of Port Royal.” Fourth edition, 2vols., London,1835. | 465— | Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.98-251. | 466— | Bruce, “Humiliation of Christ.” P.131, Edin.,1876. | 467— | Dowding, “German Theology during the Thirty Years’ War: Life and Correspondence of G.Calixt.” 2vols., Oxford,1863. | 468— | Wildenhahn, “Life of Spener.” Translated by Wenzel, Philadelphia,1881. Guericke, “Life of A.H. Francke.” London,1847. | 469— | Jennings, “The Rosicrucians: their Rites and Mysteries.” London,1887. | 470— | Martensen, “Life and Works of Jacob Boehme.” London,1886. | 471— | All the translations of hymns referred to in this and the preceding section are from Miss Winkworth’s “Lyra Germanica.” London,1885. | 472— | The “Works of Arminius.” Transl. by Nicholls, to which are added Brandt’s “Life of Arminius.” Etc., 3vols., London,1825. Scott, “Translation of Articles of Synod of Dort.” London,1818. Hales, “Letters from the Synod of Dort.” Glasgow,1765. Calder, “Life of Simon Episcopius.” NewYork,1837. Cunningham, “Reformation and Theology of Reformation.” EssayVIII., “Calvinism and Arminianism.” Pp.412-470. Motley, “John of Barneveldt.” 2vols., London,1874. | 473— | Barclay, “The Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Commonwealth.” Seconded., London,1877. Dr. Stoughton’s “History of Religion in England from Opening of Long Parliament to End of Eighteenth Century.” London. | 474— | See Macpherson, “Presbyterianism.” (Edin.,1883), pp.8-10, where charges of intolerance such as those made against Presbyterianism in the text are repudiated. | 475— | Masson, “Life of John Milton.” 4vols., London,1859. Pattison, “Milton.” In “English Men of Letters” series, London,1880. | 476— | “RelquiÆ BaxterianÆ: Baxter’s Narrative of most Memorable Passages in his own Life.” London,1696. Orme, “Life and Times of Richard Baxter, with Critical Examination of his Writings.” London,1830. Stalker, “Baxter” in “Evangelical Succession Lectures.” Second series, Edinburgh,1883. | 477— | Froude disputes this, and says, p.12, that probably he was on the side of the Royalists. Brown has shown it to be almost certain that in1644, not1642, Bunyan, then in his sixteenth year, joined the Parliamentary forces. See Brown’s “Life.” Pp.42-52. | 478— | Brown, “Life of Bunyan.” London,1885. Autobiography in “Grace Abounding.”1622. Southey, “Life of John Bunyan.” London,1830. Macaulay, “Essay on Bunyan.” In Edinburgh Review,1830. Froude, “Bunyan,” in “English Men of Letters.” London,1880. Nicoll, “Bunyan,” in “Evangelical Succession Lectures.” Third series, Edinburgh,1883. | 479— | “Life of John Eliot, Apostle of the Indians.” By John Wilson, afterwards of Bombay, Edin.,1828. | 480— | Crosby, “History of the English Baptists.” 4vols., London,1728. Ivimey, “History of the English Baptists from 1688-1760.” 2vols., London,1830. Cramp, “History of the Baptists to end of 18th Century.” 3vols., London,1872. | 481— | Backus, “History of the English-American Baptists.” 2vols., Boston,1777. Cox and Hoby, “The Baptists in America.” NewYork,1836. Hague, “The Baptists Transplanted.” Etc., NewYork,1846. | 482— | Of special importance for the early history of the Quakers are, “Letters of Early Friends.” Edited by Robert Barclay, a descendant of the Quaker apostle, London,1841. “Fox’s Journal; or, Historical Accounts of his Life, Travels, and Sufferings.” London,1694. Penn, “Summary of History, Doctrines, and Discipline of Friends.” London,1692. Tallack, “George Fox; the Quakers and the Early Baptists.” London,1868. Bickley, “George Fox and the Early Quakers.” London,1884. Stoughton, “W. Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania.” London,1883. | 483— | Sewel, “History of the Quakers.” 2vols., London,1834. Cunningham, “The Quakers, from their Origin in1624 to the Present Time.” London,1868. Barclay, “Apology for the True Christian Divinity: a Vindication of Quakerism.” 