SOUPS | | Page | Asparagus | 22 | Spinach | 23 | Crab Jumbo | 23 | Tomato | 24 | Vegetable | 25 | Chestnut | 26 | Peanut Butter Broth | 27 | Invalids | 27 | Peanut | 28 | French Oyster | 29 | Mock Oyster | 29 | Split Pea | 30 | Black Bean | 31 | Carrot | 31 | Veal | 32 | FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. | Boiled White Fish | 35 | Virginia Fried Oyster | 36 | Creamed Lobster | 37 | Salmon Croquettes | 37 | Royal Salt Mackerel | 39 | Shrimp Wriggle | 40 | MEATS, POULTRY, ETC. | Baked Ham | 42 | Chop Suey | 41 | Veal Kidney Stew | 41 | Daube | 43 and 62 | Roast Duck | 46 | Veal Loaf | 47 | Ducks | 48 | Blanquette of Veal | 49 | Spitine | 50 | Risotti a la Milanaise | 50 | Liver Dumplings | 51 | A Baked Ham | 52 | Belgian Hare | 53 | Pepper Pot | 53 | Delicious Mexican Dish | 54 | Hungarian Goulash | 54 | Stewed Chicken | 55 | Chicken Pot Pie | 55 | Anti's Favorite Hash | 56 | Giblets and Rice | 57 | Savory Lamb Stew | 58 | Squab Casserole | 59 | Cheap Cuts of Beefsteak | 61 | Chicken Croquettes | 63 | Liver a la Creole | 63 | 157 Suet Pudding | 157 | Cottage Fruit Pudding | 158 | Prune Souffle | 158 | Plum Pudding | 159 | Lemon Cream | 160 | Lemon Hard Sauce | 161 | Corn Pudding | 161 | Raw Carrot Pudding | 161 | SANDWICH RECIPES | Hawaiian | 165 | Chocolate | 165 | Caramel | 165 | Fruit | 165 | Cucumber | 166 | Anchor Canapes | 166 | Sardine | 166 | Filling | 167 | Apple Sandwich | 167 | SALADS, SALAD DRESSINGS | Pear Salad | 168 | Potato Salad | 168 | Codfish Salad | 169 | Swedish Wreathes | 169 | Bean Salad | 170 | Hot Slaw | 171 | Creole Salad | 171 | Colored Salads | 172 | Colored Salads | 173 | Orange Salad | 173 | Tomato Aspic | 174 | Suffrage Salad Dressing | 174 | Cucumber Aspic | 175 | Mayonnaise Dressing Boiled | 175 | Mayonnaise Dressing Without Oil | 176 | French Dressing | 177 | Alabama Dressing | 177 | Cooked Salad Dressing | 178 | Caviare Salad Dressing | 179 | MEAT AND FISH SAUCES | Bechamel Sauce | 180 | Hot Meat Sauce | 180 | Gravy for Warmed Meats | 181 | Horseradish Sauce | 181 | EGGS | Pain d'Oeufs | 184 | Bread Crumbs and Omelette | 185 | Egg Patties | 185 | Florentine Egg in Casseroles | 186 | Cheese Souffle | 186 | Oyster Omelette |
Indigestion is the end of love.
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