Cause.—Exposure, especially when the animal is permitted to lie on cold damp soils or floors. Another common cause is an animal exposed to cold drafts after perspiring or weakened after severe physical exercise. Symptom.—Stiffness when walking, variable appetite, constipation, hair unthrifty looking. Passage of urine is scant and of an amber color, usually slight elevation in temperature and the animal lies down a great part of the time. There are two forms of rheumatism—muscular and articular. The former affects the muscles Treatment.—Place the animal in warm dry quarters with a sufficient quantity of clean bedding. Feed foods that are easily digested, as wheat bran mashes and steamed rolled oats and vegetables. Keep pure, cold water within the animal’s reach at all times. The following prescription has been found very effective in the treatment of this disease: Sodium Salicylate, six ounces; Nux Vomica, two ounces; Pulv. Gentian Root, two ounces; Nitrate of Potash, two ounces. Mix and make into sixteen capsules and give one capsule three times daily with capsule gun. If the bowels are constipated give Aloin, two drams; Ginger, three drams. Place in capsule and give with capsule gun. When the joints or muscles become swollen and inflamed, the following liniment will be found very effective in reducing the swellings: Aqua Ammonia Fort., two ounces; Oil of Turpentine, three ounces; Sweet Oil, six ounces. Mix and apply by rubbing in well two or three times a day. |