Aback, to hold or keep back.
Abaid, abode.
Abnegation, denial.
Abone, abuif, above.
Abyid, abide.
Addettit, indebted.
Adjonit, adjoined.
Advoutrie, adultery.
Affray, terror.
Affrayid, frightened.
Afoir, afore, before.
Aggreage, aggravate.
Agylytye, agility.
Aiges, ages.
Aithis, oaths.
Aittis, oats.
Alane, alone.
Alay, walk, alley.
Allanerlie, solely, only.
Alluterlie, entirely, wholly.
Almany, Germany.
Almous, almouse, alms.
Als, alse, as, also.
Althocht, although.
Alwise, always.
Amangis, amongst.
Ambassade, embassy.
An, if.
Ane, one, a.
Anefold, onefold, sincere.
Anent, touching, concerning.
Anes, anis, once.
Aneuche, enough.
Appeiris, appears.
Appell, appeal.
Appone (for oppone,) oppose.
Appreve, approve.
Arguessin, lieutenant of a galley.
Armite, hermit.
Art and part, aider and abetter.
Assistaris, assisters.
Astonyed, astonished.
Attour, besides, beyond, moreover.
Aucht, aught, ought.
Aucht, awght, eight.
Auditure, auditoure, auditory.
Aughtand, owing.
Aughtein, eighteen.
Auld, old.
Auncestouris, ancestors.
Avoid, remove, evacuate.
Avoutrie, adultery.
Aw, doth owe.
Awaitand, waiting.
Awin, own.
Ay, aye, always, evermore.
Ayre and laitt, early and late.
Backis (to give), to retreat, to turn their backs.
Baikin, baken.
Baith, both.
Baldness, boldness.
Balling, revelling.
Banded, joined together, combined.
Bannis, bans.
Barnes, bairnes, child, children, also pupils.
Bauldlie, boldly.
Bawbie, a halfpenny.
Bayr, bore.
Bayre, bear.
Beand, being.
Bear, beer.
Beck, bow down.
Begouth, began.
Begynand, beginning.
Beiris, bears.
Belyiffit, believed.
Belyve, speedily, in a little time.
Beseik, beseech.
Besiness, business.
Besyde, near hand, by, with.
Bigane, bygone.
Bigged, biggit, built.
Bill, indytement, letter, petition.
Birsit, bruised, pressed.
Birst, burst, broke.
Blawe, blawin, blow, blown.
Boddom, bottom.
Boit, boat.
Bolden, boldened, to swell, swollen, embolden.
Boosome, besom.
Bordell, brothel.
Bordouris, the Borders.
Bosses, drunkards.
Bot, but.
Bourd, jest.
Bow, bowes, an arched gate, gates.
Bowes, Papal Bulls.
Boyth, both.
Brack, broke.
Bragg, braggis, boast, boasting.
Braid, broad.
Braid, breid, bread.
Brede, breed.
Brek, breach.
Brek, separate.
Breke, break.
Brethir, brothers, brethren.
Breve, brief.
Brig, bridge.
Brocht, brought.
Brod, board.
Broillie, disturbance.
Browen, brewed.
Bruikit, enjoyed.
Bruited, reported.
Bruittis, bruytis, reports.
Bruke, bruik, enjoy.
Brunt, brynt, burned.
Bucheowris, bowcheouris, butchers.
Buddis, buds, blossoms.
Buddis, bribes.
Buffatis, blows.
Buikis, books.
Buirdeit, boarded.
Buist, buistis, box, chest.
Buist, (for browst,) brewing.
Burding, bourding, jesting.
Burn his bill, make recantation.
Burstit, burst.
But, without.
Buttis, bootis, butts.
Byding, staying, waiting.
Bylle, bill.
Byrunne, bypast, bygone.
Byrse, bristle, used metaphorically for the beard.
Cagots, an unfortunate race of people in the Pyrenees, included by French writers among the Races maudÎtes.
Cair, care.
Cairtis, cards.
Cais, case.
Cald, cold.
Calsay, causeway.
Cammoise, canvas, coarse linen.
