href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@40410@40410-h@40410-h-3.htm.html#Page_55" class="pginternal">55, 60, 68, 91, 114, 133, 146, 214, 217, 239, 242; portraits of, 5-6; Fairy Tales, 26-27; described by Mrs. Gamp, 27-28; as an actor, 28; remuneration, 28; death, 28; bust by Adams, 28. Daily News, 99, 182. Daly, Augustin, 37, 38. Dalziel Brothers, 137, 167, 198, 201, 212. Dalziel, E. G., 221. Darley, F. O. C, 223-224, 231; pictures by, 223. Devonshire Terrace, Regent's Park, 246. Dexter, J. F., 85, 86, 89, 93, 98, 100, 108, 111, 112, 141, 229. "Dickens and Punch," 174. Dickens, Charles, portraits of, 5-6, 56, 74, 168, 220, 221, 225, 236, 237, 238, 247. Dickens, Frederick, 44, 45. Dickens, Kate, 205 (and see "Kate Perugini"). Dickens, Lieut. Sydney, 178. Dickens, Mrs. Charles, 44, 45, 191. Dickleburgh, 121. Dicksee, H., 244. Dobson, Austin, 15. Dolly Varden, notes on portraits by W. P. Frith, R.A., 246-247. Doyle, J. ("H. B."), 149. Doyle, R., 137, 32, 38. Highgate Cemetery, 116, 179. "History of Punch," 149. Hodder, G., 15. Hogarth, Miss G., 100, 168, 216. "Holiday Romance," designs by F. Barnard, 222; by Sir J. Gilbert and G. G. White, 224. "Holly Tree Inn, The," picture by Eleanor E. Manly, 245. Hood, Tom, 113, 140. "Hook and Eye" Club, The, 6. Hook, Theodore, 32. Houghton, A. Boyd, 220. Household Words, 23, 26, 189. Hove, 117. Hughes, W. R., 247. "Hunted Down," designs by F. Barnard, 222; by M. Greiffenhagen, 226. Hunter, E., 245. Hunt, Holman, 148. Hunt, Leigh, 32, 107, 150. Hyde Park Place, 206, 208, 211, 216. Illustrated London News, 224, 240. Irving, Washington, 220. Islington, 31, 35, 38. "Is She His Wife?" design by F. W. Pailthorpe, 236. Italy, 162, 182. "Jack Ketch," 33. Jackson, John, 4, 36, 41, 48, 54, 56. Jackson, Mason, 60. "Jacob Parallel," 236, 241-242. "Jack Straw's Castle," Hampstead, 162. Jerrold, Blanchard, 24. Jerrold, Douglas, 140, 153. Jodrell, Rev. Sir E. R., 168. Kate Nickleby, notes on the portraits by W. P. Frith, R.A., 246-247. Keeley, Robert, 142. Kennington, 113. Kensal Green, 28. "Ketch Papers, The," 33. Knight (engraver), 85, 100. Knight, Admiral Sir John, 114. Knight,
i>Spielmann, M. H., 60, 77, 149, 210, 222. "Squib Annual, The," 43. St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, 199. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 138. St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, 150, 155. St. James's Theatre, 73, 191. St. James's, Westminster, 20, 21. St. Martin's Lane, 63. St. Nighton's Keive, near Tintagel, 168. St. Paul's Cathedral, 28, 181. Stanfield, C., R.A., 137, 150, 153-160, 168, 173, 219; presents from Dickens, 155, 157, 159; drawing of S.S. Britannia, 158; Eddystone Lighthouse, act drop, 159; nicknames, 159; death, 160; Dickens's tribute, 160. Stanfield, F., 156, 159. Stanfield, G., 160. Staple Inn, 212. Steer, H. R., 246. Stewart, Lawson, 246. Stone, F., A.R.A., 137, 158, 173, 175-179, 192, 194, 195, 203, 237-238, 247; as an actor, 178; Mrs. Gamp's description of, 178; nicknames, 178; his portrait of Lieut. Sydney Dickens, 178; death, 179; pictures, 246. Stone, Marcus, R.A., 113, 175, 177, 192-203, 204, 215; his first design for Dickens, 195; his drawings for "Our Mutual Friend," 195-201; the prototype of Mr. Venus, 199-200; private theatricals, 203. "Strange Gentleman, The," 73; designs by H. K. Browne, REFERENCES TO THE PRINCIPAL WORKS 81-86, 127-133, 169, 202. Designs by HablÔt K. Browne, 85-86, 230; by George Cattermole, 127-133; by Frederick Barnard, 222; by Absolon and Corbeaux, 228; by C. B. Bracewell, 229; by E. Richardson, 236; by T. Sibson, 237; Anon., 239. Pictures by E. Bundy, 243; by R. W. Buss, 55, 243; by W. F. Frith, R.A. 244, 246-247; by C. Green, 245; by E. Hanley, 245; by F. W. Topham, 190, 246. (and see "Master Humphrey's Clock"). "Bleak House," 106-109, 193. Designs by H. K. Browne, 106-109; by F. Barnard, 222. Pictures by C. Green, 245; by E. Hunter, 245. "David Copperfield," 102-106, 207, 208. Designs by H. K. Browne, 102-106; by F. Barnard, 222; by Phil May, 226. Picture by R. H. Nibbs, 245. "Dombey and Son," 90-101, 170. Unpublished designs by R. W. Buss, 55; designs by H. K. Browne, 90-101, 230; by F. Barnard, 222; by W. L. Sheppard, 222. Pictures by H. K. Browne, 99; by W. H. Bartlett, 243; by C. Green, 245; by J. Hamilton, 245, 248; by C. W. Nicholls, 245; by K. Perugini, 245; by A. J. Raemaker (sculpture), 246; by H. R. Steer, 246. "Little Dorrit," 109-111, 160. Designs by H. K. Browne, 109-111; by M. Stone, R.A. 195, 201; by J. Mahoney (Household edition), 221; by W. P. Frith, R.A., 244, 247. Pictures by W. P. Frith, R.A., 244; by W. Gale, 244; by C. Green, 245. "Martin Chuzzlewit," 86-90. Designs by H. K. Browne, 86-90; by F. Stone, A.R.A., 179; by F. Barnard, 222; by C. H. Wall, 238. Picture by C. Green, 245. "Master Humphrey's Clock," 79-86, 239-240. Designs by H. K. Browne, 79-86; by G. Cattermole, 122-134, 162; by D. Maclise, R.A., 162; by F. Barnard, 222; by "Brush," 230-231; by "Jacob Parallel," 236, 241-242; by T. Sibson, 237; by T. C. W., 238 (and see "The Old Curiosity Shop" and "Barnaby Rudge"). "Mystery of Edwin Drood, The," 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209-216, 225. C. A. Collins's design for wrapper, 205; designs by L. Fildes, R.A., 208-217. "Nicholas Nickleby," 74-78, 168, 180. Designs by H. K. Browne, 76-78; by F. Stone, A.R.A., 178-179, 237-238; by T. Webster, R.A., 220; by F. Barnard, 222; by C. S. Reinhart, 222; by Sir John Gilbert, R.A., 232; by K. Meadows, 233-234, 241; by T. Onwhyn, 235, 242; by W. Taylor, 238;> Anon., 239. Pictures by W. P. Frith, R.A., 244, 246-247; by C. Green, 245; by H. R. Steer, 246; by F. Stone, A.R.A., 178-179, 246; by T. Webster, R.A., 220, 246. "Old Curiosity Shop, The," 80-81, 123-127; Designs by H. K. Browne, 80-81, 85, 221, 229-230; by G. Cattermole, 123-127, 133; by D. Maclise, R.A., 162; by C. Green, 221; by T. Worth, 222; by W. Maddox and H. Warren, 233; by K. Meadows, 234; by "Stylus," 238; Anon., 239; Water-colour drawings by H. K. Browne, 86. Pictures by G. Cattermole, 134, 243; by W. A. Atkinson, 243; by H. Dicksee, 244; by W. M. Egley, 244; by F. E. Elwell (sculpture), 244; by F. Graham, 244; by C. Green, 245; by Mrs. McIan, 245; by F. Morgan, 245; by M. S. Pickett, 245; by K. Perugini, 245; by H. R. Steer, 246; by L. Stewart, 246; by F. W. Topham, 190, 246 (and see "Master Humphrey's Clock"). "Oliver Twist," 9-24, 60. Designs by G. Cruikshank, 9-24; sale of original drawings, 13; water-colour replicas, 13; Edition de luxe, 13; The Cancelled Plate, 16-17, 22; Cruikshank's Account of the Origin of the Story, 17-24. Designs by H. K. Browne, 119; by J. Mahoney (Household edition), 221; by F. W. Pailthorpe, 236; Anon., 239. "Our Mutual Friend," 148, 192, 195-201, 204. Designs by A. B. Houghton, 220; by J. Mahoney (Household edition), 221. Pictures by J. H. Ross, 246. "Pickwick Papers, The," 29, 32-45, 47, 48, 49-54, 58-61, 139, 182, 211, 213, 240. Designs by R. Seymour, 36-37, 41, 50, 64; by R. W. Buss, 50-54, 62, 64, 242; by J. Leech, 60, 139; by H. K. Browne, 62-73, 229; by C. R. Leslie, R.A., 219, 220; by T. Nast, 222; by A. B. Frost, 223; by E. J. Wheeler, 226; by C. Coveny, 231; by "Crowquill," 231, 242; by A. Dulcken, 231-232; by Sir John Gilbert, R.A., 232, 241; by W. Heath, 233; by T. Onwhyn, 234-235; by H. M. Paget, 235; by F. W. Pailthorpe, 235-236; by T. Sibson, 237; by "Stylus," 238; by W. C. W., 239; Anon., 239. Pictures by C. Green, 245; by C. R. Leslie, R.A., 200, 245. "Sketches by Boz," 3-9, 23, 24, 32, 46, 60, 73. Designs by G. Cruikshank, 3-9, 54; by H. K. Browne, 118-119; by F. Barnard, 222; by A. B. Frost, 222. Picture by F. Barnard, 243. "Tale of Two Cities, A," 111-113, 192. Designs by H. K. Browne, 112-113; by M. Stone, R.A., 202; by F. Barnard, 222; by J. McLenan, 223. Pictures by F. Barnard, 243; by H. Wallis, 246. THE END Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London TRANSCRIBER NOTES: Missing punctuation has been added and obvious punctuation errors have been corrected. Archaic words and alternate spellings have been retained with the exception of those noted below. Page 13: "Syke's" changed to "Sykes's" for spelling consistentcy (Sykes's farewell to his dog). Page 67: "especally" changed to "especially" (the original designs, especially if he saw an opportunity for improving them.) Page 73: "than" changed to "that" (It was under such distressing conditions that in 1873-74 he executed a commision). Page 81 and 88: "apropos" changed to "Àpropos" for consistentcy ("Phiz" was often Àpropos) and (sly touches of humour peculiarly Àpropos of the principal theme.) Page 136: "encourged" changed to "encouraged" (Its extraordinary popularity encouraged him to prepare a similar story). |