(Titles set in small capital letters indicate full-page illustrations.) PORTRAITS. | PAGE | Abt, Franz | 602 | Adam, Adolphe | 751 | Albrecht, V. | 4 | Allegri, Gregorio | 141 | Auber | 653 | Auber, medallion | 664 | Bach, J. S. | 161 | Bach, J. S. | 175 | Bach, Emanuel | 583 | Balakireff | 852 | Balfe | 885 | Beethoven | 307 | Beethoven, silhouette | 311 | Beethoven, miniature | 312 | Beethoven, by Gatteux | 317 | Beethoven, pencil portrait | 318 | Beethoven, by Schimon | 319 | Beethoven, by Stieler | 321 | Bellini | 67 | Bennett | 881 | Berlioz | 673 | Berlioz, by Signol | 681 | Berlioz in his later years | 683 | Berlioz, by HÜssener | 685 | Berton | 745 | Bizet | 697 | Boieldieu | 633 | Boito | 107 | Borodin | 853 | Brahms, by Brasch | 503 | Brahms in early youth | 505 | Brahms, by Weger | 509 | Brahms, by Luckhardt | 511 | Bruch | 519 | Bruch from wood-engraving | 520 | BÜlow, Hans von | 605 | Cherubini | 91 | Cherubini, by Quenedey | 95 | Cherubini, by Ingres | 105 | Chopin | 757 | Chopin, by Duval | 761 | Chopin, by Winterhalter | 765 | Chopin, bas-relief | 769 | Cimarosa, Domenico | 148 | Colbran, Isabella Angela | 55 | Corelli, Arcangelo | 152 | Cornelius, Peter | 603 | Cramer, Johann Baptist | 590 | Cui, CÉsar | 847 | D'Alayrac | 741 | David, FÉlicien | 753 | Donizetti | 75 | Donizetti | 77 | Dussek, Johann Ludwig | 588 | DvorÁk | 779 | Field | 877 | Flotow, Friedrich von | 600 | Franz | 463 | Franz, by Weger | 465 | Franz | 469 | Frescobaldi, Girolamo | 151 | Gade | 837 | Gade | 839 | Geyer, Ludwig | 535 | Glinka | 785 | Glinka in his 39th year | 787 | Gluck, by Duplessis | 217 | Gluck, by Duplessis | 223 | Gluck, pencil portrait | 227 | Gluck, by Aug. de St. Aubin | 241 | Goldmark | 515 | Gounod, by Nadar | 717 | Gounod in his 41st year | 723 | Gounod in his Study | 729 | Graun, Karl Heinrich | 579 | GrÉtry | 623 | GrÉtry, by VigÉe Lebrun | 630 | Grieg | 831 | HalÉvy | 665 | Handel | 193 | Handel's Father | 199 | Handel, by Houbraken | 203 | Handel, by Mad. Clement | 207 | Hassler, Hans Leo | 571 | Hauptmann, Moritz | 598 | Haydn | 243 | Haydn, by Anton Graff | 249 | Haydn, silhouette | 255 | Haydn, miniature | 257 | Haydn in his 49th year | 263 | Hensel, William | 423 | HÉrold | 645 | HÉrold, medallion | 652 | Hiller, Ferdinand | 593 | Hummel, Johann N. | 589 | Jadassohn, Salomon | 597 | Joachim | 863 | Lachner, Franz | 596 | Lasso | 1 | Lasso, in "Penitential Psalms" | 6 | Lasso | 7 | Lesueur | 743 | Liszt | 811 | Liszt in his 13th year | 815 | Liszt in his 30th year | 821 | Liszt in his 75th year | 821 | Lortzing, Albert | 599 | Lully | 609 | Lully, by Bonnart | 611 | Lully | 613 | Mackenzie | 903 | Marcello, Benedetto | 145 | Marschner | 409 | Martini, Padre | 146 | Mascagni, Pietro | 159 | Massenet | 711 | Massenet in his Study | 713 | MÉhul | 639 | MÉhul | 640 | MÉhul | 641 | Mendelssohn | 415 | Mendelssohn's father | 419 | Mendelssohn's mother | 420 | Mendelssohn, Fanny | 421 | Mendelssohn's wife | 422 | Mendelssohn on his death-bed | 424 | Mendelssohn