Camped, encamped.
Campionnes, champions.
Cannabie, canopy.
Carcageis, carcasses.
Cartit, carted, exposed as a malefactor.
Carvit, carved.
Cassin, cassein, cast.
Cassit, set aside.
Cauldness, coldness.
Cautioner, surety.
Cayr, care.
Ceis, ceissit, cease, ceased.
Censement, judgment, opinion.
Certane (a), certain number.
Certes, truly, of a truth.
Chalmer-cheild, valet-de-chambre.
Chayre (open), pulpit, public place.
Cheaf, sheaf.
Cheinzies, chains.
Cheise, cheisit, choose, choosed.
Chymlay, grate, chimney.
Claw-backs, flatterers.
Clengeit, acquitted, cleansed.
Cleything, cloathing.
Clois, close.
Cloiss, court, narrow lane, inclosure.
Clud, cloud.
Cockle, a weed abounding chiefly in corn-fields.
Coft, bought.
Cohort, exhort.
Cold, could.
Collationat, collated, examined word by word.
Colourit, pretended, apparent.
Commend, a benefice in commendam.
Commendatar, Commendator, who enjoys the rents of an Abbacy or other Benefice.
Commoun, common.
Community, commonality.
Companyounis, companions.
Compeir, appear.
Compone, agree.
Compt, comptis, account, accounts.
Comptit, reckoned, accounted.
Conjured, sworn.
Consaif, conceive.
Consignit, consigned, safely deposited.
Consuetude, custom.
Contraryes, opposers, contradictors.
Contynew, continue.
Convenit, convened, assembled, met together.
Conveyit, conveyed.
Conzie-house, the coining or mint-house.
Conzied, coined.
Cope, covering.
Corse, corpse.
Coule, cowll, a cowl or cap.
Coup, cowp, cup.
Cowhuby, cowherd.
Cowpit up, turned upside down.
Craftis, craftsmen.
Craig, craggis, rock, rocks.
Craig, throat.
Crazit, infirm.
Creatit, created.
Creillis, crealles, panniers, or wicker-baskets.
Crock, a kind of musket.
Croppin, crept.
Crown of the Sun, a gold coin of the valve of 18s.
Cullorit, pretended, coloured.
Cullroun, silly fellow.
Culveringis, firelocks.
Cumed, cumit, come, proceeded.
Cummer, trouble.
Cunning, skilful, knowing.
Cunzie to be cunzeit, money to be coined.
Cursing, excommunication.
Dadding, beating, knocking.
Dagg, a pistol.
Dagged, shot thickly.
Dalye, daily.
Dampne, damne, condemn.
Dantoun, intimidate.
Darnell, a common weed.
Debtful, due, indebted.
Debtfully, duly.
Decernit, adjudged, decreed.
Decoir, decorate.
Decreyt, decree.
Decydit, decided.
Deid, death;
deid, died.
Deidis, deeds, or doings.
Delatioun, accusation.
Delaytit, delatit, accused, summoned.
Demanit, ill used.
Denude, resign, take away.
Depesche, depeches, dispatch, dispatches.
Deponar, deponent.
Deposed, laid down.
Deprehended, taken, apprehended.
Derthing, dearth, scarcity.
Desone, dozen.
Desparat, desperate, hopeless.
Desyres, desires.
Dettis, debts.
Devulgatt, divulged.
Dey, die.
Dictament, dictation.
Dicton, a motto, inscription.
Din, noise.
Ding, defeat, drive, overcome.
Disaguisit, disguised.
Dispite, grudge.
Dispone, dispose.
Dissait, deceit.
Disseased, died, deceased.
Divagatioun, wandering.
Divulgat, divulged.
Dochtir, dowchter, daughter.
Domage, damage.
Dome, domme, dumb.
Dome, doom.
Dong, dung, driven, beat down;
doung back, driven back.
Dontibouris.—Dr. Jamieson explains this, probably courtezans.
Dortour, a sleeping place or dormitory.
Dote, dowry.
Dotit, dotted, endowed.