4thed., London,1701. Clarkson, “A Portraiture of Quakerism.” 3vols., London,1806. Rowntree, “Quakerism, Past and Present.” London,1839. | 484— | Heard, “The Russian Church and Russian Dissent.” London,1887. Mackenzie Wallace, “Russia.” Chaps.xiv.,xx., 2vols., London,1877. Palmer, “The Patriarch and the Tsar.” 6vols., London,1871-1876. | 485— | Ueberweg, “History of Philosophy.” Vol.ii., pp.31-135. PÜnjer, “History of the Christian Philosophy of Religion from the Reformation to Kant.” Edin.,1887. Pfleiderer, “Philosophy of Religion.” Vol.i., London,1887. Erdmann’s “History of Philosophy.” 3vols., London,1889. | 486— | “Bacon’s Works.” Ed. by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath, 14vols., London,1870. Spedding, “Letters and Life of Lord Bacon.” 2vols., London,1862. Macaulay on Bacon in Edinburgh Review for1837. Church, “Bacon,” in vol.v. of “Collected Works.” London,1888. Nichol, “Bacon: Life and Philosophy.” 2 vols., Edin.,1888. | 487— | “Descartes’ Method, Meditations, and Principles of Philosophy.” Transl. by Prof.Veitch, Edin.,1850ff. Fischer, “Descartes and his School.” London,1887. | 488— | Willis, “Spinoza: his Ethics, Life, and Influence on Modern Thought.” London,1870. Pollock, “Spinoza: his Life and Philosophy.” London,1880. Martineau, “Spinoza.” London,1882. “Spinoza, Four Essays by Land, Von Floten, Fischer, and Renan.” Edited by Prof.Knight, London,1884. | 489— | “Locke’s Complete Works.” 9vols., London,1853. Cousin, “Elements of Psychology: a Critical Examination of Locke’s Essay.” Edin.,1856. Webb, “Intellectualism of Locke.” London,1858. | 490— | Guhrauer, “Leibnitz: a Biography.” Transl. by Mackie, Boston,1845. | 491— | Leland, “View of Principal Deistical Writers in England.” 2nded., 2vols., London,1755. Halyburton, “Natural Religion Insufficient; or, A Rational Inquiry into the Principles of the Modern Deists.” Edin.,1714. Tulloch, “Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the 17thCentury.” 2vols., Edin.,1872. Cairns, “Unbelief in the 18thCentury.” Chap.ii., “Unbelief in the 17thCentury.” Edin.,1881. | 492— | Lecky, “History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe.” 2vols., London,1873. Hagenbach, “German Rationalism.” Edin.,1865. Hagenbach, “History of Church in 18th and 19thCenturies.” 2vols., London,1870. Leslie Stephen, “History of English Thought in the 18thCentury.” 2vols., London,1876. Cairns, “Unbelief in the 18thCentury.” Edin.,1881. | 493— | Wilson, “The Christian Brothers, their Origin and Work. With a Sketch of the Life of their Founder, the Venerable Jean Baptiste de la Salle.” London,1883. | 494— | Neale, “History of the so called Jansenist Church of Holland.” Oxford,1858. | 495— | Cairns, “Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century.” Chap.iv., “Unbelief in France.” Edinburgh,1881. Morley, “Diderot and the Encyclopedists.” 2vols., London,1878. Morley, “Voltaire.” London,1872. Lange, “History of Materialism.” 3vols., London,1877. | 496— | This saying is usually attributed to Voltaire. He used the expression in attacking Pierre Bayle. Erdmann’s “Hist. of Phil.” Vol.ii., p.158. Ueberweg, “Hist. of Phil.” Vol.ii., p.125. | 497— | PressensÉ, “The Church and the Revolution.” London, 1869. Jervis, “The Gallican Church and the Revolution.” London,1882. | 498— | Hagenbach, “History of Church in the 18th and 19thCenturies.” Vol.i., pp.109,116; 2vols., NewYork,1869. Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., p.208. | 499— | Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.208-227. | 500— | Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.266-279. Hagenbach, “History of Church in 18th and 19thCenturies.” Vol.i., pp.117-127. | 501— | Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.259-261. Geffcken, “Church and State.” 