The following corrections have been made in the text: | 1— | added omitted Word ‘to’ (which seemed to establish) | 2— | ‘ministery’ replaced with ‘ministry’ (and strengthened his own ministry) | 3— | ‘23’ replaced with ‘13’ (1Pet.v.13) | 4— | ‘beginings’ replaced with ‘beginnings’ (the beginnings of the church) | 5— | ‘§183,9’ replaced with ‘§182,7’ (school of Baur (§182,7)) | 6— | ‘Hippolylus’ replaced with ‘Hippolytus’ (and of Hippolytus ??e????) | 7— | ‘Hebdomes’ replaced with ‘Hebdomas’ (the so-called Hebdomas) | 8— | ‘gramatico’ replaced with ‘grammatico’ (grammatico-historical examination of scripture.) | 9— | ‘Septimus’ replaced with ‘Septimius’ (campaign of Septimius Severus) | 10— | ‘§12,2’ replaced with ‘§13,2’ (Christ’s promise (§13,2).) | 11— | ‘immobolis’ replaced with ‘immobilis’ (immobilis et irreformabilis) | 12— | ‘were’ replaced with ‘where’ (and spots where martyr’s relics) | 13— | ‘?pst???’ replaced with ‘?p?st???’ (a ?a?????? ?p?st???,) | 14— | ‘§57,3’ replaced with ‘§37,3’ (On dies stationum (§37,3) nothing) | 15— | ‘portea’ replaced with ‘postea’ (esset postea gloriÆ) | 16— | ‘§47,15’ replaced with ‘§47,14’ (Martin of Tours (§47,14) established) | 17— | ‘§85,1’ replaced with ‘§86,1’ (Carolingian legislation (§86,1).) | 18— | ‘§53,2’ replaced with ‘§50,2’ (the Council of Sardica (§50,2),) | 19— | ‘Ephesns’ replaced with ‘Ephesus’ (at the Council of Ephesus) | 20— | ‘§69,4-6’ replaced with ‘§59,4-6’ (Hymn Composition, §59,4-6) | 21— | ‘apocrisarius’ replaced with ‘apocrisiarius’ (a papal apocrisiarius in Constantinople) | 22— | ‘§57,21h’ replaced with ‘§47,21f’ (the author of PrÆdestinatus (§47,21f).) | 23— | ‘Eutchyes’ replaced with ‘Eutyches’ (against Nestorius and Eutyches) | 24— | ‘followship’ replaced with ‘fellowship’ (received back into church fellowship) | 25— | ‘Eunonius’ replaced with ‘Eunomius’ (4 bks. against Eunomius) ‘Amphilochum’ replaced with ‘Amphilochium’ (Ad Amphilochium, against the) | 26— | ‘§467’ replaced with ‘§46,7’ (to Leo the Great (§46,7) at Rome) | 27— | ‘Diophysites’ replaced with ‘Dyophysites’ (at the head of the Dyophysites) | 28— | ‘Quadrigesma’ replaced with ‘Quadragesima’ (the whole Quadragesima season) | 29— | ‘§160,8’ replaced with ‘§161,8’ (referred to by the Protestants (§161,8)) | 30— | ‘§71,2’ replaced with ‘§70,2’ (church service of Psalms (§70,2).) | 31— | ‘§61,7’ replaced with ‘§61,1’ (and discipline (§61,1),) | 32— | ‘divisons’ replaced with ‘divisions’ (holders of the four divisions) | 33— | ‘ManichiÆan’ replaced with ‘ManichÆan’ (to a ManichÆan family) | 34— | ‘§162,10’ replaced with ‘§163,10’ (a new departure (§163,10)) | 