Doun-thring, pull down, oppress.
Doutis, doubts.
Doutit, doubted.
Dow (can), can effect.
Dowbill, double, copy.
Draw-brig, draw-bridge.
Drawin, drawn.
Dreddouris, fears, terrors.
Dress, manage, prepare.
Dressit, addressed.
Dryft of tyme, lapse of time.
Duck, Duke.
Duiris, duris, durris, doors.
Dule-wead, mourning-garments.
Dytit, dictated.
Dytement, dittay, indictment.
Dyke, wall, fence.
Effauld, anefald, honest, sincere.
Effayres, affairs.
Effectuous, effectual.
Effeiris, concerns.
Effeiris (as), as accords.
Effray, confusion, fear.
Effrayit, afraid, frightened.
Eftir, after.
Eik, eikit, add, added.
Eik (an), an addition.
Eikand, adding.
Eird, erd, earth.
Eirdit, buried.
Eirdly, earthly.
Eis, eyis, eyes.
Eit, eat.
Ellis, ells, already, also.
Embassade, embassage.
Eme, uncle, kinsman.
Emonge, emongis, among, amongst.
Empeach, empesch, oppose, hinder.
Empreasonment, imprisonment.
Ensenzie, standard, banner.
Enteress, interest.
Entres, entrance, access.
Ere, before.
Erst, already.
Eschape, escape.
Eschaipit, escaped.
Escheitts, escheats.
Eschewit, avoided.
Esperance, hope, expectation.
Espye, perceive, to behold.
Espyellis, spies.
Estaitis, estates.
Estimett, esteemed.
Evangell, Gospel.
Evinly, fair, honest, equal.
Ewest, towards, nearest.
Exerce, exercise.
Exonerit, cleared, acquitted.
Expone, expose, explain.
Exprimit, exprymit, expressed, mentioned.
Extingeise, extinguish.
Extrye, axle-tree.
Fader, father.
Fais, foes.
Falcone, a cannon.
Falsett, falsehood.
Fand, found.
Fard, ardour, violence.
Farder, further.
Fashous, troublesome.
Fassoun, fashion.
Faught, fawght, fought.
Feads, feuds.
Feallis, dependants.
Fecht, ficht, fight.
Feir, fere, foiris, fear, fears.
Fenzie, feign.
Fenzeit, feigned, dissembled.
Ferd, feird, fourth.
Ferses, pageants.
Fertour, a little chest, or coffer.
Fest, fast.
Figowreis, figures, types.
Flambis, flammes, flames.
Fleyed, frightened.
Flingaris, dancers.
Flyrt and flyre, mock and deride.
Fole, foal.
Foranent, over-against.
Forbearis, ancestors.
Forder, promote, further, set forward.
Forespake, foirspak, foretold.
Forgeit, forged.
Forgett, forgotten.
Forgevance, forgiveness.
Forrow, foray.
Forsamekill, for as much.
Forsuith, truly, indeed, verily.
Foryett, forget, forgot.
Foursum, some four.
Fowsee, fowsees, foss, ditches.
Frack, bold, resolute;
maid frack, made ready, prepared.
Fracklie, stoutly, boldly.
Fray, fright, panic.
Frear, friar.
Freisit, frozen.
Fruct, fructis, fruit, fruits.
Fuillis, fools.
Fule, fool.
Fulische, foolish.
Furiouris, scouts, also a foraging party.
Fute, futt, foot.
Fye, fie, fee.
Fylit, guilty.
Ga, go.
Gadder, gather.
Gaitt, street, or way.
Galayis, gallayis, galleys.
Gamound, gawmound, gambol.
Gang, gangand, went, going.
Gangand against, complaining of, opposing.
Gangis, goes, or leads to.
Garneyshed, adorned, garrisoned.
Gar, gart, made, compelled, caused.
Garreson, garrison.
Gat, got.
Gawfe, burst of laughter.
Gear, wealth, possessions.
Gefe, geve, gif, gave.
Gernall, girnall, granary.
Gett, bastard.
Gevin, gives.
Gif, if.