in his 12th year | 428 | Mendelssohn in his 26th year | 431 | Meyerbeer | 471 | Meyerbeer in his eighth year | 475 | Meyerbeer, from wood-cut | 479 | Monte, Philip de | 23 | Moszkowski | 858 | Mozart | 267 | Mozart in his sixth year | 272 | Mozart in his ninth year | 272 | Mozart in his tenth year | 273 | Mozart in his 14th year | 273 | Mozart, Maria Anna | 277 | Mozart's wife | 280 | Mozart Family, by Carmontelle | 281 | Mozart family, by de la Croce | 283 | Mozart, last portrait of | 293 | Mozart, profile portrait | 297 | Offenbach | 754 | Paderewski | 859 | Paganini | 679 | Paine, John Knowles | 931 | Paisiello, Giovanni | 147 | Palestrina, by BÖttcher | 25 | Palestrina | 27 | Palestrina, by Schnorr | 29 | Parry | 899 | Pergolese | 44 | Philidor | 739 | Piccini, Nicola | 229 | PrÉs, Josquin des | 17 | Purcell | 871 | Raff | 497 | Rameau | 615 | Rameau, by Nesle | 617 | Rameau, by Bellinger | 618 | Reber | 752 | Reichardt, Johann F | 581 | Reinecke, Carl | 594 | Rheinberger | 525 | Rheinberger, by LÜtzel | 527 | Rimsky-Korsakoff | 854 | Rore, Cyprian de | 20 | Rossini | 49 | Rossini in Middle Life | 53 | Rossini in his 36th year | 54 | Rossini, by DuprÉ | 57 | Rossini on his Death-Bed | 59 | Rossini, medallion | 65 | Rubinstein | 791 | Rubinstein, by Downey | 793 | Rubinstein, silhouette | 795 | Saint-SaËns | 703 | Saint-SaËns, by Raschkow | 705 | Scarlatti, A. | 37 | Scarlatti, A., by SolimÈne | 38 | Scarlatti, Domenico | 150 | Schubert | 349 | SchÜtz, Heinrich | 575 | Schulz, Johann Peter | 591 | Schumann | 437 | Schumann in his 21st year | 442 | Schumann, Clara, by Weger | 443 | Schumann, Robert and Clara | 445 | Schumann, Robert and Clara, by Kaiser | 453 | Schumann, Clara, by HanfstÄngl | 457 | Schumann, Robert and Clara, relief medallion | 461 | Senfl, Ludwig | 570 | Seroff | 851 | Sgambati | 111 | Smithson, Miss | 677 | Spohr, by Schlick | 375 | Spohr, by W. Pfaff | 379 | Spontini | 83 | Spontini, by Vincent | 84 | Spontini, by Jean GuÉrin | 85 | Stanford | 907 | Strauss, Johann (senior) | 489 | Strauss, Johann (junior) | 487 | Strauss, Joseph | 491 | Strauss, Richard | 604 | Sullivan | 891 | Sullivan | 893 | SuppÉ, Franz von | 601 | Svendsen | 862 | Swelinck | 22 | Tartini, Guiseppe | 153 | Tausig, Carl | 857 | Thomas, Ambroise | 691 | Thomas, Ambroise | 695 | TschaÏkowsky, by Sarony | 803 | TschaÏkowsky, by Shapiro | 805 | Verdi | 115 | Verdi, by Deblois | 121 | Volkmann, Friedrich Robert | 595 | Wagner's gondolier, Trevisan | 544 | Wagner, by Krauss | 531 | Wagner's mother | 536 | Wagner, by Herkomer | 559 | Wagner | 545 | Wagner | 551 | Wagner from family group | 555 | Weber, Aloysia, and Jos. Lange | 279 | Weber, Constanze | 280 | Weber | 387 | Weber in his 24th year | 393 | Weber, by T. Minasi | 395 | Willaert, Adrian | 19 | Zelter, Carl Friedrich | 591 | CARICATURES.