35— | ‘694’ replaced with ‘604’ (Gregory the Great, A.D.590-604) | 36— | ‘§23,6’ replaced with ‘§22,6’ (end of the 3rd century (§22,6)) | 37— | removed duplicate ‘of’ (led a horde of Angles and Saxons) | 38— | ‘decidly’ replaced with ‘decidedly’ (most decidedly preferred it) | 39— | ‘forbiden’ replaced with ‘forbidden’ (and storks is absolutely forbidden) | 40— | ‘ust’ replaced with ‘just’ (just as they chose) | 41— | ‘§290,5’ replaced with ‘§90,5’ (to Servatus Lupus (§90,5)) | 42— | ‘Gentiliscum’ replaced with ‘Gentiliacum’ (At a Synod at Gentiliacum) | 43— | ‘§166,9’ replaced with ‘§167,9’ (overthrow of the colony.—Continuation, §167,9.) | 44— | ‘brillant’ replaced with ‘brilliant’ (gained a brilliant victory) | 45— | ‘disagraceful’ replaced with ‘disgraceful’ (starts this disgraceful series.) | 46— | ‘§83,13’ replaced with ‘§93,13’ (Adalbert in Gnesen (§93,13)) | 47— | ‘§100,15’ replaced with ‘§110,15’ (developed into the tiara (§110,15)) | 48— | ‘archepiscopal’ replaced with ‘archiepiscopal’ (exercise of the archiepiscopal office) | 49— | ‘§192,5’ replaced with ‘§112,5’ (Holy Father (Continuation, §112,5)) | 50— | ‘profoundity’ replaced with ‘profundity’ (of acuteness and profundity) | 51— | ‘reconcilation’ replaced with ‘reconciliation’ (effected his reconciliation with Bernard) | 52— | ‘Badgad’ replaced with ‘Bagdad’ (of Bagdad and Cordova) | 53— | ‘apolegetical’ replaced with ‘apologetical’ (polemical and apologetical purposes) | 54— | ‘§61,14’ replaced with ‘§61,4’ (pains of purgatory (§61,4)) | 55— | ‘§173,9’ replaced with ‘§174,9’ (completed and consecrated in A.D.1322 (§174,9)) | 56— | ‘§112,27’ replaced with ‘§112,2’ (controversies in the Franciscan order (§112,2)) | 57— | ‘§164,13’ replaced with ‘§165,13’ (the Roman court till A.D.1791 (§165,13)) | 58— | ‘Mohammad’ replaced with ‘Mohammed’ (the Turks, under MohammedII.,) | 59— | ‘Mohammadanism’ replaced with ‘Mohammedanism’ (apostasy to Mohammedanism,) | 60— | ‘subtlely’ replaced with ‘subtly’ (abstruse discussion on subtly devised cases) | 61— | ‘Cevena’ replaced with ‘Cesena’ (his general, Michael of Cesena,) | 62— | ‘§170,10’ replaced with ‘§171,10’ (a precursor of Kant (§171,10)) | 63— | ‘Reichersburg’ replaced with ‘Reichersberg’ (and the two divines of Reichersberg) | 64— | ‘Kaisersburg’ replaced with ‘Kaisersberg’ (Geiler of Kaisersberg distinguished) | 65— | ‘iniquisitorial’ replaced with ‘inquisitorial’ (the subject of inquisitorial interference) | 66— | ‘orginal’ replaced with ‘original’ (drawn from original documents) | 67— | ‘orginal’ replaced with ‘original’ (which contains the original reports) | 68— | ‘orginated’ replaced with ‘originated’ (This movement originated with) | 69— | ‘correpondence’ replaced with ‘correspondence’ (that his correspondence with Tucher) | 70— | ‘1256’ replaced with ‘1526’ (the Swiss in A.D.1526) | 71— | ‘160,8’ replaced with ‘161,8’ (The O.T. Apocrypha (§§59,1; 161,8)) | 72— | ‘§154,5’ replaced with ‘§153,6’ (the title of JamesI.390—Continuation, §153,6.) | 73— | ‘§166,5’ replaced with ‘§165,5’ (convulsion and revolution.—Continuation, §165,5.) | 74— | ‘§158,4’ replaced with ‘§159,4’ (the sixteenth century.—Continuation, §159,4.) | 75— | ‘§154A’ replaced with ‘§154,3’ (electoral dynasty of Brandenburg (§154,3).) | 76— | Ending quotation mark added. (and love’ of God.”) | 77— | added omitted word ‘the’ (one of the noblest popes) | 78— | ‘§132,13’ replaced with ‘§139,13’ (Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine (§139,13)) | 79— | ‘§164,10,13’ replaced with ‘§165,10,13’ (the misfortune of PiusVI. (§165,10,13)) | 80— | ‘§155,7’ replaced with ‘§156,7’ (erected by them.434—Continuation, §156,7.) | 81— | ‘§155,13’ replaced with ‘§156,13’ (accomplishing their own ends (§156,13)) | 82— | ‘164,9’ replaced with ‘165,9’ (in 803houses.436—Continuation, §§151,1; 165,9.) | 83— | ‘155,12’ replaced with ‘156,12’ (prosecution of foreign missions (§§150; 156,12)) | 84— | ‘§155,13’ replaced with ‘§156,13’ (and commercial activity (§156,13)) | 85— | ‘§186,20’ replaced with ‘§186,2’ (amulets, and talismans (§186,2)) | 86— | ‘§155,6’ replaced with ‘§156,6’ (the heart of Jesus (§156,6)) | 87— | ‘§155,5’ replaced with ‘§156,5’ (the other of heresy.—Continuation, §156,5.) | 88— | ‘§155,11,12’ replaced with ‘§156,11,12’ (part of the land.442—Continuation, §156,11,12.) | 89— | ‘§186,16’ replaced with ‘§156,11’ (and there crucified (§156,11)) | 90— | ‘superfluous reference - destination uncertain. (in A.D.1590 (§144,4)) | 91— | ‘§142,9’ replaced with ‘§141,9’ (ubiquitous Christology (§141,9)) ‘§142,10’ replaced with ‘§141,10’ (Corpus DoctrinÆ Philippicum (§141,10)) | 92— | ‘§158,5’ replaced with ‘§159,5’ (treatise of Hutter (§159,5)) | 93— | ‘§131,6’ replaced with ‘§139,6’ (of the State church (§139,6)) | 94— | ‘164, 7’ replaced with ‘165, 7’ (against the Jansenists (§§156,5; 165,7)) | 95— | ‘§166,6’ replaced with ‘§167,6’ (Danish national hymnology.471—Continuation, §167,6) | 96— | Subsection caption added to text. (§164.2. John Locke, died) | 97— | ‘§155,12’ replaced with ‘§156,12’ (dislike of the Jesuits (§156,12)) | 98— | ‘§188,20’ replaced with ‘§186,2’ (rosaries and scapularies (§186,2)) | 99— | ‘§166,6’ replaced with ‘§167,6’ (pastor of Berthelsdorf (§167,6)) | 100— | ‘§162,9’ replaced