Gin, if.
Glister, lustre.
Gloudouris, in a state of ill humour.
Glowming, frowning.
Gluffis, gloves.
Goddis woundis, a profane oath.
Gois, goes.
Good-night, to take farewell.
Gracis, graces.
Graith, harness, wares, furniture.
Grandschir, grandfather.
Greis, degrees.
Greit, salute.
Greit, greitting, weep, weeping.
Greitness, grandeur.
Greitomlie, greatly.
Grit, great.
Gude, guidis, good, goods.
Gudlie, conveniently.
Guitchir, grandfather by the mother's side.
Gyrth, sanctuary.
Habilitie, ability, capacity.
Hable, able, qualified.
Hackquebote, haquebute, hagbut, a kind of short musket.
Haif, have.
Haill, hoill, whole.
Hailsome, wholesome.
Haillely, wholly.
Haistyet, made haste.
Hait, haitterent, hatred.
Haldin, held, detained.
Halse, throat.
Hame, home.
Hamesuckin, a law term for beating or assaulting a person within his own house.
Happit, hoppid, leaped, skipped.
Hard, heard.
Hard-heidis, name of a small coin.
Harle, drag, draw.
Havand, having.
Hecht, promised.
Hechtis, vows.
Heich, high.
Heichar, higher.
Heid, head.
Heiranent, therein.
Heirfoir, therefore.
Helas, alace.
Helsumness, wholesomeness, health.
Helvetia, Switzerland.
Herbrie, harbour.
Herschip, hereschipe, depredation, a plundering expedition.
Hes, has.
Hie, he.
Hie, high.
Hie-gate, high-street.
Hingis, hangs.
Hipoticary, apothecary.
Hoggish, harsh, swinish.
Hoise, hose.
Hole, holesum, whole, wholesome.
Holy, hollie, wholly.
Homlock, hemlock.
Hoore, whore.
Hoppeit, leaped.
Horne, put to the horn, denounced a rebel.
Hot, heat.
Humill, humilly, humble, humbly.
Ilk, every.
Illuster, illustrious.
Impesch, hinder, prevent.
Impyre, bear rule, govern.
Incertaine, uncertain.
Inch, small isle, or island.
Incke, ink.
Incontinent, forthwith.
Incredulitie, unbelief.
Increse, increase.
Induration, hardness.
Indurat, indureit, hardened, impenitent.
Induring, during.
Inemitie, enmity.
Inflamb, inflame.
Inflambed, inflammed, inflamed.
Ingrait, ungrateful.
Ingynis, ingenuity.
Inbabill, unable, disable.
Inlaik, inlake, deficient, want, absence.
Inquiett, disquiet.
Insamekill, insomuch.
Insew, ensue.
Intrappit, insnared.
Intromittit, intrometted, meddled with.
Intrused, intruded.
Irons (prenting), instruments for coining.
Ische, the act of coming out, passing forth.
Jacks, quilted garments for defence, coat-of-mail.
Jackmen, armed followers.
Jefwellis, knaves, or a contemptuous expression, equivalent to "jailbird," derived from javel, jeffell, jail or prison.
Joiss, joyse, enjoy.
Jouk, stoop down.
Jow the bell, toll the bell.
Joyousite, pleasure.
Justifieing to the dead, executed, put to death.
Keching, kitchen.
Ken, know.
Kendillit, kendilled, kindled.
Kennand, inticing, directing.
Kepid, kept.
Ketterelles, base fellows.
Kirk, church.
Knapped, struck.
Knapscall, a covering for the head, a head-piece.
Knaw, know.
Knawlegand, knowing.
Knycht, knight.
Kow, cow.
Kyn, kindred, kin.
Kystis, chests.
Kythed, shown, exhibited.
Lack, laik, want.
Laif, loaf.
Laik, want, deficiency.
Laird, (sometimes written Lord,) a landholder, under the degree of a Knight.
Lakeing, lacking, wanting.
Lang, long.
Langis, towards.
Lapp up, leaped up.
Lap in, leaped in.
Lappit, wrapped up, enclosed.
