- Ackland, Sir Thomas, 47.
- Analysis, 68.
- Ancient drawings, 1.
- Antiquity of engraving, 2.
- Apocalypsio sue Historia, 7.
- Art representative, 3.
- Artistic purpose, 68.
- Artistic restoration, 63.
- Arundel, Duke of, 41.
- Assyrian antiquities, 4.
- Audran family, 4.
- Baillie, Captain, 46.
- Baldine, Baccio, 20.
- Bewick, Thomas, 9, 67.
- Biblia Pauperum, 7.
- Block books, 6.
- Botticelli, Sandio, 20.
- Cave dwellings, 1.
- Caxton, William, 26.
- Character, building up of, 52.
- Chinese playing cards, 5.
- Clever contrasts, 53.
- Colour dissection, 64.
- Commercial advantages, 13.
- Comparisons, 12, 13.
- Composition, 52, 53.
- Concise expression, 52.
- Constructive elements, 51.
- Controlling influences, 68.
- Cousins, Samuel, 47.
- Criticism, appreciative, 66.
- Dallaway, 26.
- Dante, 20.
- Degradation of tone, 54.
- Details, combination of, 52.
- Du Maurier, 60.
- Durer, Albert, 8, 21, 24, 40.
- Dutch masters, 67.