with ‘§163,9’ (Philadelphian societies (§163,9)) | 101— | ‘J.E.Eichhorn’ replaced with ‘J.G.Eichhorn’ (J.G.Eichhorn of GÖttingen) | 102— | ‘§170,10’ replaced with ‘§171,10’ (The German Philosophy (§171,10)) | 103— | ‘§206,6’ replaced with ‘§203,6’ (authorized by the State (§203,6)) | 104— | ‘§111,14’ replaced with ‘§110,14’ (concordat of FrancisI. (§110,14)) | 105— | ‘§63,3’ replaced with ‘§63,2’ ((TrullanumII.), §63,2.) | 106— | ‘§100,3’ replaced with ‘§100,2’ (Vercelli dies, §100,2.) | 107— | ‘§100,3’ replaced with ‘§100,2’ (Verona dies, §100,2.) | 108— | ‘§6,15’ replaced with ‘§96,15’ (Battle of Legnano, §96,15.) | 109— | ‘§101,11’ replaced with ‘§104,13’ (Cologne laid, §104,13.) | 110— | ‘§93,17’ replaced with ‘§93,16’ (Lullus dies, §93,16; 103,5.) | 111— | ‘§116,6’ replaced with ‘§115,10’ (Dante dies, §115,10.) | 112— | ‘§121,1’ replaced with ‘§124,1’ (Melanchthon’s Loci, §124,1.) | 113— | ‘§193,19’ replaced with ‘§139,19’ (The Royal Letter, §139,19.) | 114— | ‘§155,4’ replaced with ‘§154,4’ (Conference at Leipzig, §154,4.) | 115— | ‘§190,10’ replaced with ‘§191,10’ (Scholars at Munich, §191,10.) | 116— | ‘187,19’ replaced with ‘184,9’ (152,1; 160,7; 166,3; 184,9.) | 117— | ‘§155,12’ replaced with ‘§156,12’ (Accommodation Controversy, §156,12.) | 118— | ‘§155,14’ replaced with ‘§156,14’ (Acosta, Uriel, §156,14.) | 119— | ‘92,12’ replaced with ‘93,12’ (Suerbeer, §73,6; 93,12.) | 120— | ‘§208,10’ replaced with ‘§211,10’ (Alpers, §211,10.) | 121— | ‘§164,15’ replaced with ‘§165,12’ (Amort, §165,12.) | 122— | ‘Apocrisarians’ replaced with ‘Apocrisiarians’ (Apocrisiarians, §46,1.) | 123— | ‘§23,4’ replaced with ‘§23,2’ (Asinarii, §23,2.) | 124— | ‘§53,6’ replaced with ‘§53,5’ (Avitus, §53,5; 76,5.) | 125— | ‘58,1,5’ replaced with ‘58,1,4’ (Baptism, §35,2-4; 58,1,4; 141,13.) | 126— | ‘§102,10’ replaced with ‘§102,9’ (Bernard Sylvester, §102,9.) | 127— | ‘§186,9’ replaced with ‘§188,1’ (Bonald, §188,1.) | 128— | ‘§164,5’ replaced with ‘§165,5’ (Calas, §165,5.) | 129— | ‘158,2,8’ replaced with ‘159,2,4’ (Calixt, Geo., §153,7; 159,2,4.) | 130— | ‘79,5’ replaced with ‘79,1’ (Charlemagne, §78,9; 79,1;) | 131— | ‘92,3’ replaced with ‘92,2’ (Claudius of Turin, §90,4; 92,2.) | 132— | ‘§28,7’ replaced with ‘§22,7’ (Constantine the Great, §22,7;) | 133— | ‘72,5’ replaced with ‘73,5’ (Sign of the, §39,1; 59,8; 73,5.) | 134— | ‘§45,5’ replaced with ‘§45,3’ (Defensores, §45,3.) | 135— | ‘§139,36’ replaced with ‘§139,26’ (Demetrius Mysos, §139,26.) | 136— | ‘§193,11’ replaced with ‘§193,1’ (De salute animarum, §193,1.) | 137— | ‘§173,3; 180,4’ replaced with ‘§174 8’ (Dinter, §174,8.) | 138— | ‘§31,6,14’ replaced with ‘§31,6; 32,8;’ (Dionysius of Alexandria, §31,6; 328;) | 139— | ‘§190,5’ replaced with ‘§190,1’ (DÖllinger, §190,1;) | 140— | ‘155,11’ replaced with ‘156,11’ (East Indies, §64,4; 150,1; 156,11;) | 141— | ‘§150,14’ replaced with ‘§149,14’ (Estius, §149,14.) | 142— | ‘§150,14’ replaced with ‘§171,8’ (Euler, §171,8.) | 143— | ‘§170,13’ replaced with ‘§171,10’ (Fichte, J.G., §171,10.) | 144— | ‘106,5’ replaced with ‘105,4’ (§93,16; 98,3; 104,10; 105,4.) | 145— | ‘§144,11’ replaced with ‘§104,11’ (Franco of Cologne, §104,11.) | 146— | ‘§176,11’ replaced with ‘§171,11’ (Gellert, §171,11; 172,1.) | 147— | ‘100,3’ replaced with ‘100,2’ (Gerbert, §96,2; 100,2.) | 148— | ‘§129,21’ replaced with ‘§139,21’ (Gil, Juan, §139,21.) | 149— | Name not found—Invalid reference. (Grabow, §210,10.) | 150— | Name not found—Invalid reference. (Gundioch, §75,5.) | 151— | ‘§31,16’ replaced with ‘§32,4’ (Hebrews, Gospel of the, §32,4.) | 152— | ‘166,5’ replaced with ‘165,5’ (Huguenots, §139,14,ff.; 153,4; 165,5.) | 153— | ‘§86,5’ replaced with ‘§85,5’ (In commendam, §85,5; 110,15.) | 154— | ‘72,6’ replaced with ‘73,6’ (InnocentIV., §96,20; 73,6.) | 155— | ‘§66,9’ replaced with ‘§66,3’ (Irene, §66,3.) | 156— | ‘189,7’ replaced with ‘187,7’ (Italy, §139,22; 187,7; 204.) | 157— | ‘§157,15’ replaced with ‘§157,5’ (Jansenists, §157,5; 165,6.) | 158— | ‘§49,6,16.’ replaced with ‘§149,6,16.’ (John of the Cross, §149,6,16.) | 159— | ‘§144,5’ replaced with ‘§143,5’ (Lambeth Articles, §143,5.) | 160— | ‘§ 211,74’ replaced with ‘§ 211,14’ (Lee, Bishop, §211,14.) | 161— | ‘§155,4’ replaced with ‘§141,14; 142,6’ (Leyser, §141,14; 142,6.) | 162— | ‘§75,5’ replaced with ‘§78,5’ (LiptinÄ, Synod of, §78,5; 86,2.) | 163— | ‘§189,8’ replaced with ‘§187,8’ (Loyson, §187,8.) | 164— | ‘§187,9’ replaced with ‘§188,1’ (Maistre, §188,1.) | 165— | ‘64,5’ replaced with ‘64,3’ (Marcionites, §27,12; 54,1; 64,3.) | 166— | ‘§32,9’ replaced with ‘§32,8’ (Martyrs, Acts of, §32,8.) | 167— | ‘§189,9; 190,1’ replaced with ‘§188,1; 189,1’ (Montalembert, §188,1; 189,1.) | 168— | ‘§190,4’ replaced with ‘§190,3’ (Mouls, §190,3.) | 169— | ‘§173,4’ replaced with ‘§174,4’ (NÄgelsbach, §174,4.) | 170— | ‘§61,6’ replaced with ‘§61,1’ (Nectarius, §61,1.) | 171— | ‘201,13’ replaced with ‘201,3’ (Norwegians, §93,4; 139,2; 201,3.) | 172— | ‘§208,6’ replaced with ‘§211,6’ (Noyes, §211,6.) | 173— | ‘§199,9’ replaced with ‘§202,9’ (O’Connell, §202,9.) | 174— | ‘§45,5’ replaced with ‘§45,3’ (????????, §45,3.) | 175— | ‘§53,6’ replaced with ‘§53,5’ (Orange, Synod of, §53,5.) | 176— | ‘§155,7’ replaced with ‘§156,7’ (Oratory, Fathers of the, §156,7.) | 