Knitting | 14, 16, 20, 23, 30, 34, 49, Printed for the Proprietors of “The Girl’s Own Paper & Woman’s Magazine,” by Curtis & Beamish, Ltd. Coventry, England. THE HOME ART SERIES By FLORA KLICKMANN, Editor of the “GIRL’S OWN PAPER & WOMAN’S MAGAZINE.” ——————————— FOURTH EDITION. BEAUTIFUL CROCHET ON HOUSEHOLD LINEN Showing Table Cloths, Toilet Covers, Curtain Tops, Towel Ends, Sideboard Cloths, Tea Cosies, Dressing Table Runners and other items. 120 Pages, fully illustrated. 2/- net (by Inland Post 2/4). “This attractive manual is issued under the able editorship of Miss Flora Klickmann the well-known authority on Knitting and Crochet.”—The Queen “A profusely illustrated and practical up-to-date guide.”—London Teacher ——————————————— THE HOME ART BOOR OF FANCY STITCHERY Eighth Edition. With New Ideas for applying Crochet to Lingerie & Napery, Bead-work and Fancy Stitches for Dress Trimmings, Feather-Stitching, Smocking, Hardanger Work, Darned Filet Crochet, Knitting, MacramÉ Work, Darned Net, Cross-Stitch, Irish Crochet, Embroidery on Flannel. 263 Designs. 2/- net (by Inland Post 2/4). “It is thoroughly practical and will be welcomed by all women who delight in the craft of the needle.”—The Lady “A practical little book.”—The Birmingham Post “A most useful manual of fancy work. An extremely valuable addition to the needle-woman’s equipment.”—The Queen ——————————————— THE HOME ART CROCHET BOOK ———— FOURTEENTH EDITION. ———— Containing Entirely New Designs for Lingerie, Edgings and Insertions, Borders for Tray Cloths and D’oilys, Deep Laces for Table Cloths, and Valances, Motifs for Inlet Work and Irish Lace. 149 Designs. Demy 8vo, 2/- net (by Inland Post, 2/4). “It is a book which will be of the greatest interest to needlewomen. Many of the designs are extremely handsome, the advanced worker being as well catered for as those who are not so skilful.”—The Lady ————————————————————————————— PUBLISHED AT 4, BOUVERIE STREET, LONDON, E.C. 4. Either of the above Books will be sent, by the Publishers, anywhere in the United Kingdom, post free, on receipt of postal order for 2/4.
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 “It’s dood for me” Fry’s PURE BREAKFAST Cocoa This bonny little chap is a FRY’S COCOA boy, plump and strong, with rosy cheeks: sunny, healthy, mischievous, full of life and energy. ——————— Have you any little “pale faces” at home? Build them up with FRY’S. Transcriber’s Notes: Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Varied hyphenation was retained. Page 11, “Richlieu” changed to “Richelieu” (Richelieu openwork) Page 28, “occured” changed to “occurred” (may not have occurred) Page 43, repeated word “for” removed from text. Original read (apparent need for for it) Page 58, “opportuities” changed to “opportunities” (such unique opportunities) Page 106, “crepÊ-de-chine” changed to “crÊpe-de-chine” (crÊpe-de-chine for blouses, rest) Page 113, index, “BrassiÈre” changed to “Brassiere” to match text usage (Brassiere, The) |