FAC-SIMILE MANUSCRIPTS. Auber, music | 661 | Auber, letter | 662 | Bach, music | 182 | Bach, poem | 192 | Balfe, letter | 889 | Balfe, music | 890 | Beethoven's creed | 329 | Beethoven, music | 336 | Bellini, letter | 73 | Bellini, music | 74 | Bizet, music | 702 | Boieldieu, music | 637 | Brahms, music and letter | 506 | Bruch, music | 521 | Cherubini, music | 106 | Chopin, music | 775 | Donizetti, music | 774 | DvorÁk, music | 81 | Franz, music and letter | 467 | Gade, music and letter | 841 | Gade, musical autograph | 842 | Gluck, music and letter | 233 | Gounod, music | 727 | GrÉtry, music | 629 | Grieg, music | 836 | HalÉvy, music | 669 | Handel, music | 211 | Haydn, music | 261 | HÉrold, music and letter | 651 | Liszt, music and letter | 825 | Marschner, letter | 411 | Marschner, music | 413 | Massenet, music | 716 | MÉhul, music | 643 | Mendelssohn, letter | 425 | Mendelssohn, music | 426 | Meyerbeer, music and letter | 483 | Mozart, letter | 290 | Mozart, music | 292 | Pergolese, music | 47 | Purcell, music | 873 | Raff, letter | 499 | Raff, music | 501 | Rameau, music | 621 | Rheinberger, music | 529 | Rossini, music | 61 | Rubinstein, letter | 797 | Rubinstein, music | 800 | Saint-SaËns, music | 707 | Scarlatti, music | 40 | Schubert, music | 361 | Schubert, letter | 371 | Schumann, Clara, letter | 449 | Schumann, letter | 449 | Schumann, music | 450 | Schumann, music | 462 | Sgambati, music and letter | 113 | Spohr, letter | 377 | Spohr, music | 383 | Spontini, music and letter | 87 | Strauss (junior), music | 493 | Strauss (senior), music | 493 | Sullivan, music | 895 | Thomas, Ambroise, music | 693 | TschaÏkowsky, music | 807 | Verdi, music | 125 | Verdi, letter | 132 | Wagner, letter | 547 | Wagner, music | 548 | Wagner, humorous composition | 561 | Weber, letter | 401 | Weber, music | 407 | BIRTHPLACES AND RESIDENCES. Auber's residence | 658 | Bach's birthplace | 167 | Beethoven's birthplace | 310 | Beethoven, house where he died | 323 | Gluck's birthplace | 221 | Gounod's residence | 725 | GrÉtry's Hermitage | 627 | Grieg's country house | 833 | Handel's house | 201 | Haydn's birthplace | 247 | Mendelssohn's birthplace | 418 | Mendelssohn's residence | 435 | Mozart's birthplace | 274 | Mozart's residence in Vienna | 287 | Mozart, house where he died | 289 | Palestrina's birthplace | 32 | Schubert's birthplace | 353 | Schumann's birthplace | 441 | Verdi's birthplace | 119 | Verdi's residence | 123 | Wagner's birthplace | 534 | Wagner's residence, Villa Triebschen | 537 | Wagner's residence at Bayreuth | 538 | Wagner's residence at Venice | 541 | Weber's birthplace | 391 | MONUMENTS, STATUES, BUSTS, AND TOMBS. Auber, bust | 656 | Auber's tomb | 659 | Bach, statue | 169 | Bach, monument | 185 | Balfe, tablet | 887 | Beethoven's tomb | 325 | Beethoven, Monument in Vienna | 332 | Beethoven, Monument in Vienna | 339 | Beethoven, bust | 341 | Beethoven, monument in Bonn | 345 | Beethoven, Mozart, and Schubert, Tombs of | 365 | Bellini, monument | 69 | Bellini, bust | 70 | Bellini's tomb | 71 | Bizet's tomb | 699 | Boieldieu, bust | 634 | Boieldieu's tomb | 635 | Cherubini, monument | 99 | Cherubini's tomb | 101 | Cherubini, bust | 103 | Chopin's