2vols., Lon.,1887; vol.i., pp.456-503. | 502— | Burney, “Life of Handel.” London,1784. | 503— | Kelly, “Life and Work of Von Bogatsky: a Chapter from the Religious Life of the Eighteenth Century.” London,1889. | 504— | Hough, “The History of Christianity in India.” 5vols., London,1839. Sherring, “History of Missions in India.” Edited by Storrow. London,1888. Pearson, “Memoirs, Life, and Correspondence of Chr.Fr. Schwartz.” Etc., 2vols., London,1834. | 505— | Hagenbach, “History of the Christian Church in the 18th and 19th Centuries.” New York, 1869; Lectures XVIII. and XIX., pp. 398-445. | 506— | Spangenberg, “Life of Count Zinzendorf.” London,1838. | 507— | Spangenberg, “Account of Manner in which the Unitas Fratrum Propagate the Gospel, and Carry on their Missions among the Heathen.” London,1788. Holmes, “Historical Sketch of the Missions of the United Brethren for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Heathen from their Commencement down to1817.” London,1827. | 508— | “Tersteegen: Life and Character, with Extracts from His Letters and Writings.” London,1832. Winkworth, “Christian Singers of Germany.” London,1869. | 509— | For a slightly different account see Tyerman, vol.i., p.66. | 510— | Wesley himself continued to preach in the open air till nearly the end of the year1790. | 511— | Further details as to the organization of the societies are given in Tyerman, 1sted., vol.i., pp.444,445. | 512— | Southey, “Life of John Wesley.” London,1820. Isaac Taylor, “Wesley and Wesleyanism.” London,1851. Tyerman, “Wesley’s Life and Times.” 2vols., 4thed., London,1877. Urlin, “Churchman’s Life of Wesley.” London,1880. Abbey and Overton, “English Church in 18thCentury.” 2vols., London,1879. Lecky, “History of England in the 18thCentury.” 2vols., London,1878. Stoughton, “History of Religion in England to End of 18thCentury.” 6vols., London,1882. Jackson, “Life of Charles Wesley.” 2vols., London,1841. Tyerman, “Life of Whitefield.” 2vols., London,1877. Macdonald, “Fletcher of Madeley.” London. Smith, “History of Methodism.” 3vols., London,1857. Stevens, “History of Methodism.” 3vols., NewYork,1858. Stevens, “History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States.” 4vols., NewYork,1864. Bangs, “History of the Methodist Episcopal Church.” 4vols., NewYork,1839. | 513— | Hagenbach, “History of Church in 18th and 19thCenturies.” Vol.i., pp.159-164. | 514— | Hagenbach, “History of the Church in the 18th and 19thCenturies.” Vol.i., pp.168-175. | 515— | Tafel, “Documents concerning the Life and Character of Swedenborg.” 3vols., London,1875. White, “Emanuel Swedenborg, his Life and Writings.” 2vols., London,1867. | 516— | Evans, “Shakers: Compendium of Origin, History, Principles, and Doctrines of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Coming.” New York,1859. Dixon, “New America.” 2vols., 8thed., London,1869. Nordhoff, “The Communistic Societies of the United States.” London,1874. | 517— | Pusey, “Historical Inquiry into the Causes of the Prevalence of Rationalism in Germany.” London,1828. Rose, “The State of Protestantism in Germany.” Oxford,1829. Saintes, “A Critical History of Rationalism in Germany, from its Origin till the Present Time.” London,1849. Lecky, “History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe.” 2vols., London,1873. Farrar, “Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion.” London,1863. Hagenbach, “German Rationalism.” Edinburgh,1865. Hurst, “History of Rationalism.” New York,1865. Gostwick, “German Culture and Christianity, their Controversy, 1770-1880.” NewYork,1882. | 518— | Stephen, “History of English Thought in the 18th Century.” 2vols., London,1876. Cairns, “Unbelief in the 18thCentury.” Edinburgh,1881. PÜnjer, “History of Christian Philosophy of Religion from Reformation to Kant.” §5, “The English Deists.” Edinburgh,1887. | 519— | Halliwell, “The Early History of English Freemasonry.” London,1840. | 520— | Ritschl, “History of Christian Doctr. of Justification and Reconciliation.” Pp.347-426. Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.277-292. Hagenbach, “History of The Church in The 18th and 19thCenturies.” Vol.i., pp.251-321. | 521— | ChalybÆus, “Historical Development of Speculative Philosophy, from Kant to Hegel.” Edin.,1854. RÄbiger, “Theological EncyclopÆdia.” Vol.i., pp.73-76. | 522— | Stahr, “Lessing: his Life and Works.” Translated by G.Evans, 2vols., Boston,1866. Sime, “Lessing, his Life and Writings.” 2vols., London,1877. Zimmern, “G.E. Lessing: his Life and Works.” London,1878. Smith, “Lessing as a Theologian.” In the Theological Review, July,1868. | 523— | Russell, “A Short Account of the Life and History of Pestalozzi.” Based on De Guemp’s “L’Histoire de Pestalozzi.” London,1888. To be followed by a complete English translation of De Guemp’s work. | 524— | Marshman, “Life and Times of Marshman, Carey, and Ward.” 2vols., London,1859. Smith, “Life of William Carey.” London,1886. Wilson, “Missionary Voyage of the Ship Duff.” London,1799. Morison, “Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society.” London,1844. | 525— | Baur, “Religious Life in Germany.” London,1872, pp.177-196. | 526— | Kahnis, “Internal History of German Protestantism since the Middle of Last Century.” Edin.,1856. | 527— | Hagenbach, “History of Church in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.” Vol.ii., pp.413-416. | 528— | Mombert, “Faith Victorious, being an Account of the Life, Labour, and Times of Dr.J.W.Ebel, 1714-1861, compiled from authentic sources.” London,1882. Dixon, “Spiritual Wives.” London,1868. | 529— | Strack, “The Work of Bible Revision in Germany.” In Expositor, third series, vol.ii., pp.178-187. | 530— | See papers by Driver, Cheyne, Davidson, Kirkpatrick, in Expositor for 1886-1888, on various books in Revised Old Testament. Westcott, “Some Lessons of Revised Version of New Testament.” In Expositor, third series, vol.v., pp.81, 241,453. Jennings and Lowe, “Revised Version of Old Testament: a Critical Estimate.” In Expositor, third Series, vol.ii., pp.57,etc. | 531— | “Schleiermacher’s Life in Letters.” Translated by Rowan, London,1860. Baur, “Religious Life in Germany.” London,1872, pp.197ff. Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” Vol.ii., pp.374-395. | 532— | Cheyne, “Life and Works of Heinrich Ewald.” In Expositor, third series, vol.iv., pp.241ff., 361ff. | 533— | There are English translations of his “Life of Christ.” “First Planting of Christianity.” “Antignostikus.” “History of Christian Dogmas.” “Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages.” All published byBohn. | 534— | Zeller, “David Frederick Strauss, in his Life and Writings.” London,1874. Translations: “Life of Jesus Critically Treated.”1846; “Life of Jesus for the German People.”1865; “The Old Faith and the New.”1874; “Ulrich von Hutten.”1874. | 535— | Simon, “Isaac August Dorner.” In Presbyterian Review for October,1887, pp.569-616. | 536— | Rothe, “Still Hours.” Translated by MissStoddart, with Introductory Essay on Rothe by Rev.J.Macpherson. London,1886. | 537— | Galloway, “The Theology of Ritschl.” In Presbyterian Review for April, 1889, pp. 192-209. | 538— | Series of papers in Good Words for1860, pp.377ff. | 539— | Fleming Stevenson, “The Blue Flag of Kaiserswerth.” In Good Words for1861, pp.121ff., 143ff. | 540— | Owen, “History of the First Ten Years of the Bible Society.” 3vols., London,1816. | 541— | Wiseman, “Recollections of the Last Four Popes.” 3vols., London,1853. Mendham, “Index of Prohibited Books by order of GregoryXVI.” London,1840. | 542— | Legge, “Pius IX. to the Restoration of1850.” 2vols., London,1872. Trollope, “Life of PiusIX.” 