Lassour, leisure.
Latt, forbear.
Lauchfull, lawful.
Lave, leave.
Lawis, laws.
Lawly, lawlie, lowly.
Lefull, leichfull, lawful.
Leif, leave.
Leif, as leif, willing.
Leill, true, honest.
Leis, lyes.
Leisingis, falsehoods.
Lentron, time of Lent.
Leprouse, lepers, afflicted with leprosy.
Less-age, non-age, under-age.
Lestand, lasting.
Lestit, lasted.
Lesum, lawful.
Lettin down, let down.
Levand, living.
Levely, lively.
Lever, rather.
Levis, lives.
Leving, living.
Leyaris, liars.
Lichtness, levity, merriment.
Lifting, exacting, levying.
Limmis, limbs.
Lippin, depend, rely upon.
Lois, loss.
Loppin, leapt.
Lothesomness, very loath, unwillingness.
Loup, leap.
Loveabill, laudable, allowable, lawful.
Lovittis, beloved.
Lowsitt, loosed.
Ludgeit, lodged.
Lufe, luif, love
Luifsome, lovely.
Luifer, lover.
Luik, look.
Luiking, looking.
Lyck, lyked, lick, licked.
Lycour, liquor.
Lyek, lyik, lycke, like.
Lyeff, lyff, life.
Lymmaris, an opprobrious term, vagabonds.
Lyne, lain.
Lytill, little.
Mack, maik, make.
Maid, made.
Maikis, makes.
Maill, rent, duty.
Mair, more.
Makand, making.
Malhure, malleure, misfortune.
Mallapert, arrogant, presumptuous.
Man, maun, must.
Manassingis, menaings, threatenings.
Mank, deficient, imperfect.
Manrent (bond of), engagement of a vassal to his superior.
Marcat-croce, market-cross.
Mark, merk, a silver coin of the value of 13s. 4d. Scotish money, or 1s. 11/3d. sterling.
Marmouset, a little monkey.
Marrow, mate, fellow, companion.
Matynes, matins, morning prayers.
Meary, mearely, merry, merrily.
Meddill, middle.
Mekle, meikle, much.
Mell, meddle.
Mensworn, perjured.
Ment, meant.
Menzie, crowd of followers.
Met, measure.
Metar, meeter, more proper.
Minister, administer.
Minstrel, musician.
Minzeonis, minions.
Mirk, dark.
Mister, myster, need.
Mo, more.
Moder, mother.
Moist, most.
Mon, must.
Monifould, manifold.
Mony, many.
Morn, next day.
Morrion, a steel cap or helmet.
Mote, may, might.
Movit, moved.
Moyen, interest, power.
Mummeris, jesters.
Murmour, regret, murmur.
Myddis, midst.
Mylnes, mills.
Mynded, proposed.
Mynt, aim at, essay.
Na, no.
Nakit, naked.
Namit, named.
Narrest, nearest.
Naturall, disposition, affection.
Ne, nor.
Nellis, fists.
Nevelling, blows with the fists.
Ney, nigh.
Nocht, not.
Nor, than.
Notour, notorious, well known.
Noumer, number.
Nowther, nor, neither.
Nuik, corner.
Nune, noon.
Nuriss, nurse, also nourish.
Nychtbour, neighbour.
Nychtis, nights.
Obleyst, obliged.
Oblissand, obliging.
Oblisse, oblige.
Of befoir, frequently, oft before.
Officiaris, officers.
Ofter, often.
Ones, once.
Onless, unless.
Ony, any.
Oppin, open.
Oppinit, opened.
Oppone, opponeing, oppose, opposing.
Or, before.
Oraison, oration.
Outher, either.
Oulk, week.
Oure, owre, over.
Over-thorte, across.
Owerluikit, overlooked.
Owerquhelm, overwhelm.
Pacocke, peacock.
Paip, Pope.
Palycanis, pavilions.
Palzeoun, pavilion.
Pane, pains, labour.
Pannel, a criminal, or person impeached.
Pareiss, parish.
Parochinaris, parishioners.