tomb | 773 | Donizetti, monument | 79 | Donizetti, bust | 80 | Glinka, bust | 789 | Gluck's grave | 231 | Gluck, statue | 237 | Gluck, Monument | 239 | GrÉtry's tomb | 626 | GrÉtry's Memorial Chapel | 627 | HalÉvy's Tomb | 668 | Handel, monument in Halle | 197 | Handel, statue in Vauxhall Gardens | 205 | Handel, bust | 209 | Handel, statue, Paris Opera House | 213 | Haydn, bust | 251 | Haydn, monument | 253 | Haydn's grave | 259 | HÉrold, bust | 647 | HÉrold's Tomb | 649 | Lasso, statue in Munich | 5 | Mendelssohn, bust | 433 | Meyerbeer, bust | 477 | Meyerbeer, family tomb | 481 | Mozart, statue | 285 | Mozart, Monument in Vienna | 291 | Mozart, Monument in Salzburg | 299 | Mozart, Monument in Vienna | 301 | Purcell, memorial tablet | 875 | Rameau, statue | 619 | Schubert, Monument | 363 | Schubert's Tomb | 367 | Schumann, monument | 447 | Spontini, bust | 88 | Verdi, bust | 127 | Wagner, bust | 563 | Weber, monument | 399 | MISCELLANEOUS. Animated Forge movement | 566 | Auber's Piano | 657 | Bach and Family | 171 | Bach before Frederick | 181 | Bayreuth Hill and Theatre | 540 | Beethoven and Mozart | 313 | Beethoven's Death Mask | 327 | Beethoven's Life Mask | 327 | Beethoven leading quartet | 315 | Beethoven's Studio | 322 | Berlin Opera House | 585 | Conservatory of Music at Leipsic | 593 | Frescos in Vienna Opera House. | | from "Armide" | 242 | " "Barber of Seville" | 66 | " "Creation" | 266 | " "Fidelio" | 348 | " the "Huguenots" | 486 | " "Jessonda" | 386 | " Mozart's operas | 306 | " Schubert's "Domestic War" | 374 | " the "Water Carrier" | 91 | Garden of Harmony | 737 | Gewandhaus Concert Hall in Leipsic | 607 | Gounod directing | 732 | GrÉtry's Clavichord | 625 | GrÉtry crossing the Styx | 632 | Guidonian hand | 137 | Handel Commemoration | 215 | Handel's harpsichord | 216 | Hannibal, Scene from | 576 | Huguenots, billboard | 484 | Liszt's library and music room | 818 | Liszt's organ room | 819 | Liszt Playing to His Friends | 817 | Memorial Chapel, GrÉtry | 627 | Mendelssohn's hand | 436 | Mozart's ear | 295 | Mozart's first composition | 270 | Mozart's piano and spinet | 276 | Mozart, room where he was born | 275 | Old Market Square, Dresden | 397 | Opera House, Paris | 749 | Palazzo Vendramin | 543 | PanthÉon Musical | 755 | PanthÉon of German Musicians | 567 | Pergolese medal by Mercandetti | 45 | Pergolese commemorative medal | 48 | Rossini's clay pipe | 60 | Salzburg | 271 | Schubert and His Friends | 357 | Spontini's Piano | 90 | Strauss (junior) leading orchestra | 496 | St. Thomas's School | 177 | Syntagma Musicum, Title-page of | 572 | Triumph of Rameau | 622 | Vienna Opera House | 606 | Wagner and Friends at Bayreuth | 557 | Wagner's studio | 539 | Weber Leading Opera | 405 | Weber's coat-of-arms | 408 | ORLANDO LASSO Reproduction of an engraving by C. Debluis, after an old German print in the "Cabinet des estampes" in Paris. It bears the inscription, "Orlandus Lassus, musicus excellens."
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