177— | ‘§155,1,2,5’ replaced with ‘§156,1,2,4’ (PaulV., §156,1,2,4; 149,13.) | 178— | ‘§173,7’ replaced with ‘§174,7’ ‘Pellico-Silvio’ replaced with ‘Pellico, Silvio’ (Pellico, Silvio, §174,7.) | 179— | ‘§21,1’ replaced with ‘§81,1’ (Perfectus, §81,1.) | 180— | ‘§18,4’ replaced with ‘§17,4’ (Phoebe, §17,4.) | 181— | ‘§14,2’ replaced with ‘§13,2’ (Pilate, Acts of, §13,2; 31,2.) | 182— | ‘173,6’ replaced with ‘174,6’ (Poetry, Christian, §48,5,6; 105,4; 174,6.) | 183— | ‘116,6’ replaced with ‘108,6’ (Postilla, §103,9; 108,6.) | 184— | ‘§31,18’ replaced with ‘§32,6’ (Prochorus, §32,6.) | 185— | ‘53,8’ replaced with ‘53,5’ (Prosper Aquit., §47,20; 48,6; 53,5.) | 186— | ‘Raimund of Toulouse, §109,4.’ replaced with ‘RaymondIV., Count of Toulouse, §109,1.’ (RaymondIV., Count of Toulouse, §109,1.) | 187— | ‘194,9’—Invalid reference. (abusu, §185,4; 192,4; 194,9; 197,9.) | 188— | ‘45,6’—Invalid reference. (Revenues of the Church, §45,6; 86,1.) | 189— | ‘§129,19’ replaced with ‘§139,19’ (RudolphII., §139,19; 137,8.) | 190— | ‘219,3,4’ replaced with ‘210,3,4’ (163,8; 166; 206; 210,3,4; 212,6.) | 191— | ‘63,3’ replaced with ‘63,2’ (Sergius I. of Rome, §46,11; 63,2.) | 192— | ‘§23,4’ replaced with ‘§22,4’ (Severa, §22,4; 26.) | 193— | ‘§18,4’ replaced with ‘§17,4’ (Stephanas, §17,4.) | 194— | ‘189,7’ replaced with ‘169,2’ (§78,1; 130; 138; 162,6; 169,2;) | 195— | ‘§102,10’ replaced with ‘§102,9’ (Sylvester, Bern., §102,9.) | 196— | ‘§32,9’ replaced with ‘§32,8’ (Sympherosa, §32,8.) | 197— | ‘§173,9’ replaced with ‘§174,9’ (Thorwaldsen, §174,9). | 198— | ‘112,14’ replaced with ‘112,4’ (John, §110,15; 112,4.) | 199— | ‘§164,1,6.’ replaced with ‘§169,2,6.’ (Turretin, J.A., §169,2,6.) | 200— | ‘§155,4’ replaced with ‘§154,4’ (Reformed, §154,4; 167,4; 169,1,2.) | 201— | ‘§139,40’ replaced with ‘§139,20’ (Vienna, Peace of, §139,20.) | 202— | ‘§129,5’ replaced with ‘§199,5’ (Vinet, §199,5.) | 203— | ‘§105,5,14,15’ replaced with ‘§165,5,14,15’ (Voltaire, §165,5,14,15.) | 204— | ‘§65,4’ replaced with ‘§65,1’ (Wechabites, §65,1.) | 205— | ‘§102,10’ replaced with ‘§102,9’ (William of Conches, §102,9.) | 206— | ‘§102,2,10’ replaced with ‘§102,2,9’ (William of Thierry, §102,2,9.) | 207— | ‘§129,12’ replaced with ‘§139,12’ (WilliamI. of Orange, §139,12.) | 208— | ‘§ 135,13’ replaced with ‘§ 135,9’ (Wittenberg, Sketch of Reform, §135,9.) | 209— | ‘§121,1’ replaced with ‘§124,1’ (Zwickau, Prophets of, §124,1.) | 210— | ‘Assumtio’ replaced with ‘Assumptio’ (Enoch, Assumptio, Ezra, Bk. of Jub.) | 211— | ‘Hadden’ replaced with ‘Haddan’ (Haddan and Stubbs) | 212— | ‘Stoddard’ replaced with ‘Stoddart’ (Translated by Miss Stoddart,) |