Actors, Hints to, concerning their Health, 96
Ale, 11, 144
——Stale ditto, how to make fresh, 11
Abernethy, Mr., quoted, 9, 41, 49, 102, 159, 178, 238
Abstinence, cheapest Cure for Intemperance, 159
Athletic weight, what, 59
Air, on the change of, 8
——Do. Note at foot of, 66
——Stagnant, Dr. Struve’s Obs. on, 114
——General Obs. on change of, &c., 119
——not always advisable, 121
Animal Food, 10
Alcohol, proportion of, in Wines, Brandy, Gin, &c., 138
——Dr. Philips’s Obs. on, 145
Arbuthnot, Dr., quoted, 1, 19
——Obs. on Mastication, 250
Anxiety of Mind, Evils arising from, 85 to 87
——Do. Sir John Sinclair on, Note to, 86
——Do. Dr. Whytt, do., 86
——Do. Sir Thomas Barnard, do., 86
——Do. Dr. Colton, do., 86
Appetite, to refresh, 163
——Three Sorts of, in Note to, 163
——Varieties of, 169
——Montaigne’s Obs. on, 200
Aperients, what the best, 215
——what they ought to do, 219
——Lord Bacon’s Obs, 219
——Mr. Locke’s do., 221
——Dr. Hamilton’s do., 221
——best time to introduce them to the Stomach, 235
——for Children, 237
Astringents, 232
Bacon, Lord, his Obs. on Aperients, 219
——on Food for those whose Teeth are defective, 263
Barclay, Captain, quoted, 3, 7
——his Diet during his extraordinary walk, 13
Balsamum VitÆ, 97
Brown, Dr., his Obs. on the Materia Medica, &c., 5
Bath, tepid, 126
Brain, the two ways of fertilizing, 68
Bed Room, 90
——Curtains, 91
Bed, best, 91
——ventilated, 92
——Do. in hot weather, 92
——A Fire in, 93
——Clothes, 103
——Ditto, ditto, in cold weather, 104
Beef, 10, 22, 31
——eaters preferred to Sheep-biters, 29
——Tea, how to make, 96, 182
——a good Tonic, 182
——on the digestibility of, 177
——Obs. on, by Bryan Robinson. By the Editor. By Mr. Astley Cooper, 177
Beer, 11, 23, 28, 144
Breakfast, 20
——Do. of Beef Tea recommended after hard drinking, 161
——of Queen Elizabeth, A.D. 1550, 184
——of a Washerwoman in A.D. 1821, 184
Bread, Liquid, 144
——Crust of, wonderful virtues of, 169
Broils, 26
Broths, in what degree nutritive, 30
——excellent Mutton, 254
Breath, Rose Jujubes for those who have not a remarkable sweet, 234
Blumenbach on the Pulse, 45
Bowels, constipated, how to regulate, 220
——relaxed, do., 228
Braces, 111
Bons Vivants, hint to, 122
——Do. do., 207 and 208
Brandy, how much it wastes in keeping, 135
——where to buy it, 141
Bilious Attack, 172
——Disorders, 238
Bishop, Essence of, 248
Bouillon, Tablettes de, 179
——Do. how to make, 251
Cadogan, Dr., Address to him quoted, 169
——quoted, 83
Calcavella Wine, 154
Calomel, 242
Cellar, the temperature of a good, 133
——on the management of, 134
Cheyne, Dr., quoted, 87, 216
Corpulency, to reduce, 29, 50, 64
——Authors who have written thereon, 64
——by walking, 62
——by fasting, 62
——by purging, 62
——Panacea for, 125
Customs, 17
——Dr. Armstrong’s Obs. on. Struve’s do., 65
Crabs, 30
Colton, his Obs. on Intemperance, 34
Cornaro, a compendium of his system in his own words, 38
——liked New Wine, 136
Cold Food and Drink, bad for the Dyspeptic and Gouty, 94
Cold, the frequent cause of Palsy, 113
——an easy way to get rid of one, 117
Chronic Disorders, common cause of, 63