Parson, person.
Pasche, Easter.
Pasche-evin, Easter-eve.
Pasementit, laced.
Patrocinye, patronage.
Patron, skipper, master of a vessel.
Pauckis, cunning, sly practices, artifice.
Paynis, pains.
Peir, pier, equal.
Peregryne, stranger, foreigner.
Phrenesy, insanity, phrenzy.
Pickis, pikes.
Pik, pitch.
Placeboes, parasites, applauders.
Plack, a small coin, the third of a penny sterling.
Plaiges, pledges, hostages.
Platt, plan or model.
Platt, plot.
Playnit, complained.
Pleinyeing, complaining.
Plenzeit, complained.
Pleuch, plough.
Pock, polkis, bag, bags.
Policy, polity, form of government.
Pollicie, device.
Portis, posts, gates.
Pose, poise, hoard, money in store.
Posted, postit, sent, communicated.
Postis, messengers.
Pottingar, apothecary.
Poulder, powder.
Practick, practises.
Praysit, praised.
Prease, press.
Preassit, attempted.
Prechouris, preachers.
Preichit, preached.
Preif, proof.
Presoneris, prisoners.
Prevented, preceded, going before.
Princes, princess.
Proclamit, proclaimed.
Proctours, procurators, proxies.
Proiffit, proved.
Promittis, engages, promises.
Proporte, purport.
Propyne, offering.
Propyned, gift presented.
Provents, revenues.
Provyd, providing.
Puir, pure, poor.
Puneist, punist, punished.
Pynouris, workmen, pioneers.
Quatt, quit, relinquish.
Querrel, quarrel, cause, interest.
Quhair, where.
Quhairas, whereas.
Quhais, quhois, whose.
Quhame, whom.
Quharintill, wherein.
Quhat, what.
Quhidder, whither.
Quhilk, which.
Quhill, until.
Quhilum, sometimes, deceased.
Quhow, how.
Quhynger, hanger, a short broa
Quick, living.
Quitclaimis, absolves, renounces.
Raccompt, account.
Raid, foray, border excursion.
Raid, rode.
Rainzeis, reins.
Raiss, rose.
Rakeless, rash.
Rapper, rapier.
Rasit, raised.
Rawishe, ravish.
Rayd, rode, or expedition.
Reacomteris, rencounters.
Rebellours, rebels.
Reciproce, reciprocal.
Recklessnes, rashness.
Reclamit, proclaimed.
Recule, recoil, fall back.
Reculling, falling back.
Red, read.
Rede, advice, counsel.
Reft, ravaged.
Refusand, refusing.
Regardand, regarding.
Regentrie, regency.
Regiment, government.
Reid, rode.
Reif, ravage, theft.
Reifeit, plundered.
Remanent, remainder.
Remeid, remedy.
Remit, remission.
Repugn, impugn.
Resett, receive, harbour.
Resolute, consonant, agreeable to.
Ressait, receipt.
Ressavit, received.
Retearis, retires.
Revocalit, recalled.
Rewill, rule.
Rewyne, ruin.
Reyll, reel, stagger.
Ring, reign.
Rive, tear, rend.
Roose, praise, commend.
Roundit, whispered.
Roung, reigned.
Rowme, place.
Rowpit, cracked.
Rubberie, robbery.
Ruit, root.
Ruse, boast.
Rycht, right.
Rynnis, runs.
Ryped, searched.
Ryvar, ryvere, river.
Ryve, tear.
Sa, so.
Saccage, spoil or pillage.
Sacrate, consecrated.
Sackless, guiltless.
Sacklesslie, innocently, without guile.
Saddest, very sad, or melancholy.
Sair, sore.
Sait, throne.
Salfgard, safeguard.
Sall, shall.
Saltable, open to assault.
Samin, same.
Sanctis, saints.
Sark, shirt.
Saule, saulis, soul, souls.
Sawin, sown.
Scabruslie, doubtfully.
Scaillis, scaling-ladders.
Schaike, shake.
Schavellings, a term of contempt applied to Churchmen having their heads shaved.
