Have you been trying very hard to think of something else that you can make for Mother? I wonder if she has a Stocking Bag? If not, you could easily make her one of these, couldn’t you, and I know she would like to have one, especially if she has several little boys and girls to mend stockings for. If you make her a lovely big bag like the one in the picture, she will be able to keep all the stockings that need mending together, and will know exactly where to find them when mending day comes round. photo of bag This Bag will hold a lot of stockings. It will be best to make the bag of a material that will wash nicely. A good strong Holland or Crash would be very suitable. You will want a strip of material about a yard long and fifteen inches wide to make a good-sized bag. pattern THE ORCHID DESIGN FOR THE BAG. The pretty little flowers across the bag are worked in cross-stitch, and you have an enlarged diagram of the design which you will be able to count the crosses from. Use “Bright-eye” embroidery thread for working the flowers. A purple thread would look pretty, but perhaps you know another colour that Mother is very fond of, and would like to use that. You must work the designs before you make up the bag. Fold the strip of material in half and tack a strip of Penelope Canvas across about four inches up from the fold. Directions for working cross-stitch over Penelope Canvas are given on page 27, in case you want to know how this is done. row of orchids worked A ROW OF ORCHIDS WORKED ON CANVAS. How to make up a bag, too, was described on page 11, and you can make this one in exactly the same way. You will notice that this one has a cord threaded through rings outside of the bag instead of through a runner at the top though, and if you like this way better you can sew twelve white bone rings at equal distances apart round the outside of the bag just at the |