2vols., London,1877. Shea, “Life and Pontificate of PiusIX.” NewYork,1877. | 543— | Geffcken, “Church and State.” Vol.ii., pp.269-293: “The Italian Question and the Papal States.” | 544— | Geffcken, “Church and State.” Vol.ii., pp.236-238. | 545— | Bridges, “Life of Martin Boos.” London,1836. | 546— | Hamberger, “Sketch of the Character of the Theosophy of Baader.” Translated in American Presbyterian and Theological Review,1869. | 547— | Laing, “Notes on the Rise, Progress, etc., of the German Catholic Church of Ronge and Czerski.” London,1845. | 548— | Manning, “The True History of the Vatican Council.” London,1877. Pomponio Leto, “The Vatican Council, being the impressions of a contemporary (Card. Vitelleschi), translated from the Italian with the original documents.” London,1876. Quirinus, “Letters from Rome on the Council.” London,1870. Janus, “The Pope and the Council.” London,1869. Bungener, “Rome and the Council in the Nineteenth Century.” Edinburgh,1870. Arthur, “The Pope, the Kings, and the People, a History of the Movement to make the Pope Governor of the World, 1864-1871.” 2vols., London,1877. Acton, “History of the Vatican Council.” London,1871. Friedrich, “Documenta ad illum. Conc. Vat.” NÖrdling,1871. Martin (Bishop of Paderborn), “Omnium Conc. Vat. quÆ ad doctr. et discipl. pertin. docum. Collectio.”1873. | 549— | Geffcken, “Church and State.” Vol.ii., pp.501-531. Smith, “The Falk Legislation from the Political Point of View.” In the Theological Review for October,1875. | 550— | Geffcken, “Church and State.” 2vols., London,1877; vol.ii., pp.488-531. | 551— | The Austrian May Laws were in some respects more sweeping than the Prussian (§197,5); but the former were framed with reference to the police, the latter with reference to the law. In Prussia the decision, judgment, and sentence in all cases of contravention and collision were assigned to the court of law; in Austria they were assigned to the court of administration, in the last instance to the minister. The Austrian laws could thus be urged and ignored at pleasure. | 552— | Geffeken, “Church and State.” Vol.ii., pp.469-488. | 553— | R. J. Sandeman, “Alexander Vinet.” In “Evangelical Succession Lectures.” Third Series, Edinburgh,1884. Dorner, “History of Protestant Theology.” ii.,470,478. | 554— | Cairns, “The Present Struggle in the National Church of Holland.” In Presbyterian Review for January,1888, pp.87-108. Wicksteed, “The Ecclesiastical Institutions of Holland.” London. | 555— | Lumsden, “Sweden, its Religious State and Prospects.” London,1855. | 556— | Stoughton, “Religion in England during the First Half of the Present Century, with a Postscript on Subsequent Events.” 2vols., London,1876. Molesworth, “History of England from1830 to1874.” 3vols., London. | 557— | Littledale, “Church Parties.” Art. in the Contemporary Review for July,1874, pp.287-320. Mozley, “Reminiscences of Oriel College.” London,1882. | 558— | Newman, “Apologia pro Vita Sua.” London,1864. Weaver, “Puseyism, a Refutation and Exposure.” London,1843. | 559— | The very confused, wholly inadequate, and in some points positively incorrect statements in the above paragraph may be supplemented and amended by reference to the following literature: Buchanan, “Ten Years’ Conflict.” 2vols., Edin.,1852. Moncrieff, “Vindication of the Claim of Right.” Edin.,1877. Moncrieff, “The Free Church Principle: its Character and History.” Edin.,1883. Mackerrow, “History of the Secession Church.” Glasgow,1841. | 560— | Smith’s appointment was to the Lord Almoner’s Professorship, with a merely nominal salary; but he was afterwards elected to the more remunerative office of University librarian, and more recently has succeeded Prof. Wright in the Chair of Arabic in the University. | 561— | Jarvis, “The Gallican Church and the Revolution.” Pp.324-395, London,1882. | 562— | Borrow, “The Bible in Spain.” 