
Cause.—Inhaling irritating gases or foreign bodies. It is commonly seen after drenching from liquid escaping into the windpipe instead of going down the gullet. Animals exposed to cold, wet weather when not accustomed to it frequently develop Bronchitis.

Symptoms.—Loss of appetite, chilling, temperature elevated two or three degrees above normal, ears and legs cold, nose hot and dry, breathing short and labored, painful coughing, slight discharge from the nostrils and saliva oozing from the mouth. If the ear is placed over the lower portion of the neck, a crepitating sound can be heard.

Treatment.—Place the animal in a clean, comfortable stall where there is pure air and light but no drafts. Clothe the body if the weather is cold. Hand rub the legs and bandage with woolen cloths. Give inhalations of steam from Hot Water and Pine Tar for twenty minutes two or three times a day. Also administer Nux Vomica, four ounces; Ginger, four ounces; Nitrate of Potash, four ounces. Make into sixteen capsules and give one capsule every four hours. Applications of the following liniment are of some value: Aqua Ammonia Fort., three ounces; Oil of Turpentine, three ounces; Sweet Oil, six ounces. Apply over the region of the windpipe the full length of the neck.


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