——importance of Regimen in, 202
Cooper, Mr. Astley, quoted, 177
Condiments, the excessive use of common, 210
Chimney Sweeping, 81
——Boards, 91
Clothes, 103
——how to adjust them to a nicety, 104
——Disorders arising from change of, 106
——J. Stewart’s Obs. on, 106
——tight and thin very injurious, 110
Coat, 106
——Great one, where to keep, 110
Corks, Obs. on, 134
Cosmetic, 125
Crowdie, 250
CuraÇoa, 141
——how to make, 150
Cucumber, how to eat, 171
Claret, 153
Cheese, 171
Chyle, Dr. Moore’s Obs. on the, 212
——Sir John Sinclair’s do., 213
Cinnamon Lozenges, aperient, 224
——Tincture, 233
————how to make, 244
Cramp in the Stomach, remedy for, 189
Costiveness, habitual, how to cure, 222
——Do. by a Supper or Breakfast, 224
——Do. by Grapes, 224
——Do. fresh or dried Fruits, 224
——Do. Cinnamon or Ginger Lozenges, 224
——Do. Salad Oil, &c., 225
Darwin, Dr., quoted, 178
Diet, a general rule for, 33
——The proportion of Meat to Drink, 57
——Facts relative to, 213
Death, sudden in the night, a common cause of, 193
Digestibility of various Foods, 176
Digestion, the process of, how long about, 176
——Spallanzani’s Obs. thereon, 176
——when it goes on merrily, 203
——how exquisitely perfect in Children, 208
Dinner, 21to 24
——a Ban Yan, 24
——best time for, 179
——Hour of, A.D. 1570, 183
——Dr. Cogan’s Obs. on, 183
——Mr. Warner’s do., 183
——Mr. Pye’s do., 183
——in the Northumberland Household Book for A.D. 1512, 184
——Hour of in 1821, Verses on, 186
——at Night, and Supper in the Morning, 186
Dining out, 114 & 153
——bad effects from, 191
Doors, double, 91
Dogs, 80
Dyspeptic Disorders, the common cause of, 38
——Do., 83
——Persons should have warm Food, 94 & 95
——when extreme, remedy for, 164
——Hint to, 260
Drinkers, three sorts of, Footnote 59
——Thermometer for, 142
——Hints for hard, 162
——Do., 164
Drinking, the Economy of, 144
Diarrhoea, 228
——Rules for those subject to, 230
Eating, good, 172
Ear, instance of a fine one, 47
Edmonds, Mr. the Dentist, 260
Eggs, how nutritive, 30
Ennui, remedy for, 73
Exercise, the indispensable importance of, 8
——Mr. Abernethy on, 9
——Dr. Cheyne, 9
——must be increased, &c., 33
——Neglect of, the great cause of Indigestion, 38
——Obs. on the importance of, 122
——Do. by Cowper, 122
——Do. by Armstrong, 122
——Do. by Dr. Cadogan, 123
——Do. Sir Chas. Scarborough, 123
English Melodies, 233
Epicurism, Dr. Swift’s Obs. on, 185
Eudiometer, 120
Economy of Drinking, 144
Epsom Salt, 217
——the most agreeable way to take it, 218
Essence of Meat, how to obtain, 251
——Oatmeal, 256
Fat, what makes animals, 64
Fasting a day, effect of, 62
——too long, the bad effects of, and how to avoid them, 175, 180, 182
Feasting, intemperate, to remove the disorders arising from, 160
Falconer, Dr. quoted, 25
Fish not so nutritive as Flesh, 29 and 30
——Shell, do., 30
Forty-Winks, a nap of, 23
Forty, a Man at, 199
Food, what easiest of Digestion, 26
——Test of the relative restorative powers of Meat, Poultry, and Fish, 28
——Scale of, do., 28
——Gelatinous, 30
——what most invigorating, 31, 32
——the Editor’s own experience, 31
