- Abbey, Edwin A., 128
- Adams, John, 84, 87
- Adams, Samuel, 124
- Alameda, 240
- Allegheny, 182, 184
- Allegheny River, 171, 172, 182
- Baldwin, Matthias W., 71
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, 71
- Baltimore, 155–170
- railroad center, 155
- harbor, 155
- industries, 155, 156
- exports, 155
- fire of 1904, 156
- public markets, 160
- settlement of, 167
- Baltimore, Lord, 168
- Barge canal, 212
- Belleville, 98
- Berkeley, 240
- Bienville, Governor, 245
- Blackstone, William, 105
- Boston, 105–136
- capital of Massachusetts, 105
- settlement of, 105
- divisions of, 107
- harbor, 108
- trade center, 119
- foreign commerce, 121
- industries, 121
- Boston Tea Party, 84, 122
- Braddock, 173
- Bradford, William, 73
- Brockton, 119
- Brooklyn, 11, 24, 28, 30
- Brooks, Phillips, 127
- Bruceton, 178
- Buffalo, 207–226
- settlement of, 207, 208
- named, 209
- Erie Canal, 210
- lake port, 211
- importance of location, 212
- trade with Canada, 212
- manufacturing center, 213
- Niagara power, 213, 216, 224–225
- iron industry, 214
- flour mills, 216
- important live-stock market, 217
- important lumber market,
- Jefferson, Thomas, 89
- Key, Francis Scott, 169
- Kingsbury, James, 138
- Kinzie, John, 43
- Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, 215
- Largest cities in the world, 299
- Lawrence, 121
- Lee, Robert E., 294
- Lewis and Clark expedition, 90
- Louisiana Purchase, 89, 245
- Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 96
- Lowell, 121
- Lumber, 57, 100, 217, 257
- Lynn, 119
- Madison, 98
- Manhattan, 4, 11
- McCall Ferry dam, 163
- McKeesport, 173
- McKinley, William, 224
- Mexican War, 227
- Mints, 81, 82, 237
- Minuit, Peter, 5
- Mississippi River, 47, 89, 91, 96, 97, 171, 245, 248, 249
- Missouri River, 90, 93
- Mohawk River, 207, 209
- Monongahela River, 171, 172, 182
- Morris, Robert, 75
- Mt. Vernon, 267, 294
- Natural gas, 151, 181, 185, 213
- New Amsterdam, 6, 14
- New Bedford, 121
- New Orleans, 171, 245–264
- early history, 245
- in the War of 1812, 246
- in the Civil War, 247
- building the city, 249
- the French quarter, 251, 252
- the American quarter, 251, 230
- Sargent, John S., 128
- Sault Ste. Marie, 190
- Saur, Christopher, 73
- Schuylkill River, 68, 75
- Scioto River, 140
- Shaw, Colonel, 113
- Shortest railway routes from Chicago, 301
- Shortest railway routes from New York, 300
- Silver, 228
- Standard Oil Company, 143
- Steel, 56, 71, 173, 180
- Straits of Mackinac, 190
- Stuyvesant, Peter, 6
- Sugar, 32, 257, 261
- Susquehanna River, 163
- Thevis, Father, 255
- Tonawanda, 219
- Touro, Judah, 257
- Trumbull, John, 275
- Union Stockyards, 59
- University City, 96
- Venice, 98
- War of 1812, 44, 192, 209, 246, 268
- Washington, 202, 265–298
- the capital city, 265
- location, 265
- story of, 266
- District of Columbia, 267, 288, 289
- plan of the city, 268
- capitol, 272
- House of Representatives, 277, 289
- Supreme Court, 279
- Senate, 279, 289
- Library of Congress, 280
- White House, 282
- National Treasury, 284, 286
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 285
- Washington Monument, 291
- Post Office Department, 294
- Arlington National Cemetery, 294
- Washington, George, 8, 84, 87, 119, 171, Transcriber's Notes:
The original spelling and minor inconsistencies in the spelling and formatting have been maintained. Inconsistent hyphenation and accents are as in the original if not marked as a misprint. Captions have been added to the maps on page 69 and 268 as listed in the "List of Maps" at the beginning of the book. The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text. | frontpage: BOOKS I AND II ? BOOKS I AND II, | p. 160: here small craft ? crafts | p. 225: Important center for. ? Important center for | p. 227: Pacific coast, and Don Gasper ? Gaspar | p. 239: Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ? FÉ | p. 248: forces land and take ? takes | p. 306: de PortolÁ, Don Gasper ? Gaspar | |