A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z PAGE | | Aikman, William, | 35 | Alexander, Cosmo, | 191 | Alexander, William, | 103 | Allston, Washington, | 202 | Ames, Ezra, | 212 | Ames, Joseph, | 212 | Anderton, Henry, | 31 | Audubon, John James, | 211 | | Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, | 22 | Baker, G. A., | 212 | Barret, George, | 50 | Barret, George, the younger, | 105 | Barry, James, | 69 | Beale, Mary, | 35 | Beechey, Sir William, | 79 | Bembridge, Henry, | 192 | Bewick, John, | 92 | Bewick, Thomas, | 91 | Birch, Thomas, | 217 | Blackburn, | 191 | Blake, William, | 85 | Boit, Charles, | 93 | Bone, Henry, | 96 | Bonington, Richard Parkes, | 137 | Boxall, Sir William, | 178 | Briggs, Henry Perronet, | 154 | Brooking, Charles, | 47 | Brown, John, 11, | 17 | Browne, Alexander, | 92 | Brumidi, Carlo, | 202 | | Caius (Key), | 19 | Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, | 131 | Carmillion, Alice, | 17 | Catlin, George, | 211 | Cattermole, George, | 112 | Chalon, Alfred Edward, | 97 | Chalon, John James, | 97 | Cheney, Seth W., | 212 | Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, | 60 | Cleef, Joost van, | 19 | Clostermann, John, | 35 | Cole, Thomas, | 215 | Collins, Richard, | 95 | Collins, William, | 133 | Constable, John, | 130 | Cooke, Edward William, | 147 | Cooper, Abraham, | 166 | Cooper, Samuel, | 31 | Copley, John Singleton, | 67, 192 | Cornelisz, Lucas, | 10 | Corvus, Johannes, | 19 | Cosway, Maria, | 96 | Cosway, Richard, | 96 | Cotman, John Sell, | 142 | Cox, David, | 108 | Cozens, Alexander, | 102 | Cozens, John Robert, | 103 | Creswick, Thomas, | 145 | Cristall, Joshua, | 103 | Crome, John, | 141 | Crosse, Lewis, | 93 | | Dahl, Michael, | 35 | Danby, Francis, | 142 | Dance, Nathaniel, | 76 | Deacon, James, | 94 | De Heere, Lucas, | 20 | De la Motte, William, | 105 | De Loutherbourg, Philippe James, | 61 | Derby, William, | 99 | De Wint, Peter, | 110 | Dobson, William, | 26 | Dodgson, George Haydock, | 114 | Doughty, Thomas, | 213 | Duncan, Edward, | 114 | Duncan, Thomas, | 158 | Dunlap, | 201 | Dyce, William, | 156 | | Eastlake, Sir Charles Locke, | 154 | Edmonds, F. W., | 211 | Edridge, Henry, | 97, 104 | Edward, Master, | 4 | Egg, Augustus Leopold, | 175 | Elliott, Charles Loring, | 212 | Elmore, Alfred, | 162 | Engleheart, George, | 96 | Essex, William, | 97 | Etty, William, | 152 | | Faithorne, William, | 85 | Feke, Robert, | 191 | Fielding, Anthony Vandyke Copley, | 110 | Fisher, Alvan, | 215 | Flatman, Thomas, | 92 | Flick, Gerbach, | 18 | Fraser, Alexander, | 170 | Fuller, Isaac, | 31 | Fuller, R. H., | 221 | Furness, W. H., | 212 | Fuseli, Henry, | 62 | | Gainsborough, Thomas, | 55 | Garvey, Edmund, | 75 | Gerbier, Sir Balthasar, | 45 | Gheeraedts, Marc, | 20 | Gifford, Sandford R., | 215 | Gilpin, Sawrey, | 81 | Girtin, Thomas, | 104 | Glass, James W., | 211 | Godeman, | 2 | Gray, Henry Peters, | 207 | Greenhill, John, | 31 | | Hamilton, James, | 217 | Harding, Chester, | 212 | Harding, James Duffield, | 112 | Harlow, George Henry, | 121 | Harvey, George, | 158 | Havell, William, | 108 | Haydon, Benjamin Robert, | 150 | Hayman, Francis, | 35, 85 | Hays, William J., | 211 | Heaphy, Thomas, | 110 | Hearne, Thomas, | 102 | Highmore, Joseph, | 85 | Hill, John W., | 216 | Hilliard, Nicholas, | 22 | Hills, Robert, | 104 | Hillton, William, | 148 | Hogarth, William, | 37 | Holbein, Hans, | 13 | Holland, James, | 114 | Hone, Nathaniel, | 94 | Hoppner, John, | 80 | Horebout, Gerrard Lucas, | 9, 17 | Horebout, Lucas, | 17 | Horebout, Susannah, | 9, 17 | Hoskins, John, | 22 | Howard, Henry, | 123 | Hudson, Thomas, | 35 | Humphrey, Ozias, | 95 | Hunt, William Henry, | 112 | Hunt, William Morris, | 219 | | Ibbetson, Julius CÆsar, | 50 | Ingham, Charles C., | 212 | Inman, Henry, | 211 | Irving, J. B., | 208 | | Jackson, John, | 126 | Jamesone, George, | 28 | Jarvis, J. W., | 212 | Jervas, Charles, | 35 | Jewett, William, | 212 | John, Master, | 4 | Jonson, Cornelis, | 22 | | Kauffman, Angelica, | 60 | Kensett, J. F., | 215 | Key, William, | 19 | Kirk, Thomas, | 89 | Knapton, George, | 35 | Kneller, Sir Godfrey, | 32 | | Laguerre, Louis, | 34 | Lambert, George, | 47 | Landseer, Charles, | 161 | Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry, | 176 | Lawrence, Sir Thomas, | 117 | Lely, Sir Peter, | 30 | Leslie, Charles Robert, | 170, 209 | Leutze, Emmanuel, | <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@39265@39265-h@39265-h-5.htm.html#page_207" class="pginternal">207 | Lewis, John Frederick, | 180 | Linnell, John, | 147 | Linton, William, | 135 | Loggan, David, | 85 | Lucy, Charles, | 161 | Lyzardi, Nicholas, | 19 | | Mabuse, | 9 | Maclise, Daniel, | 158 | Malbone, E. G., | 212 | Martin, John, | 139 | Martineau, Robert Braithwaite, | 179 | Mason, George Hemming, | 179 | Maynors, Katherine, | 18 | Meyer, Jeremiah, | 95 | Modena, Nicholas of, | 19 | Monamy, Peter, | 47 | Mor, Sir Antonio, | 19 | Morland, George, | 82 | Morland, Henry Robert, | 82 | Morse, S. F. B., | 206 | Mortimer, John Hamilton, | 89 | Moser, George Michael, | 94 | Mount, William Sydney, | 209 | MÜller, William John, | 137 | Mulready, William, | 167 | Mytens, Daniel, | 22 | | Nasmyth, Patrick, | 135 | Neagle, J., | 212 | Newton, Gilbert Stuart, | 173, 209 | Nixon, James, | 95 | Northcote, James, | 76 | | Oliver, Isaac, | 22 | Oliver, Peter, | 22 | Opie, John, | 78 | Oudry, P., | 19 | Owen, William, | 121 | | Palmer, Samuel, | 114 | Parmentier, James, | 35 | Payne, William, | 102 | Peale, Charles Wilson, | 200 | Peale, Rembrandt, | 206 | Penley, Aaron Edwin, | 114 | Penni, Bartholomew, | 17 | Petersen, John E. C., | 217 | Petitot, Jean, | 22 | Phillip, John, | 161 | Phillips, Thomas, | 125 | Poole, Paul Falconer, | 179 | Powell, W. H., | PRINTED BY J. S. VIRTUE AND CO., LIMITED, CITY ROAD, LONDON. Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists. Each Volume is strongly bound in Cloth, Crown 8vo, price 3s. 6d. unless marked otherwise. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. By F. S. 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With Engravings of the Trumpeter's Horse—The Death of Poniatowski—The Battle of Fontenoy, and 5 others, by Vernet; and Richelieu with Cinque Mars—Death of the Duc de Guise—Charles I. and Cromwell's Soldiers—and the Hemicycle, by Delaroche. MEISSONIER. By J. W. Mollett, B.A. With Engravings from the Chess Players—La Rixe—The Halt—The Reader—The Flemish Smoker—and many Book Illustrations. Price 2s. 6d. London: SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street. The following typographical errors were corrected by the etext transcriber: | Several English astists practised in this reign.=>Several English artists practised in this reign. | the first English artist who receveid=>the first English artist who received | an innvoator of a monstrous order=>an innovator of a monstrous order | Durin his life=>During his life | Like his master he not succeed in foliage=>Like his master he did not succeed in foliage | FOOTNOTES: |   |