Accountancy. See Business Education
Adapting course of study, 95-97, 202, 244, 480, 572
Adler, Felix, 323, 325
Æsthetic aim, in teaching, 52, 92;
in music, 470
Aims, in teaching, 48-51;
modified for different students, 54;
in organization of knowledge, 65;
in teaching biology, 88-94;
in teaching mathematics, 172;
in physical education, 184-190;
in teaching economics, 217-220;
in teaching American history, 218;
in teaching political science, 282-287;
in teaching philosophy, 304;
in teaching ethics, 320-328;
in teaching psychology, 337;
in teaching English literature, 380-384, 422-423;
in teaching classics, 405;
in teaching Romance languages, 426-427;
in teaching music, 460-462, 467;
of art instruction, 478;
in teaching engineering subjects, 508-511;
in teaching mechanical drawing, 525-527;
in business education, 559.
See Civic, Disciplinary, Utilitarian
Allen, J. T., 411
Angell, J. B., 30
Application of knowledge, 72
Art, 475-497
Art instruction, 475
Athletics. See Physical education
Author's life, in literary study, 385
Biological basis of education, 85-87, 94, 364
Biology, 85-109
Brown, E. E., 358
Brown University, 5
Business education, 555-577
Butler, N. M., 30, 404
Calkins, Mary W., 339
Canby, H. S., 42
Case method, in political science, 292;
in philosophy, 316;
in ethics, 329;
in psychology, 338-340;
in commercial law, 572-573
Cattell, J. M., 30
Chemistry, 108-125
Chronological viewpoint in history, 257
Citizenship, training for, 282
Civic aim in economics, 219
Classics, 404-423;
in Colonial colleges, 5-6;
status in college teaching, 404;
through the vernacular, 418;
through ancient authors, 421
Coeducation, 18-21
College teaching, why ineffective, 46-48
Collegiate Institute, 4
Colonial period, 3
Columbia University, 5, 8
Commercial education. See Business education
Commercial law, 571-572
Committee on standards of American universities, 42
Comparisons in teaching, 70
Composition and journalism, 546
Composition teaching, status of, 390.
See English
Correlation, 70, 151, 156-157, 297, 295-297, 314
Course of study, 477, 481-485, 486-490;
in biology, 95-98;
logical and psychological, 103;
in chemistry, 111;
in physics, 134-137, 138-139;
in geology, 153-156, 158;
in hygiene and physical training, 206;
in economics, 225;
in sociology, 244-246;
determined by community, 246;
in American history, 259-262;
in European history, 269-276;
in political science, 280-281;
in philosophy, 312-314;
in education, 353;
in English literature, 386;
in classics, 410;
in Romance languages, 431-436;
in German, 442-453;
in engineering, 502-504;
in mechanical drawing, 526-530;
in business education, 559-567
Cultural aim, 220, 336, 348, 382-384
Dartmouth College Case and college development, 8-9
Democracy, 259
Descriptive geometry, 530
Design in engineering, 517
Development method, 73, 75-76
See Recitation
Dewey, J., 362-364
Dexter, E. G., 30, 355
Differentiated courses, 504-508
Direct method, 444
Disciplinary aim, 51-52;
in physics, 126-127;
in geology, 143-150;
in history, 264;
in psychology, 336;
in education, 349;
in literature, 382-384;
in Romance languages, 424;
in music, 467-468
Draper, A. S., 30
Duggan, S. P., 353
Economic viewpoint in history, 257
Economics, 58, 217-240
Education as college subject, 347-376
Educational and instructional aim, 50-51
Elective system, 11-14
Elementary language courses as college courses, 426
Eliot, Charles W., 11
Emotional reaction in literature, 384
Engineering subjects, 501-524
English, teaching of, 49, 379-388, 389-403.
See Composition, Literature
Equipment for art instruction, 490
Ethics, 320-333
Evening session for business education, 573
Examination, 80. See Tests
Experimental work in psychology, 342.
See Laboratory method
Expressional limitations of college students, 545
Field work, 254, 298, 517
Finance, teaching of. See Business education
Flexner, A., 30, 42
Foster, W. T., 30
Functional aspect in teaching, 292
Geology, 142-160
German, 440-453
German influence on American college, 14
Gradation of subject matter, 56, 387
Graduate schools, 14-15
Graves, 353
Habits, 91, 199.
See Aims, Disciplinary aim
Handschin, C. H., 42
Harper, W. R., 30
Hart, 355
Harvard, 3
Health instruction, 197.
See Physical education
Heuristic method. See Development method, Recitation
High school preparation, in physical education, 190;
in music, 469, 485
History, of American college, 3;
of college mathematics, 167;
of sociology, 241;
of music as college subject, 357;
of teaching of journalism, 533-539;
of business education in the college, 555-557
Holliday, C., 42
Horne, H. H., 36, 42
Illustrations, 243
Immigration and status of English teaching, 394
Informal aim in teaching, 51
Informal examination, 308
Introductory course, in ethics, 328;
in political science, 288, 298;
in philosophy, 307, 315;
in psychology, 334;
in mechanical drawing, 527-528
Jefferson and founding of American college, 7
Johns Hopkins University, 32
Journalism as college subject, 24, 533-554
Junior college, 26-27
King's College, 5
Kingsley, C. D., 18-21.
See Coeducation
World War, effect on curriculum, 183
Yale, 4
A review of the factors and problems connected with the learning and teaching of modern languages with an analysis of the various methods which may be adopted in order to obtain satisfactory results.