(Bacterial Dysentery—Johne’s Disease) Cause.—Acid-fast Bacillus resembling the Tubercular Bacillus that invade the intestines by the way of the animal drinking water or eating food containing the Acid-fast Bacteria. Symptoms.—Diarrhoea, loss of flesh, although the appetite is good, hair becomes dry and harsh, temperature remains about normal. The Diarrhoea becomes persistent and tinged with blood. The animal becomes emaciated and anemic, exhausted, and death follows. This disease may continue for a month or even a year before death takes place. However this is very uncommon. They generally die very shortly. Treatment.—Separate the affected cattle from the healthy ones. All fecal matter should be deeply buried or burned, the stalls, barnyards, also thoroughly disinfected. Administration of medicine thus far has been unsatisfactory, although a treatment should be directed toward the intestines with internal antiseptics such as Zinc Sulphocarbolates, one and one-half grains; Protan, three drams; Pulv. Nux Vomica, one dram; Bismuth Subnitrate, one dram. Place in gelatin capsule and give with capsule gun. This dose should be repeated three or four times a day. Feed a good quality of food, such as wheat bran mashes or steamed rolled oats and see that the water supply is fresh and non-contaminated. |