2vols., London,1843. | 563— | Lendrum, “Ecclesia Pressa: or, the Lutheran Church in the Baltic Provinces.” In The Theological Review and Free Church College Quarterly, vol.ii., 310-330. C. H. H. Wright, “The Persecution of the Lutheran Church in the Baltic Provinces of Russia.” In the British and Foreign Evangelical Review, January,1887. | 564— | Baird, “Religion in the United States.” Glasgow,1844. “Progress and Prospects of Christianity in the United States.” London,1851. Gorrie, “Churches and Sects in the United States.” NewYork,1850. | 565— | Stevens, “History of the Episcopal Methodist Church in North America.” Philadelphia,1868. Gorrie, “History of the Episcopal Methodist Church in the United States.” NewYork,1881. | 566— | A full account of the recent development of Protestantism in Brazil is given in an article in the Presbyterian Review for January,1889, pp.101-106: “The Organization of the Synod of Brazil,” by Dr.J. Aspinwall Hodge.—On 15thNovember,1889, the emperor was expelled and a republic proclaimed. | 567— | Hepworth Dixon, “Free Russia.” 2vols., London,1870. Heard, “The Russian Church and Russian Dissent.” 2vols., London,1887. | 568— | Rowntree, “Quakerism Past and Present.” London,1859. | 569— | Dixon, “New America.” 2vols., 8thedition, London,1869. Nordhoff, “The Communistic Societies of the United States.” London,1874. | 570— | Oliphant, “Life of Ed. Irving.” 3rdedition, London,1865. Carlyle, in “Miscellaneous Essays.” Brown, “Personal Reminiscences of Ed. Irving.” in Expositor, 3ser., vol.vi., pp.216,257. Miller, “History and Doctrine of Irvingism.” 2vols., London,1878. | 571— | Darby, “Personal Recollections.” London,1881. | 572— | Stenhouse, “An Englishwoman in Utah, the story of a Life’s Experience in Mormonism.” 2nded., London,1880. Gunnison, “The Mormons.” New York,1884. Burton, “The City of the Saints.” London,1861. | 573— | Wilson, “The ‘Ever-Victorious Army:’ a History of the Chinese Campaign under Lieut.-Col. C.G. Gordon, and of the Suppression of the Taeping Rebellion.” Edinburgh. | 574— | Edmonds, “American Spiritualism.” 2vols., NewYork,1858. Cox, “Spiritualism answered by Science.” London,1872. Crookes, “Spiritualism and Science.” London,1874. Wallace, “A Defence of Spiritualism.” London,1874. Owen, “The Debatable Land.” NewYork,1872. Carpenter, “Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc., Historically and Scientifically Considered.” London,1877. Mahan, “The Phenomena of Spiritualism Scientifically Explained and Exposed.” London,1875. Horne, “Incidents in His Life.” London,1863. “Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism.” London,1877. | 575— | Sinnett, “Esoteric Buddhism.” London,1883. | 576— | Sargent, “Rob. Owen and his Social Philosophy.” London,1860. Nordhoff, “Communistic Societies in the United States.” London,1875. | 577— | Onslow-Yorke, “The Secret History of the International Working-Men’s Association.” London,1872. Lissagaray, “History of the Commune of1871.” Translated by Aveling, London,1886. | 578— | From the fifteenth century the numbering of the General Councils is so variable and uncertain that even Catholic historians are not agreed upon this point. They are at one only about this, that the anti-papal councils claiming to be oecumenical, of Pisa A.D.1409, Basel A.D.1438, and Pisa A.D.1511, should be designated schismatical “Conciliabula.” Hefele, in his “History of the Councils,” counts eighteen down to the Reformation. He makes the Constance Council in its first and last sessions the sixteenth, but does not count the middle session held without the pope. He makes that of Basel the seventeenth down to A.D.1438 with its papal continuation at Ferrara and Florence. Finally, as eighteenth he gives the fifth Lateran Council of A.D.1512-1517. But others strike Basel and Constance out of the list altogether; and many, especially the Gallicans, reject also the fifth Lateran Council, because occupied with matters of slight or merely local interest. |