The following corrections have been made in the text: |
43— | ‘§166,9’ replaced with ‘§167,9’ (overthrow of the colony.—Continuation, §167,9.) |
44— | ‘brillant’ replaced with ‘brilliant’ (gained a brilliant victory) |
45— | ‘disagraceful’ replaced with ‘disgraceful’ (starts this disgraceful series.) |
46— | ‘§83,13’ replaced with ‘§93,13’ (Adalbert in Gnesen (§93,13)) |
47— | ‘§100,15’ replaced with ‘§110,15’ (developed into the tiara (§110,15)) |
48— | ‘archepiscopal’ replaced with ‘archiepiscopal’ (exercise of the archiepiscopal office) |
49— | ‘§192,5’ replaced with ‘§112,5’ (Holy Father (Continuation, §112,5)) |
50— | ‘profoundity’ replaced with ‘profundity’ (of acuteness and profundity) |
51— | ‘reconcilation’ replaced with ‘reconciliation’ (effected his reconciliation with Bernard) |
52— | ‘Badgad’ replaced with ‘Bagdad’ (of Bagdad and Cordova) |
53— | ‘apolegetical’ replaced with ‘apologetical’ (polemical and apologetical purposes) |
54— | ‘§61,14’ replaced with ‘§61,4’ (pains of purgatory (§61,4)) |
55— | ‘§173,9’ replaced with ‘§174,9’ (completed and consecrated in A.D.1322 (§174,9)) |
56— | ‘§112,27’ replaced with ‘§112,2’ (controversies in the Franciscan order (§112,2)) |
57— | ‘§164,13’ replaced with ‘§165,13’ (the Roman court till A.D.1791 (§165,13)) |
58— | ‘Mohammad’ replaced with ‘Mohammed’ (the Turks, under MohammedII.,) |
59— | ‘Mohammadanism’ replaced with ‘Mohammedanism’ (apostasy to Mohammedanism,) |
60— | ‘subtlely’ replaced with ‘subtly’ (abstruse discussion on subtly devised cases) |
61— | ‘Cevena’ replaced with ‘Cesena’ (his general, Michael of Cesena,) |
62— | ‘§170,10’ replaced with ‘§171,10’ (a precursor of Kant (§171,10)) |
63— | ‘Reichersburg’ replaced with ‘Reichersberg’ (and the two divines of Reichersberg) |
64— | ‘Kaisersburg’ replaced with ‘Kaisersberg’ (Geiler of Kaisersberg distinguished) |
65— | ‘iniquisitorial’ replaced with ‘inquisitorial’ (the subject of inquisitorial interference) |
66— | ‘orginal’ replaced with ‘original’ (drawn from original documents) |
67— | ‘orginal’ replaced with ‘original’ (which contains the original reports) |
68— | ‘orginated’ replaced with ‘originated’ (This movement originated with) |
69— | ‘correpondence’ replaced with ‘correspondence’ (that his correspondence with Tucher) |
70— | ‘1256’ replaced with ‘1526’ (the Swiss in A.D.1526) |
71— | ‘160,8’ replaced with ‘161,8’ (The O.T. Apocrypha (§§59,1; 161,8)) |
72— | ‘§154,5’ replaced with ‘§153,6’ (the title of JamesI.390—Continuation, §153,6.) |
73— | ‘§166,5’ replaced with ‘§165,5’ (convulsion and revolution.—Continuation, §165,5.) |
74— | ‘§158,4’ replaced with ‘§159,4’ (the sixteenth century.—Continuation, §159,4.) |
75— | ‘§154A’ replaced with ‘§154,3’ (electoral dynasty of Brandenburg (§154,3).) |
76— | Ending quotation mark added. (and love’ of God.”) |
77— | added omitted word ‘the’ (one of the noblest popes) |
78— | ‘§132,13’ replaced with ‘§139,13’ (Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine (§139,13)) |
79— | ‘§164,10,13’ replaced with ‘§165,10,13’ (the misfortune of PiusVI. (§165,10,13)) |
80— | ‘§155,7’ replaced with ‘§156,7’ (erected by them.434—Continuation, §156,7.) |
81— | ‘§155,13’ replaced with ‘§156,13’ (accomplishing their own ends (§156,13)) |
82— | ‘164,9’ replaced with ‘165,9’ (in 803houses.436—Continuation, §§151,1; 165,9.) |
83— | ‘155,12’ replaced with ‘156,12’ (prosecution of foreign missions (§§150; 156,12)) |
84— | ‘§155,13’ replaced with ‘§156,13’ (and commercial activity (§156,13)) |
85— | ‘§186,20’ replaced with ‘§186,2’ (amulets, and talismans (§186,2)) |
86— | ‘§155,6’ replaced with ‘§156,6’ (the heart of Jesus (§156,6)) |
87— | ‘§155,5’ replaced with ‘§156,5’ (the other of heresy.—Continuation, §156,5.) |
88— | ‘§155,11,12’ replaced with ‘§156,11,12’ (part of the land.442—Continuation, §156,11,12.) |
89— | ‘§186,16’ replaced with ‘§156,11’ (and there crucified (§156,11)) |