Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Why Some Operas are Rarely Given Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868) Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886) Charles Franaeois Gounod (1818-1893) Riccardo Zandonai FRANCESCA DA RIMINI FRANCESCA OF RIMINI Franco Leoni L'ORACOLO THE SAGE Italo Montemezzi L'AMORE DEI TRE RE THE LOVE OF THREE KINGS Modern Italian Opera ERO E LEANDRO Modern German and Bohemian Opera Transcriber's Notes The Complete Opera Book has been an important opera reference work since its first publication in 1919. It has been revised and updated a number of times, most famously by George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood, and most recently in 1997. This e-book was prepared from the 1919 first edition. Gustav KobbÉ was killed in a sailing accident in 1918 and apparently did not have the opportunity to make corrections before the book was published. There are consequently numerous typographical, spelling, and formatting errors and inconsistencies in the first edition, the most obvious of which have been corrected without note in this e-book. Ambiguous errors are marked with red dotted underlining in the HTML version; hover the mouse over the underlined text to see a pop-up Transcriber's Note. A Transcriber's Errata List of these notes is also provided at the end of this file. The author's deliberate interchanges of foreign words or names and their equivalents in English or other languages have been preserved as they appear in the original. Misplaced Table of Contents and index entries have been moved to their proper places. Photograph illustrations have been moved so as not to break up the flow of the text and may not appear on the page indicated in the List of Illustrations, which in this e-book contains links to the illustrations themselves, rather than to the pages. Click on the [Listen] link to download and hear a midi file (or MP3 file, where noted) of the music. Obvious errors in the music notation have been corrected in the sound files, and the corrections are noted in the titles of the corresponding music images. If you are reading this e-book in any format other than HTML, you will not be able to hear the music. By Gustav KobbÉ All-of-a-Sudden Carmen Copyright photo by Mishkin Mary Garden as Sapho The |