CUMBERLAND—From the Rev. Canon Thornley and the Rev. J. Sharp-Ostle in Penrith Observer, November 30th, 1897, who give interesting references. - 1—Yan.
- 2—Tyan.
- 3—Tethera.
- 4—Methera.
- 5—Pimp.
- 6—Sethera.
- 7—Lethera.
- 8—Hovera.
- 9—Dovera.
- 10—Dick.
- 11—Yan-a-dick.
- 12—Tyan-a-dick.
- 13—Tethera-a-dick.
- 14—Methera-a-dick.
- 15—Bumfit.
- 16—Yan-a-bumfit.
- 17—Tyan-a-bumfit.
- 18—Tether-a-bumfit.
- 19—Mether-a-bumfit.
- 20—Giggot.
WESTMORLAND—From “A.C.” in Penrith Observer, April 19th, 1898. The present writer remembers trying to learn the list viva voce from a more advanced Lakeland lad. - 1—Yan.
- 2—Tahn.
- 3—Teddera.
- 4—Meddera.
- 5—Pimp.
- 6—Settera.
- 7—Littera.
- 8—Hovera.
- 9—Dovera.
- 10—Dick.
- 11—Yan-dick.
- 12—Tahn-dick.
- 13—Teddera-dick.
- 14—Medder-dick.
- 15—Bumfit.
- 16—Yan-a-bumfit.
- 17—Tahn-a-bumfit.
- 18—Tedder-a-bumfit.
- 19—Medder-a-bumfit.
- 20—Jiggot.
NIDDERDALE—From Mr. Thos. Wilkinson, of Matterdale, with interesting comments. - 1—Yain.
- 2—Tain.
- 3—Eddero.
- 4—Peddero.
- 5—Pitts.
- 6—Tayter.
- 7—Layter.
- 8—Overo.
- 9—Covero.
- 10—Dix.
- 11—Yain-dix.
- 12—Tain-dix.
- 13—Eddero-dix.
- 14—Peddero-dix.
- 15—Bumfit.
- 16—Yain-o-bumfit.
- 17—Tain-o-bumfit.
- 18—Eddero-o-bumfit.
- 19—Peddero-o-bumfit.
- 20—Jiggit.
CONISTON AND DISTRICT—Quoted from the writings of the late Rev. T. Ellwood, M.A. - 1—Yan.
- 2—Taen.
- 3—Tedderte.
- 4—Medderte.
- 5—Pimp.
- 6—Sethera.
- 7—Lethera.
- 8—Hovera.
- 9—Dovera.
- 10—Dik.
- 11—Yan-a-dik.
- 12—Taen-a-dik.
- 13—Tedder-a-dik.
- 14—Medder-a-dik.
- 15—Mimph.
- 16—Yan-a-mimph.
- 17—Taen-a-mimph.
- 18—Tedder-a-mimph.
- 19—Medder-a-mimph.
- 20—Gigget.
THE END. Decoration
“It is always worth while to note down the erratic words or phrases which one meets with in any dialect.”