butterfly pattern THE BUTTERFLY DESIGN FOR COUNTING THE CROSSES. This cushion case can be made of white Hardanger Canvas and embroidered with J. & J. Baldwin’s Beehive Shetland Wool in a blue shade, but you must first make a little calico case and stuff it with bran, then the embroidered case can be taken off and cleaned when it gets dirty. Cut two squares of calico 4½ inches wide each way, run them together along three of the sides then turn the little square bag you have made inside out, and stuff it with bran. When you have put in as much bran as you can possibly manage to squeeze into the bag, turn the edges of the open side in and oversew them together. Now cut two squares of canvas the same size as you cut the two calico squares, for the case. The butterfly and the border are worked in cross-stitch. This stitch was described on page 26. photo of square pincushion with butterfly in the center, checkerboard trim and loops at the corners The Cord gives the Pincushion a pretty finish. Make your first row of crosses 8 To get the butterfly right in the centre of the square, count the crosses on the design and place the centre cross of the butterfly even with the centre cross of the border each way. Now sew your two squares of canvas together along three of the edges on the wrong side, taking a seam of four threads of canvas. Turn on to the right side, pull the case over the stuffed cushion, and oversew the edges of the fourth side together. Little girl sewing for and dressing her dollies Finish the cushion with blue cord, making a loop at each corner; the cord should be hemmed on along the seam all round. The oversewn seam can be opened a little way and the ends of the cord tucked in and sewn securely to make a neat finish. Three-quarters of a yard of cord will be sufficient to go round the cushion. This little butterfly would also look very pretty on a cushion for Dolly’s chair or couch, and you could make the cushion in exactly the same way as the pincushion, only you would not need to stuff it so full, but leave it loose and soft for Dolly’s head. Or, if you can knit, you could knit her a woollen bedspread, using J. & J. Baldwin’s 4-ply Beehive Fingering. Knit it in plain garter stitch, the length and width you require. Then work a cross-stitch border all round, and the butterfly in the centre. It is easy to work cross-stitch on plain knitting. |