- Alphabetic-subject file, 73.
- Catalog cabinets, 93.
- Cataloging, 75.
- Centralization, 11.
- Charging records see Loan records.
- Classification, 70.
- Clipping bureaus, 48.
- Corporation files, 75.
- Cutter numbers, 74.
- Cuts, 68.
- Equipment and supplies, 94.
- Floor plans, 86, 88, 89.
- Government documents, 50.
- Indexing see Cataloging.
- Lantern slides, 65.
- Loan records, 39.
- Magazines see Periodicals.
- Maps, 68.
- Mechanical equipment, 80.
- Organization, 7.
- Pamphlet boxes, 44, 45.
- Periodicals,
- binding, 43.
- checking, 33.
- circulation, 37.
- clipping, 43, 48.
- Contents, 31.
- filing, 43.
- indexing, 35.
- selection, 32.
- Photographs, 62.
- Public libraries vs. business libraries, 14.
- Publicity department, 25.
- Qualifications of business librarian, 110.
- Reference books, 95.
- Service rendered, 23.
- Shelving, 81.
- State documents, 57.
- Subject headings, 76.
- Trade catalogs, 59.
- U-File-M binder strips, 48.
- Value of the business library, 18.
- Vertical files, 90.
Transcriber's Notes Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected, but other variations in spelling and punctuation are unchanged. The half title immediately before the title has been removed. |