Schaw, schawis, show, shows.
Schawin, shown.
Scho, she.
Schone, shoes.
Schopped, chopped, struck.
Schot, shot.
Schote, schuitt, shoot.
Schuik, shook.
Schybaldis, scybaldis, mean, worthless fellows.
Schyftis, shifts.
Sclait, sclaittis, slate, slates.
Scouparis, skippers, dancers.
Scrippit, mocked, derided.
Seallie, sely, silly, helpless.
Secritar, secretary.
Seidgit, besieged.
Seik, sick.
Seill, seillis, seal, seals.
Semblabile, like.
Sen, then, thereafter.
Sen, sensyne, since.
Send, sent.
Senzie, synod, assembly.
Serk, shirt.
Sers, search.
Servitouris, servants, attendants.
Sew, saw, sow, disperse.
Sey, sea.
Seym, seem.
Schir, sir.
Schored, threatened.
Schort space, for a small way.
Schyris, shires, counties.
Sic, sick, such.
Sicht, sight.
Sicklyke, also.
Side, signifies long, when applied to wearing apparel.
Sindered, parted, separated.
Singular, single.
Skaill, disperse, separate.
Skair, fright.
Skairse, scarce.
Skaith, harm, prejudice, hurt, damage.
Skaithless, blameless, harmless.
Skarslie, sparingly.
Skeife, powerful, well provided? probably from skaff, food, provision.
Skooft, mocked, scoft.
Skrimpled, scorched.
Skruiff, applied to money that is both thin and base.
Slap, slop, breach or broken.
Slepand, sleeping.
Slockened, quenched.
Slogorne, war-cry.
Smaikis, mean, pusillanimous fellows.
Smored, smothered.
Smote, blot or stain.
Smyrk, smile.
Snapparis, stumbles.
Sned, pruned, lopped off.
Snouttis, heads, beaks of vessels.
Socht, sought.
Soldartis, soldiers.
Solempn, solemn.
Solempnizat, solemnized.
Solist, solicitous, careful, eager.
Solistaris, solicitors.
Soliste, solicite.
Somer, summer.
Sone, soon.
Sone, sun.
Sonnar, sonner, sooner.
Sowmis, soumeis, sums.
Sowp, souppit, sup, supped.
Sowped, souppit, swept.
Sowtar, shoemaker.
Spack, spake.
Spanes, Spanish.
Sparsit, sparsed, spread abroad, circulated.
Speirit, asked, inquired.
Speris, spears.
Splentis, armour for the legs.
Sponk, spark.
Spreat, Spreit, the Holy Spirit.
Spulzie, spoils.
Spulzeit, spuilzeid, spoiled, plundered.
Spune, horn-spoon.
Spurtill, a wooden stick used for stirring pottage when boiling.
Stableis, establish.
Stabillis, stables.
Stall, stole.
Stammered, staggered, or thrown down.
Stane, stainis, stone, stones.
Stark, strong.
Stark money, good coin.
Stay, hindrance.
Steik, shut.
Steikand, shutting.
Steir thair taills, bestir themselves.
Sticked, run through.
Stogged, stabbed.
Stoir, store.
Stoole, stuill, pulpit.
Stope, hindrance.
Stowth, theft.
Stracking saill, shortening sail.
Strakis, straikis, blows.
Strang, strong.
Strowit, covered, strewed.
Stryck, strike.
Strykin—the field was strykin, fought, the battle was fought.
Sturt, disturbance, grief, trouble.
Styff (haldeth), holdeth fast.
Stylit, stiled, designed.
Sua, so.
Subdittis, subjects.
Subscryve, subscribe.
Subscrivit, subscryving, subscribed, subscribing.
Suddartis, soldiers.
Sueir, swear.
Suir, sure.
Suld, should.
Sum, some.
Sumquhat, somewhat.
Suppostis, followers, adherents.
Surfett, surface.
Suyttis, suytit, suits, solicited.
Suyting, soliciting.
Swash, a drum.
Sweard, sweardis, sword, swords.
Swongeoris, <