——how important to Health, &c., 49
——for those whose Teeth are defective, 263
Flannel Waistcoats, 106
Franklin, Dr. his Economical Project, 75
Fashionable Society, disorders of, 83
Fitzgerald, Mr. quoted, 84
Flatulence, the common cause of,
——and how to prevent and remove it, 99, 172, and 175
Feet, when cold, 108
——should be kept very clean, 126
Fire, on the management of a, 113
——plan of lighting, 117
Garters, 111
Goose roasted, how invigorating, 29
——the Latin for it, 171
Grog, the strength of, 89
Gruel, various ways of making and flavouring, 248
——Tryon’s Obs. on, 255
Gin, proportion of Spirit in, 139
Ginger Lozenges, 173
——Aperient, 224
Ginger, Tincture of, how to make,
——preferable and more convenient than the powder, 247
Gourmand’s motto, 262
Gum-bleeders, 264
Hatching, 68
Health, Happiness, and Longevity, Pope’s recipe for, 42
Heat, external, promotes Digestion, 158 and 159
Heartburn, remedy for, 161
Heart, palpitation of, 173
Horizontal Refreshment, 23
Heberden, Dr. his Obs. on Regimen, 198
Hunter, J. on digestibility of dressed and raw Meats, 27
Hunger, 180
Heidelburgh Tun, 131
Hours, early one’s, how Healthful, 74
——late, the bane of the delicate and nervous, 75
Huffeland quoted, 126
Jackson, Mr. teacher of Sparring, 51
Jameson, Dr. quoted, 35
Ice after Dinner, 167
Jones, Sir William, his Andrometer, 215
——Dr. Arbuthnot’s Do., 215
——importance in chronic Complaints, 202
Restorative, Extempore, 206
Ratcliffe, Dr., quoted, 172
Riding, useful to reduce Corpulence, 52
Robinson, Dr. Bryan, extract from his Essay on Food and Discharges, 56
——his own regimen, 58
Rhubarb, tincture of, to make, 217
Rhubarb Pill, recommended by Dr. Pemberton, 220
Rheumatism, remedy for, 265
Ruptures, 112
Relaxed Bowels, 228
——Locke on, 228
——Cheyne on, 229
Salad Oil, remedy for Constipation, 225
Salt, the best Sauce, 210
Sanctorius, the proportion of his Meat to his Drink, 57
Sauces recommended by Dr. Moffet, 208
Siesta, the, 68
——recommended, 94
——Do. by Sanctorius, 101
——Do. Cruickshank, 101
——Do. Dr. Darwin, 102
——Do. Dr. Harwood, 102
——Do. Dr. Adair, 102
——Do. Mr. Abernethy, 102
——Do. Eng. Proverb, 103
——Do. Waller, 103
——Do. Lord Bacon, 103
Semi-Siesta, 23, 101
Senna, tincture of, 217
Second Courses, Obs. on, 167
Scribblefast, Counsellor, his case, 78
Shell Fish, 30
Scudamore, Dr., quoted, 177
Sleep, 12 to 65
——Struve, Dr., Obs. on the importance of, 71
——time required to, 73
——Dr. Cheyne’s remark on, note to, 87
——Exercise, the best source of it, 88
——other means of inviting it, 88
Senses, few people have one perfect, 257
——Mr. Stewart’s division of, into noxious and innocent, 257
Supper, 24
——the best for those who dine late, 24
——Do. for those who dine early, 24
——Obs. on its influence on Sleep, 87
——Obs. on a solid one, 88
Supper, best for the Dyspeptic, 90
——in the Morning, 186
Singers, hints respecting their Health, 96
Stark, his experiments on Diet, 29
——Obs. on the Saliva, 261
Sparring, the exercise of recommended, 52
——weight reduced during an hour, 55
Salads, 167
Soup, THE END.